Rauldc14's Top 119 Films

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
42. Halloween

The ultimate horror film and the film that may have most popularized the slasher genre. I have to thank Sexy Celebrity and Swan for endorsing this film and it has become one of my favorites since then. A film that relies a lot on it's great direction and has built a great atmosphere to the film. I often compare many horror films to this but the others usually don't hold a candle to it.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
41. Crash

You all hate it, but I love it. I love the way the story is told, how it bounces back from one characters story to another. And it's great to see how it all collides together. I really like Dillon, Pena, Bullock, Newton, Cheadle and the list goes on and on. I really think the score is underrated too. Just an overall film that while it didn't work for pretty much everyone, it works really good for me.

41. Crash

You all hate it, but I love it. I love the way the story is told, how it bounces back from one characters story to another. And it's great to see how it all collides together. I really like Dillon, Pena, Bullock, Newton, Cheadle and the list goes on and on. I really think the score is underrated too. Just an overall film that while it didn't work for pretty much everyone, it works really good for me.
I love it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Love Rain Man, Iron Man, Flight, Dial M for Murder, Halloween, and After Hours.

I remember really liking Crash but it's a bit faded now. I'd like to see it again.

I liked Wall E but wasn't crazy about Gravity.

I've got Hurricane on my Netflix queue!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
40. Up

An absolutely charming tale about life and adventure. A film that can make one laugh, cry, be happy, and go through all human emotions. The first ten minutes of the film may be the best, but it's great throughout. To go with it are great characters, an adventurous story, and some fantastic animation. This is one that seems to keep vaulting up my list.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I am jonesing to watch Up again. I need to get on that. Dial M is my fave from your last few picks. Sorry to Mofo and Marty, but I don't get the After Hours love.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't know how many times you've seen it but I wasn't a big fan the first time.
Only once. I will give it another look at some point.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I am jonesing to watch Up again. I need to get on that. Dial M is my fave from your last few picks. Sorry to Mofo and Marty, but I don't get the After Hours love.
I would watch it again. Has certainly gotten better with time.

Out of the last few listed I've only seen Up. Goes to show how little movies I've seen

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

42. Halloween

The ultimate horror film and the film that may have most popularized the slasher genre. I have to thank Sexy Celebrity and Swan for endorsing this film and it has become one of my favorites since then. A film that relies a lot on it's great direction and has built a great atmosphere to the film. I often compare many horror films to this but the others usually don't hold a candle to it.

There's alot i like here in the last few pages, don't think i disliked any of them either.

One of these days i'm going to watch Crash, from everything i've heard it sounds bad but who knows maybe i'll like it. I'm actually just finishing the Going Clear book right now which is making Gibneys doc fall down my favourites as there's so much more to it. Anyway Crash's director Paul Haggis plays a big part in the book so that's kinda made me want to see it even though they aren't that related.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
39. The Hangover

The movie does everything it needs to and then some. It's a hilarious movie with a fun story. The Vegas backdrop is something that is obviously quite appealing for me. The characters are hilarious and the jokes are endless. It's a highly quotable comedy. This is what I seek in comedies, which often are a tricky genre to rate, but this is certainly deserving of being high up on my list of favorites because I can continously go back to it.