The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame II


Not that I'm expecting any of these to be picked but here are a few movies I've watched parts of and turned off because I thought they were, to be nice, not too good ( I don't check off a movie unless I've seen it all the way through):

Marty, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Wild Bunch, Harold and Maude, Goldfinger, Deep Red, Eyes Wide Shut, Dick Tracy, Alphaville, Oliver!, The Sons of Katie Elder, Billy Madison, My Dinner With Andre, Shakespeare in Love, The Birth of a Nation, Bowling for Columbine, Educating Rita. That's about all of them.

And if you're thinking "Boy, HF hasn't seen many *Woody Allen/James Bond/Charlie Chaplin* movies. HF should see more!" you are wrong. If nominated, I'll watch em, sipping on a giant tub of of vodka and prune juice through a very long straw, but watch out for your nom next time around. I'm sure it'll be right up your alley! Just kidding...a little
Btw, you should try The Wild Bunch again at some point.

Not that I'm expecting any of these to be picked but here are a few movies I've watched parts of and turned off because I thought they were, to be nice, not too good ( I don't check off a movie unless I've seen it all the way through):

Harold and Maude
That's a shame. I really enjoyed this one.

I didn't pick anything on that list though or anything from Chaplin/Bond/Allen either so hopefully I made a good choice.

That's a shame. I really enjoyed this one.

I didn't pick anything on that list though or anything from Chaplin/Bond/Allen either so hopefully I made a good choice.
And actually, the one I picked for you in the last HoF, you had previously tried and shut off, and it ended up being your #1.

Btw, you should try The Wild Bunch again at some point.
The Wild Bunch is the only one of those that I've considered giving another chance. Someday. Was gonna dive into it again for the Western Countdown but went with movies I had never seen at all. I hate a lot of really good movies - The Shining, Annie Hall are two of the worst movies ever, imo.

That's a shame. I really enjoyed this one.
Just wasn't feeling it at all. May have been the mood I was in.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Wild Bunch is the only one of those that I've considered giving another chance. Someday. Was gonna dive into it again for the Western Countdown but went with movies I had never seen at all. I hate a lot of really good movies - The Shining, Annie Hall are two of the worst movies ever, imo.

Just wasn't feeling it at all. May have been the mood I was in.
Like a lot of films, ya do need the right mindset going in. Harold & Maude is a favorite for me.
Thanks for the heads up on ones to steer clear of.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I'll decide closer to the deadline. I'm inclined to do this but I still have to watch a few more films from the General HoF till I see if I can handle this.

And I already chose the film for Miss Vicky so, that's half of the work xD
Just seeing if you're in, signups are almost due.

That goes for all of you!

The trick is not minding
I have my selections made. Just waiting to see if any one on the fence will decide so I can send them all at once.
I think I have a better idea of everyone’s taste this go around. Hoping so anyways. Only two who are difficult still are Miss Vicky and Siddon.
I feel I’m about 50-50 on most others.
Feel better about Citizens, Ed’s, Neibas (if he joins), and Cricket’s however.
I just hope I’m not so low this time 🙁

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have my selections made. Just waiting to see if any one on the fence will decide so I can send them all at once.
I think I have a better idea of everyone’s taste this go around. Hoping so anyways. Only two who are difficult still are Miss Vicky and Siddon.
I feel I’m about 50-50 on most others.
Feel better about Citizens, Ed’s, Neibas (if he joins), and Cricket’s however.
Same here, I have everyones movies picked out, but I need to give Siddon's movie choice some more consideration. I'm hoping everyone at least likes my movie choices this time around.

As much as Citizen says he's easy to pick for, I feel like I have the hardest time picking for him. I struggle with Ed too.
I can say that there's a ton of movies I've never checked off, not because I don't want to watch them but because I haven't gotten around to them yet.

The trick is not minding
I liked most of my recommendations last time around. Although I don’t recall who selected what.
Only 3 I didn’t like much were Before Sunrise, The Shop around the Corner, and Road to Perdition.
The last one really surprised me, as I had high expectations for it.
The two romances were smart choices, but didn’t pan out.
Don’t be afraid to select anything for me guys. I meant it when I said I have no limits on films I’ll watch. A though I usually avoid TV movies. And direct to video/dvd films.
But yeah, don’t be afraid to select a silent film, foreign, sci fi, Disney animated, horror, or westerns.
All are equal in my eyes.

