The 19th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
I've seen some of these many times, others only once. I'm most excited for these:

Tombstone (1993) My own nom, I haven't seen it in years, but recently I watched every movie I could find on the gunfight at OK coral. There were a lot of them too, but in my mind this is the best.

Open Range (2003) My parents love westerns and just last week they told me I MUST watch this one. So I guess I will. I love westerns too and Robert Duvall is IMO one of the finest actors working today.

Return to Paradise (1998) Joaquin Phoenix is another actor who IMO is one of the best around. So this might be interesting, though I don't even know what it's about right now.

Cinema Paradiso (1988) I've heard of this one and so it's one of those must see films, at least for me.

The Virgin Spring (1960) I've hated every Bergman film I've seen and strangely that's why I'm glad another was nominated, as maybe I just haven't seen the right Bergman yet.

These are going to be interesting watches for me:

Raging Bull (1980) I only seen this once and reviewed it and didn't care for it. Because of that I will make sure and watch it when I'm in a good mood so maybe my opinion will go up this time.

Angel Face (1953) Same here as Raging Bull...I only seen it once and reviewed it, but didn't care for it. So I will make sure and watch it when I'm in the mood for it, so as to give it a good chance.

I've seen these recently and was OK with them, but didn't love them like so many do.

Pulp Fiction (1994)

The Godfather (1972)

Gaslight (1944)

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I quite agree, quite a number of Big Films, a few I REALLY need to see and a couple unknowns that are intriguing.
When the noms first started coming in and with a few more there was a very cool underlying connection through a very large majority regarding subject matter that delved outside the law and/or how things were settled. The exceptions making for excellent palette cleansing.

Open Range (2003) Director: Kevin Costner
Nominated By edarsenal
This is on my Countless Rewatching List and an ultimate Western favorite of mine. I also added a YouTube link for an excellent widescreen copy should anyone need it.

***Also, should anyone else have youtube link for their film, I will happily do the same for those on the front page.***

Tombstone (1993) Directors: George P. Cosmatos, Kevin Jarre (uncredited)
Nominated By Citizen Rules
While I am of the Wyatt Earp fan club, this is still a great film and it's been far too long since I last saw it.

Pulp Fiction (1994) Director: Quentin Tarantino
Nominated By ahwell
Another big favorite of mine that I actually rewatched a couple months ago, but will happily see again.

The Godfather (1972) Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Nominated by KeyserCorleone
Had a lot of fun talking gangster history with @Camo during the Best Picture HoF that this featured in. Another great film, seen countless times and happy to see again.

Return to Paradise (1998) Director: Joseph Ruben
Nominated By Miss Vicky
Always been curious to see this one and never seemed to get around to, so now I can.

Gaslight (1944) Director: George Cukor
Nominated By Siddon
Been a while since I saw this one and remember enjoying it very much.

Cinema Paradiso AKA ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso’ (1988) Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore
Nominated By John-Conner
This is completely unknown to me and after reading about it, I'm pretty excited to see it.
Oh, and yes, this is one of the exceptions I was referring to in the opening paragraph.

Angel Face (1953) Directed By: Otto Preminger
Nominated By neiba
Been quite a while since I saw this one. Should make for a great revisit.

The Virgin Spring (1960) Directed By: Ingmar Bergman
Nominated By rauldc14
I've only seen a very small list of Bergman films and still remain on the fence with him. The story line seems pretty intense, and I'm very open to seeing how this one plays out.

Raging Bull (1980) Directed By: Martin Scorsese
Nominated By jiraffejustin
On that list of Should have, STILL haven't To See List.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The nominations I've seen are all quality films, so this will definitely be an interesting HoF to follow.

Where I work, we have a small home fragrance section, and one of the scents is called "Santiago Huckleberry". I think of Tombstone every single time I see it haha.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Tombstone (1993)...While I am of the Wyatt Earp fan club, this is still a great film and it's been far too long since I last saw it.
Several months ago I watched the old Star Trek episode Spectre of the Gun in which Captain Kirk and the gang are condemned to die as the Clatons at the hands of the evil Earps at the O.K. Corral. As a kid I always thought that the Earps were the bad guys!

