Best Picture Hall of Fame Part 2


Trouble with a capital "T"
Midnight Cowboy was a contender for me. Especially since I haven't seen it yet
It doesn't sound at all like something I'd like, but still I'd like to see it anyway just so I could complete my Best Picture List one day. I was hoping someone would've nominated it. Well maybe next time.

Legend in my own mind
Gatting started tomorrow. Will get two done and will start with one that I haven't seen - American beauty. Looking forward to it.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

The trick is not minding
Midnight Cowboy was a contender for me. Especially since I haven't seen it yet
It doesn't sound at all like something I'd like, but still I'd like to see it anyway just so I could complete my Best Picture List one day. I was hoping someone would've nominated it. Well maybe next time.
I had it amongst my possible contenders, since I own it

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I watched The Departed last night and just finished Platoon moments ago. My God that film STILL has such an emotional impact as it did when I saw it in the theater when it came out.
Should have write ups in the next day or so, depending on how bad we get hit with this snowstorm coming through the Midwest tonight and tomorrow and what can of work day it causes me Thursday.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The trick is not minding
I watched The Departed last night and just finished Platoon moments ago. My God that film STILL has such an emotional impact as it did when I saw it in the theater when it came out.
Should have write ups in the next day or so, depending on how bad we get hit with this snowstorm coming through the Midwest tonight and tomorrow and what can of work day it causes me Thursday.
I envy you for being able to watch it in the theatres.
I envy anyone during the 70’s and 80’s really

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I envy you for being able to watch it in the theatres.
I envy anyone during the 70’s and 80’s really
we had spoken of this previously. I feel the same about the generation before me. Wishing I was born in the '50s to experience the craziness of the sixties and especially the music that occurred at that time. MY GOD to be at THOSE concerts, WOW.

I'm sure if it occurs near where you live but there are some movie theaters that dedicate a midnight show or specialty events playing older films. Which is pretty cool. Especially if it is one of the older marques. There's one here that has the old organ and balconies with shows on the weekends. Seen a couple there in the past few years.

Guess I've only seen 3 Best Picture winners in the theater
I’ve only seen one BP winner in theaters, Parasite. It was worth it. I guess you could count two since La La Land was a winner for two minutes there.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I seen only one BP winner, The Godfather when I was in grade school. Though I don't remember watching it I think I was asleep in the back seat of my parents car.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I’ve only seen one BP winner in theaters, Parasite. It was worth it. I guess you could count two since La La Land was a winner for two minutes there.
Can't we just all agree it won?

Legend in my own mind

American beauty (1999)

I had never previously watched this film, as despite the fuss surrounding it at the time it went in to that very small category of films that I just didn't fancy watching and each time I thought about it, I put it off again. I have done it with a few films and realised that I had missed out by not watching them earlier.
I also knew very little about it. I knew the basic premise of an older man fantasizing about a younger girl but that was it really.
So what did I think...?
I loved the feel of the film and the narration in the opening sequence, it really eased me in to to film and set the tone.
I liked the delving into the psyche of the characters and their interaction with one another as well as the personal turmoil that each was dealing with.
I am finding it difficult to sum up my reaction to this film if I am honest. I was engaged and drawn in and it is lingering in my thoughts afterwards, but I am not sure fully how I feel about it.
I was really engaged due to the fact that the outcome of the story is revealed at the beginning of the film but then there are multiple ways in which that outcome could be reached and it kept an air of mystery.
There is however still part of me left thinking, 'is that it?' I wanted more story,
The bit that I had, I enjoyed, but I wanted more, that maybe is indicative of the quality of the film that it left me wanting more.
I am sorry for the messiness of these thoughts, but I can't articulate how I feel.
I can see however, that it is a quality piece of film making with superb acting and an excellent sound track.

I loved the feel of the film and the narration in the opening sequence, it really eased me in to to film and set the tone.
Was the opening sequence the "Look at me, jerking off in the shower... This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here."? I saw the film in the theater and that's what I remember most clearly of it. I'd need to rewatch it myself, too.

Legend in my own mind
Was the opening sequence the "Look at me, jerking off in the shower... This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here."? I saw the film in the theater and that's what I remember most clearly of it. I'd need to rewatch it myself, too.
That is part of it but not the focus of my comment . It starts with a shot from above the town and then it zooms in and he is talking about his boring life and his death.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
First run at the theater, I've seen:
The Sting
Dances With Wolves
The Silence of the Lambs
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

and I did get to see a special run of The Bridge on the River Kwai at the Detroit Art Institute back in the late 90s.

Seen 10 at the movies

Slumdog Millionaire
The Departed
American Beauty
Forrest Gump
Silence of the Lambs
Platoon-me and a friend asked an older guy to buy our tickets because we weren't old enough
Chariots of Fire-with parents
Rocky-with parents

Not that I'm in this HOF, but I've seen five Best Picture winners in the theater:

Gladiator (5 times)
A Beautiful Mind
Chicago (was like $2 a ticket and buy one get one free)
The Departed

Trouble with a capital "T"
Not that I'm in this HOF, but I've seen five Best Picture winners in the theater:

Gladiator (5 times)
A Beautiful Mind
Chicago (was like $2 a ticket and buy one get one free)
The Departed
Chicago? You seen Chicago, wow! You must have gotten the free ticket then?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Seen 10 at the movies

Slumdog Millionaire
The Departed
American Beauty
Forrest Gump
Silence of the Lambs
Platoon-me and a friend asked an older guy to buy our tickets because we weren't old enough
Chariots of Fire-with parents
Rocky-with parents
I think you win! That's a lot.

So, I checked all the Best Pic films I've only seen three. And two was when I was a little kid so don't remember them.

The French Connection
The Godfather