I liked most of my recommendations last time around. Although I don’t recall who selected what.
Only 3 I didn’t like much were Before Sunrise, The Shop around the Corner, and Road to Perdition.
The last one really surprised me, as I had high expectations for it.
The two romances were smart choices, but didn’t pan out.
Don’t be afraid to select anything for me guys. I meant it when I said I have no limits on films I’ll watch. A though I usually avoid TV movies. And direct to video/dvd films.
But yeah, don’t be afraid to select a silent film, foreign, sci fi, Disney animated, horror, or westerns.
All are equal in my eyes.
I had a list, and still do, with several possibilities for each member. I picked out yours without hesitation and with total confidence. Last time I picked Rashomon because I thought you should see it. This time I picked something that is right for you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked most of my recommendations last time around. Although I don’t recall who selected what.
Only 3 I didn’t like much were Before Sunrise, The Shop around the Corner, and Road to Perdition.
The last one really surprised me, as I had high expectations for it.
The two romances were smart choices, but didn’t pan out.
Don’t be afraid to select anything for me guys. I meant it when I said I have no limits on films I’ll watch. A though I usually avoid TV movies. And direct to video/dvd films.
But yeah, don’t be afraid to select a silent film, foreign, sci fi, Disney animated, horror, or westerns.
All are equal in my eyes.
I picked The Shot Around the Corner for you, I still can't believe you didn't love it! It's one of Lubitsch's best.

I like what you said about taking any movie recommendations I decided not to say what I like or dislike as I figured you guys can rack your brains and try and figure that out yourselves

The trick is not minding
Rashomon was a great choice! Really enjoyed it, even if it was a little slow to begin.
As for The Shop around the Corner....I didn’t feel any actual chemistry between the leads. Stewart and....hmmm....who was the actress again? 😑 drawing a blank.
Either way, don’t let that dissuade you from picking another romance, especially from that era.

I don't feel at all confident about what I picked out for Thursday, Siddon, or Inmate, but we'll see how it goes. Am anxious but also kind of dreading seeing what ends up getting picked for me.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
As much as Citizen says he's easy to pick for, I feel like I have the hardest time picking for him. I struggle with Ed too.
It was pretty hard to pick for CR. I thought he'd be pretty easy to pick for.
See how it goes this time around.

I think I got myself TOO hyped up for House of Games and was riding pretty high on the ones folks had chosen for prior to watching it.

I think I had more bad picks than good ones last time and got pretty d@mn lucky with you. I think the hardest part was finding a film you DIDN'T see. I do know ONE film I'd like to nominate for you if it doesn't get snatched up by someone else. And if it does I am properly f@cked lol

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I liked most of my recommendations last time around. Although I don’t recall who selected what.
Only 3 I didn’t like much were Before Sunrise, The Shop around the Corner, and Road to Perdition.
The last one really surprised me, as I had high expectations for it.

The two romances were smart choices, but didn’t pan out.
Don’t be afraid to select anything for me guys. I meant it when I said I have no limits on films I’ll watch. A though I usually avoid TV movies. And direct to video/dvd films.
But yeah, don’t be afraid to select a silent film, foreign, sci fi, Disney animated, horror, or westerns.
All are equal in my eyes.
That was a surprise for me as well. I thought I had picked an ideal one for ya.
Looks like you suffered from the same Hightitis Expectationalitis that had with cricket's pick for me.

I actually think that everyone in these personal recommendations HoFs should make a post similar to MV's, or even just a broad likes and dislikes list. The biggest hurdle for someone like me joining is that I don't think I can pick films for everyone, but if I at least knew what genres to go for or to avoid, I'd feel more much confident.

I actually think that everyone in these personal recommendations HoFs should make a post similar to MV's, or even just a broad likes and dislikes list. The biggest hurdle for someone like me joining is that I don't think I can pick films for everyone, but if I at least knew what genres to go for or to avoid, I'd feel more much confident.
From my point of view, picking for me is easy because I want to watch every movie on the lists. From your end, it would depend on how important it is that I like the movie. I discovered long ago here that other members pick for me better than I pick for myself. Sometimes when you aim for a certain type of movie, you can sacrifice quality for content. At least I know that I do, especially since I gravitate towards horror and very dark films. There's a lot of crap out there that fits my taste.