So like I said I then went looking for all the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral movies I could find and I watched these:

Gunfight at OK Corral (1957)
Hour of the Gun (1967)
Frontier Marshal (1939)
Masterson of Kansas (1954)
Doc (1971)
My Darling Clementine (1946)
I Married Wyatt Earp (1983)
Wyatt Earp (1994)
Tombstone (1993)

I Married Wyatt Earp has Marie Osmond in it! Aren't you guys glad that I didn't nominate that one

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Open Range (2003) - never watched it, never heard about it. I'm not particularly a fan of Costner, but I'm curious.

Tombstone (1993) - Heard about it but have no idea what's it about, except it's a western and it was nominated by CR, so it must be good! xD

Pulp Fiction (1994) - The first giant of the list. Probably my favourite movie. It's special to me in so many ways. Can't see any other movie taking the 1st place on my list to this. Don't really need to watch it again cause I've seen it dozens of times but might just for fun.

The Godfather (1972) - Another giant. Thought it's not my favourite movie from the trilogy, The Godfather is a monster of cinema history. I don't think it will win this but might end up Top 3.

Return to Paradise (1998) - Never heard about it, don't know a thing about it and will keep it like that till I watch it.

Gaslight (1944) - Same this as Return to Paradise.

Cinema Paradiso AKA ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso’ (1988) - As things are standing now, this will be my number 2. It's one of the most beautiful cinematic experience I've ever experienced. Don't trust anyone who doesn't cry their eyes out on that last scene.

Angel Face (1953) - One of the most interesting noirs I've seen recently. Watched it on the big screen a few weeks ago and loved it! I'll review it soon.

The Virgin Spring (1960) - Never watched it but it's a Bergman so it's probably good.

Raging Bull (1980) - And the 4th Monster of the list, my favourite Scorcese film and I'm kinda sad it gets nominated on this HoF in particular when could have won easily any of the last few ones.

Great list of noms everybody!

I think Raging Bull is one of the best films ever made but it seems a lot of people don't enjoy it. I don't think it makes top 3. I think Cinema Paradiso is a sleeper contender even though I haven't seen it yet.

If I need four write ups done in the first five weeks, can I post write-ups for the five movies I've already seen right now?

The Godfather.

This is the greatest movie ever in my eyes. From start to finish, Coppola puts a perfect focus into cinematography, bringing everything needed to more consistency and ease to follow the complex plot. The real standout of the movie, however, is the evolution of Michael Corleone from a war-hero and family man to a ruthless mafioso. And when taking into account what he went through, it questions whether or not we'd become something like him if we were in his shoes. And the score managed to implement the Italian sound with the modern film classical sound perfectly. Many movies try a cultural sound that doesn't appeal, but the score of this film characterizes the dark side of the Italian family the film focuses on. The Godfather is a great movie through and through.

10 / 10

I'll write up the others later.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I think Raging Bull is one of the best films ever made but it seems a lot of people don't enjoy it. I don't think it makes top 3. I think Cinema Paradiso is a sleeper contender even though I haven't seen it yet.
I've been kind of wondering about that myself.
I definitely know there is no clear winner at this point - far too many heavy hitters. It could even end up a surprise winner, such as Paradiso.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Several months ago I watched the old Star Trek episode Spectre of the Gun in which Captain Kirk and the gang are condemned to die as the Clatons at the hands of the evil Earps at the O.K. Corral. As a kid I always thought that the Earps were the bad guys!

So like I said I then went looking for all the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral movies I could find and I watched these:

Gunfight at OK Corral (1957)
Hour of the Gun (1967)
Frontier Marshal (1939)
Masterson of Kansas (1954)
Doc (1971)
My Darling Clementine (1946)
I Married Wyatt Earp (1983)
Wyatt Earp (1994)
Tombstone (1993)

I Married Wyatt Earp has Marie Osmond in it! Aren't you guys glad that I didn't nominate that one
let's see:

Gunfight at OK Corral (1957) SEEN IT
Hour of the Gun (1967) HAVEN'T SEEN IT but I am curious
Frontier Marshal (1939) HAVEN'T SEEN IT
Masterson of Kansas (1954) HAVEN'T SEEN IT
Doc (1971) HAVEN'T SEEN IT
My Darling Clementine (1946) SEEN IT
I Married Wyatt Earp (1983) HAVEN'T SEEN IT
Wyatt Earp (1994) SEEN IT
Tombstone (1993) SEEN IT

