

It must be in my state of Washington. I just read a local news story and it said: "Officials say the outbreak at St. Michael Medical Center in Kitsap County involves hospital staff and employees." I'd say nix to the conspiracy idea, it's more like complacency.

Seems kinda dismissive to say complacency, but I'm sure you know best. For the record, prefacing with "conspiracy cutie" was my attempt to show it was tongue-in-cheek.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Seems kinda dismissive to say complacency, but I'm sure you know best. For the record, prefacing with "conspiracy cutie" was my attempt to show it was tongue-in-cheek.
What else could cause an outbreak of covid among educated hospital staff, but complacency? I'm not suggesting your sister or all the staff is complacent so please don't take it that way. But some of the staff must have let they guard down.

Yeah me too. It's sad because I had hoped to do some more travel, I mean there's so many places I didn't get to visit
You’ll have the rest of your life to travel. Don’t feel sad.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

India's economy records a horrific slump of 23.9 percent in April May June Quarter , the worst performing economy in the world. The recession is due to an ill planned lockdown that was suddenly announced without warning and left workers stranded in places they worked without work or money or means of travel because all travel was banned.

New York City schools are about to re-open with various coronavirus limitations. What I find astounding is that classroom windows will be open no matter the weather. Yes, we have all to come understand the importance of fresh air in these troubled times, but has Mayor de Blasio forgotten how cold an NYC winter can be?

They were doing free drive up tests about 2 blocks from my house so Tuesday my wife went with the dogs. They were home in 25 minutes and she got the results Thursday which were negative. She wants me to go but is there any point if I have no symptoms? I could potentially catch it the day after the test.

They were doing free drive up tests about 2 blocks from my house so Tuesday my wife went with the dogs. They were home in 25 minutes and she got the results Thursday which were negative. She wants me to go but is there any point if I have no symptoms? I could potentially catch it the day after the test.
Yeah, you could catch it on the way home from the test but I guess it provides peace of mind for some. Glad your wife, Rudy and Randy all tested negative btw

They were doing free drive up tests about 2 blocks from my house so Tuesday my wife went with the dogs. They were home in 25 minutes and she got the results Thursday which were negative. She wants me to go but is there any point if I have no symptoms? I could potentially catch it the day after the test.
Do it for your wife. It’s a very small ask.

corona virus is rising

After all these months, finally found a great mask at Family Dollar. $10 for 5 masks, which is reasonable. They’re made in Vietnam so no Chinese junk & they can be bleach-washed, which is great.

Today I went to the supermarket after 6 long months.

I had confined myself to my neighbourhood, relying on the small grocery stores, which aren't always stocked with everything. But they had the basic stuff like rice, wheat flour, biscuits, tea, etc.

I was called to the bank today to renew my FDs, and decided to visit the supermarket.

I am finally going to have cheese, pizza (homemade), cake (bought ingredients for it so will make my usual chocolate sponge cake) and new T-shirts and a new bedsheet after 6 long months.

You ready? You look ready.
That newest GOP aid bill:

It would be funnier if it wasn’t so evil.

“The legislation would provide a series of tax breaks for parents dealing with virtual learning as the virus has shuttered schools in some parts of the country. Parents would be able to use tax-advantaged 529 savings plans for expenses such as books, online materials and licensed tutoring for students. Parents who home school could use the money for educational expenses.”

That’s right. They want you, the responsible forward thinking adult, to rob the coffers of your child’s college education fund. Oh man, I ain’t never seen something so egregious.

That newest GOP aid bill:

It would be funnier if it wasn’t so evil.

“The legislation would provide a series of tax breaks for parents dealing with virtual learning as the virus has shuttered schools in some parts of the country. Parents would be able to use tax-advantaged 529 savings plans for expenses such as books, online materials and licensed tutoring for students. Parents who home school could use the money for educational expenses.”

That’s right. They want you, the responsible forward thinking adult, to rob the coffers of your child’s college education fund. Oh man, I ain’t never seen something so egregious.
I don't know what this is but it sounds like a helpful thing. There are a lot of parents being hit hard financially by the pandemic who need the money for their children, and depending on the age of the children, they may need supervision during the day putting the parents in even more of a bind. Plus wouldn't it mostly be the parents who contributed to the fund in the first place? Many people are having a hard time getting by and some have to resort to desperate measures. This sounds a good deal short of those desperate measures. If there's something wrong with this bill then I'm totally missing it, don't care what party it comes from.

You ready? You look ready.
It just goes to show how they are out of touch. They had months to work out their differences and come up with a package that would actually help people. Instead, they went home and pretended the issue wasn't real. Now people are worse off than they were before and the GOP wants those people to foot part of the bill for the inadequacies of their party.

As laughable as the democrats $3 trillion request was the GOP bill is just a slap to the face. Doesn't actually do anything and it won't pass. It's just so the people who are in risk of losing their seat can vote yes for it and run ad campaigns about how they tried to help but the democrats blocked them.

I weep for both parties. Gangrene has set in and it's time to chop out the rot.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

A system of cells interlinked
I weep for both parties. Gangrene has set in and it's time to chop out the rot.
Is it time for term limits yet, or what?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You ready? You look ready.
@Sedai: For real. The Congressman from my district was in office for the first 30 years of my life, and he royally ****ed things up the whole time he was in office. By the end, he was the head of 5 separate committees and they were each a unique sector of society so that he had more power than any one man should. Most people in the district don’t see it that way and most people outside of it don’t know just how bad it got there at the end. Because it was all closed doors bull****.

Dude left behind a sizeable war chest for the next person. It’s just all insane. Imma shut up now.