How about a Westerns list next?


I know normally we alternate decade lists with genre lists, but we've gotten pretty far into the decades, and it seems likely the next one would be the last one before we loop back around. So what do you guys think about doing another genre list, either next, or very shortly after?

Specifically, a Westerns list, in part because the illustrious @Holden Pike (curator of the 1970s List) has volunteered to run it.

What's everyone think? Westerns next, or right after next? Throw out your thoughts.

Pre-30s has to be next or this is not a real Movie Forum

Trouble with a capital "T"
Pre-30s has to be next or this is not a real Movie Forum
Agreed. If we don't do a Pre-1930s Countdown now, we might never do it.....Once we lose the momentum I don't see it being picked up again. Many of us take films seriously and we need a Pre 30s list to finish the set. We just did a fun genre countdown so now is the perfect time to do the Pre 1930s Countdown.

Though if need be there is another solution:
We do a genre countdown (action, thriller, western, musical etc) with a 2 month watch period...and at the same time another host does the Pre 1930s countdown with a 4 month watch period.

The genre countdown will be over with, before the deadline voting for the Pre 1930s. Both can overlap without taking away from each other.
That way everybody gets to have their cake and eat it too.

Don’t think I’ve ever seen a western since I was a child when High Noon was frequently shown on tv.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Mebbe we could do an Unfinished Movies list sometime?

I wonder how the pre-30s lists will turn out, considering we are so far back in movie history. I’m sure a lot of members won’t be able to even participate let alone send a list of 25 films... of course, there’ll be room for partial lists and I guess shorts almost has to count in this countdown?

I wonder how the pre-30s lists will turn out, considering we are so far back in movie history. I’m sure a lot of members won’t be able to even participate let alone send a list of 25 films... of course, there’ll be room for partial lists and I guess shorts almost has to count in this countdown?
I think we should probably change up a few of the rules for that one to make participation easier, yeah.

Welcome to the human race...
I feel like I might find it easier than the '30s list, but I know that's just begging to be proved wrong once I actually start compiling a list.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Trouble with a capital "T"
From what I've seen in HoFs, people seem to be more into silent films than the 1930s. And I believe there's been more silent films (pre 30s) nominated in HoFs than 1930s (not counting the 1930s specific HoF of course.)

With silent films there are tons of short ones and most all are public domain so easy to find and watch. I know there's fans of silent films here and I'm confident we could get as many list as the 1930s Countdown did.

With Westerns, it's American specific genre and so they don't always resonate with non-Americans...and MoFos are from around the world, so they might not be so interested.

I'd rather go Thrillers seeing as how we basically had the moderator of the horror list knock them out of contention.

Westerns...meh I feel like the top 100 Westerns have been done to death

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thrillers feel a lot like Horror to me, I'm sure there would be a lot of cross overs from the horror list...which then makes for the same movies over again.

How about a compromise: a pre-30s Westerns countdown?

I’d be up for action or sequel/prequel countdown...
My personal preference:

Action > Western > pre-30s

I probably wouldn't be able to even vote on pre-30s. Also the suggested Thriller is, in my opinion, too close to previous Horror.