Open Range

Open Range is a pretty fun movie when 8t comes to general western badassery. The shoot-out scenes in general were pretty thrilling, and the character development scenes added a decent new level to the story. Open range also made the most out of Robert Duvall and Kecin Costner's acting if you ask me, although Spearman was far from Duvall's best role. But it wasn't a very original western. Many plot plot points (while well organized) felt like slight variations of things from other westerns, and the romantic subplot didn't feel real at all. Other than that, Open Range is a good western with a lot of charisma.

8 / 10

Last one for the night.

Return to Paradise

OK, this one was pretty good. It had a fair bit of subtle psychological examination, which I'm a sucker for, as the main character's role in the movie represents a real soul search. The film was directed well enough with no clunky cinematography or inconsistency of story or mood. The romantic subplot was another thrown-in opposites attract story, but it had its touching moments. But what happened to one character at the end was ABSOLUTE BULL****. I'm not satisfied with that ending at all, and I don't see myself coming back to that like I do with The Godfather and Pulp Fiction.

7.5 / 10

But what happened to one character at the end was ABSOLUTE BULL****. I'm not satisfied with that ending at all, and I don't see myself coming back to that like I do with The Godfather and Pulp Fiction.
Which character? Why was it BS? How is the ending unsatisfactory?

WARNING: "Return to Paradise" spoilers below
Lewis. All because the judge is mad about a newspaper, he's going to execuye a boy he knows doesn't deserve the death penalty by his own laws? It means everything Sheriff and Beth did was for nothing. That's not a happy ending. That's a sad ending caused by a crappy excuse for a judge. Now because of him, his own country has to release Sheriff after six months as opposed to three years in order to "save face," and that's all the good guys get out of this? The judge's decision only made things worse for the good guys and his own country.
I'm sorry, but that judge is an idiot. He's mad because American newspapers write articles, and he's making a statement about how much cleaner Malaysian streets are by executing a young man? "Saving face" means all he accomplished was making America even more mad.

Maybe I'm just a "happy ending" guy, but this was quite the serious movie about serious topics, so I say this with seriousness: the judge was an idiot. I really wanted Lewis to live. Not delivering on that... just hurts, and not in the good way, like the Infinity War way. It means everything accomplished in the movie amounted to precisely... d

I didn't like that ending, though the rest was good.

Return to Paradise (1998) - Never heard about it, don't know a thing about it and will keep it like that till I watch it.

Gaslight (1944) - Same this as Return to Paradise.

Gaslight was released 75 years ago on May the 4th, it received 7 Oscar nominations and the director George Cukor went on to receive 5 Best Director noms himself. This film also was the feature debut of an 18 year old Angela Lansbury who received her first supporting actress nomination for her debut role.

As for the nominations...

The Virgin Spring - very happy to see this nominated as I intend to buy this behemoth next month when it goes on Sale

Angel Face - I've seen it twice, liked it remembered the ending so I wonder if it's going to feel like a chore for the third time.

The Godfather - actually nominated this film before so you know it's going to score highly I wonder how it will do with some fresh voters.

Raging Bull - saw it once always intended to revisit it, feels like the right time to do it this summer.

Tombstone - this is my dark horse pick for a winner

Pulp Fiction - I feel like I watch this one every summer not sure how I feel about the revisit but who knows.

Cinema Paradiso - I saw this two years ago, bit underwhelming to me but we'll see how a second watch works out.

Return to Paradise/Open Range - One I think I saw and the other I know I saw and forgot 90% of it almost immediately If I were to guess on the final results

1. Tombstone
2. Pulp Fiction
3. The Godfather
4. Raging Bull
5. Cinema Paradiso
6. The Virgin Spring
7. Gaslight
8.Angel Face
9. Return to Paradise
10. Open Range

I didn't like that ending, though the rest was good.
Interesting. Also strange that you don't seem to put any blame on the reporter who put getting a jump on the story at a higher priority than not endangering someone's life.

Do you require movies to have happy endings in order to enjoy them? 'Cause the movies I love (and nominate) don't often end that way.