250 Of Camo's Favourites

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However, my fave of the recent few is Gone with the Wind. Great movie.
Awesome man . Wasn't aware you were a fan for some reason. Seems to have gotten alot of backlash over the years but whatever i love it.

16.Bambi (Disney, 1942)

17.Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room (Alex Gibney, 2005)

18.What's Opera Doc? (Chuck Jones, 1957)

19.The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949)

20.Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock, 1940)

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Not seen Enron or What's Opera Duck so cant comment on them. Bambi is a classic and still gets played in our house and probably will for some considerable time due to our newest arrival. The Third Man I've seen several times and still continues to get better, its fantastic. Rebecca is quite possibly my favourite Hitchcock and gets an easy
from me.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Look at that still from Third Man, that movie is the nuts.
Rebecca is very solid Hitch.
Enron is not shabby.
Haven't seen Bambi as an adult, eventually maybe.

Not seen Enron or What's Opera Duck so cant comment on them. Bambi is a classic and still gets played in our house and probably will for some considerable time due to our newest arrival. The Third Man I've seen several times and still continues to get better, its fantastic. Rebecca is quite possibly my favourite Hitchcock and gets an easy
from me.
You've not seen What's Opera Doc? Dang thought everyone had seen it, it's great only seven minutes long or something. It's funny, the music is excellent and even though the story is purposefully absurd it somehow manages to be really powerful.

Enron is my favourite Documentary. Just rewatched Bambi recently and it shot up my favourites, #1 Disney and top five animated films.

And yeah Rebecca is amazing, i had a write-up of it that i linked in the list chronologically post. I always heard it was overrated and shouldn't have been the Hitch to win Best Picture but i loved it. Hope you like it Cricket.

Dog Day Afternoon is one of my favorite crime films, I love Psycho as well! Sunset Boulevard was also really good, I'm a big William Holden fan and him and of course Gloria Swanson were amazing in it.

Gone With the Wind and Bambi are two I've seen and liked but it's been so long that they'd need a rewatch for me to properly discuss them.

I haven't seen Rebecca or Enron, but The Third Man was very good and What's Opera, Doc? is one of my favorite Looney Tunes.

Bambi is absolutely my favorite classic Disney. Expect to see that one show up on my own countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Another strong set of movies. I like how you're doing them in blocks of five.

Bambi (Disney, 1942)
...believe it or not, I've never seen that one, not even as a kid.

Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room (Alex Gibney, 2005)
...I think it was well made, but financial talk is soooo not how my mind works. Same with The Big Short (a movie I think you liked?)...I couldn't follow the number crunching, makes my head tired.

What's Opera Doc? (Chuck Jones, 1957)...I'm sure I've seen it before. But the pic doesn't ring a bell.

The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1949)....love the movie, hate the zither!

Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock, 1940)...use to be in my Top 10, it still could be if there was room. Didn't it use to be in black & white

I've not seen The Big Short. Funny that you don't like the zither, i love it but it does seem to be a major point of contention.

Gonna post two more sets today as i don't think i'll be on much tomorrow and that keeps me on schedule with ten a day.

Edit: Out of interest Citizen, do you have any intentions to watch some of the classic Disney's you've missed? I get it if you don't, i don't know how i'd think about some of them if i hadn't watched them as a kid.

Look at that still from Third Man, that movie is the nuts.
Agreed! Probably my favorite pick from the last ten, although they're all fantastic films.

Haven't seen Enron yet.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Have you seen Rebecca Raul and if so what did you think of it?
I haven't seen it since 2010 when I became serious about film and joined Mofo. I gave it a 6/10 for that watch, but I'm assuming I may like it more on second go around. That was actually the first Hitchcock film I EVER saw.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I still remember joining here and watching a bunch of classics and commenting on them. I remember I watched Rebecca, Rear Window, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, How Green Was My Valley, Dial M for Murder, and Maltese Falcon those first few months here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've not seen The Big Short.
You might like it, if you liked Enron. To me they both had the same financial crisis-documentary style of film making.

Funny that you don't like the zither, i love it but it does seem to be a major point of contention.
That's probably just me and Captain Steel who don't like the zither.

Out of interest Citizen, do you have any intentions to watch some of the classic Disney's you've missed? I get it if you don't, i don't know how i'd think about some of them if i hadn't watched them as a kid.
I'd like to see them. I'd especially like to see the Disney classics that I never seen. We never watched Disney or movies in general when I was a kid. Fantasia might be the first classic Disney animated film I've seen.

You might like it, if you liked Enron. To me they both had the same financial crisis-documentary style of film making.

That's probably just me and Captain Steel who don't like the zither.

I'd like to see them. I'd especially like to see the Disney classics that I never seen. We never watched Disney or movies in general when I was a kid. Fantasia might be the first classic Disney animated film I've seen.
Maybe, it's on Netflix i'll check it out when i get the chance. I don't really have any special interest in financial crisis though, i just found/find Enron fascinating. Also i love Alex Gibney's style, he's one of my favourite directors. I wasn't into the documentary Inside Job.

Bluelion didn't like it either and i'm sure others.

Damn, i think Snow White to Sleeping Beauty is easily the best period for Disney personally. Hope you check some of them out when you get the chance.

21.Poltergeist II: The Other Side (Brian Gibson, 1986)

22.All About My Mother (Pedro Almodovar, 1999)

23.Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2 Century (Chuck Jones, 1953)

24.Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood, 1992)

25.The Master (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2012)