Anyone else tired of tattoos on everyone?


I mean, one or two tattoos is fine. But doesn't a whole arm of them defeat the purpose? I know there will be people who say it's their bodies and their right, which is true. But having a tattoo used to be unique and a statement of some kind. Now everyone and their uncle under 30 (Perhaps older?) has one.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I like sleeve tattoos. I think its safe to say most people with bod mods have each one for a reason. Yes its their body and their subculture so if i found myself disliking it i would move along and mind my own business. Goodness me, with everything thats wrong with the world and you choose one to get your nickers in a knot that makes another person happy, gives another person a job, and most importantly, doesnt hurt anyone?

Dude, you need to get a new hobby. Do you judge people for what they wear on their head and body? Come and criticise me. Someone today asked me if i had a house full of hats, gloves and scarves. My answer - Yes!

I mean, one or two tattoos is fine. But doesn't a whole arm of them defeat the purpose? I know there will be people who say it's their bodies and their right, which is true. But having a tattoo used to be unique and a statement of some kind. Now everyone and their uncle under 30 (Perhaps older?) has one.
Yeah, it was a statement of "I'm a sailor" or "I've been in prison" It's just another underground subculture thing that's gone mainstream. Would I personally prefer less tattoos, sure, but it's nothing more than a personal opinion about aesthetics. Also a well done sleeve to me looks much better than than the 13-in-a-dozen butterflies, tigers, hearts, etc.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Wouldn't get one personally. I think they look good on people who "look good" in good shape or whatever. However on overweight pale people they can look terrible.

I dislike inked bods simply because they are unsitely. Yes most disfigure themselves out of an expression of their nature or a tribute to a loved one or a non loved one. I particularly dislike players from my fave Dragons footy team inked up. Just a personal opinion.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I don't like the idea of paying money for pain and permanence... I figure each tattoo = concert. I rather spend my cash on an experience. I never wanted a tattoo, or a a piercing, just like I don't want shirts that advertise things I don't know/like.

LOL @ those crying black tears - permanently! (a sign of murder here in Flint, and each tear = 1 death.. and then there's something indicating if the tears come from the other eye, but I'm not that advanced)

I think as long as they are done well, then I have no issue. Even if it has no backstory or meaningful purpose, like a bunch of random flowers on a sleeve. It's only if there are misspelled words, drawings that look nothing like what they are supposed to be, etc where I would question the person's integrity haha

The only thing I'm tired of is hearing people complain about not getting a job because of a tattoo. Kinda like free speech. You are free to speak, but not free of the consequences of those words.

Tramp stamps are awesome!

I love mine - couldn't give a rat's backside what anybody else thinks of them tbh.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's funny that this thread was started yesterday, because just yesterday I was at the grocery store and it was a hot sunny day, so tank tops and shorts were popular. And yeah it does seem like everyone has tattoos...But while grocery shopping, I noticed a big guy in his 40s with a single 1 inch outlined Maltese cross tattoo on his bicep. That's the only tattoo I seen on him...Meanwhile there are at least three young women in their 20s walking around the grocery store with full tattoo sleeves. And then a thought crossed my mind: 10-20 years ago a person would get a single tattoo and it would be so cool and they'd feel unique and daring... now they look wimpy if they don't go all the way and cover their entire arm with tattoos. Strange how that goes...I'm glad people have tattoos as it gives me something to gawk at while shopping.

I am not interested in having a tattoo myself but don't much care what other people do. If they like 'em more power to 'em.

I'm not saying they should be banned. I just think they have lost their effectiveness.
They should be banned. Hopefully Trump will appoint a Supreme Court Justice that will outlaw them. A person's body is not theirs to do with as they please, it's a gift on loan from God - like if someone lent you a car - you wouldn't paint graffiti all over it!

like if someone lent you a car - you wouldn't paint graffiti all over it!
That's what you think!

Hey Cap, mind if I borrow your car?

People getting tattoos to the point where the act of having a tattoo is no longer a statement in and of itself means the focus is shifted to the content/aesthetics of the tattoo.

I don't see how that's a bad thing.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I bloody hate needles which is the main reason I'd never get one.

I find sleeves and tattoos quite sexy to be honest though I'm not as big a fan if someone has about 90% of their body covered in them, but I find them and the stories people have for getting them pretty interesting on the whole.

But doesn't a whole arm of them defeat the purpose?
What "purpose" would that be?

Tattoos are just another form of art and personal expression. They can be extremely meaningful to the bearer of the images or words or they can be something the person acquired on a whim. The majority of the people I know with ink have tattoos that fall into that first category. Many have images that are in dedication to loved ones or that depict things that the person is extremely passionate about. Others have tattoos that represent important times in their lives or hold other meaning not immediately apparent to someone else. I think it's pretty disrespectful and unfair to make assumptions about the "purpose" of someone else's self expression.

I don't personally have any tattoos and I don't intend to ever change that fact, but I don't stand in judgement of those that do and I certainly don't consider it any of my business what other people do to their own bodies.

I think a lot of people misunderstood what I was saying, which is probably my fault. I think one or two tattoos stand out and grab your attention. You might see one and say the person is a fan or lover of this or that or has the image of someone they loved or admired preserved on them. When a person has a lot of them, especially in one place, each is less distinguishable. And the fact that so many people have multiple tattoos makes them less unique and less of a statement. Were they moved to get a particular tattoo or do they just like tattoos, which is not necessarily wrong.I don't think anyone should be judged negatively simply because of them.