Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Wow, what an exiting and funny movie from the Marvel Universe. I can't add much to what everyone that loved this has said, except to say that I felt that I was seeing something fresh and new for the first time in a long time in the superhero realm. All of the characters are great, played by actors I truly enjoy. And special mention must be made about Chris Pratt and his songs in the movie. They are songs from my era and it just pumped me up to hear them while his spacecraft flew through space. I'm happy to own this one.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

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Woman of the Dunes (1964)

Disturbing, unsettling and absolutely brilliant! One of the most atmospheric film's ive watched in a long long time! So glad I got this in on time for the 60's list.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Master of My Domain
Lady Snowblood (1973)

A savory dish of bloodiness served a la mode. Sweet and spicy. Such a wonderful flavor that can only exist in great films like this one.


White God (Hungarian: Fehйr isten) 2014
The film is for those who like dogs, but perhaps not for those who like them too much... it's a disturbing tale!

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Late Autumn (1960)

Not my favorite Ozu but still a very good movie. I wasn't a big fan of the overall cast in this one, not that anybody wasn't good, but they just didn't capture me as a whole. I love that old dude who seems to be in most Ozu movies, but he had a very small role in this. That disappointed me. Even so, a nice story and ending, and his films relax me and give me a feeling of contentment.

Late Autumn (1960)

A delicate and stunning looking masterpiece.

I think all three of Ozu's '60s films are going to make my top 25 list and I hope many others will vote for them too.
It's perhaps still a bit early to say this after only having seen four of his films, but I am already considering Ozu as one of my three favorite directors, if not my all time favorite, period.

Every single image in this film (and the other Ozu films I've seen so far) succeeds in surprising me with a profound layeredness and a rare beauty. The story is also constantly engaging and interesting. He easily flows from humoristic moments to heartbreaking drama and from quiet apartment rooms and images of neon-lit city streets to some of the most beautiful shots of nature ever captured on film.

I simply happen to like all the typical recurring elements in Ozu's pictures. It's amazing how perfectly his films correlate with my personal tastes. I really can't properly express the appreciation and respect I have for this man's vision. I would like to use words like "divine" and "heavenly", but I feel like they don't do him justice, because his films are so extremely humane, humble and down to earth...


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yeah, I feel the same way Cob. I'm only four films in of Ozu but I don't see a reason why he won't be a top 10 if not top 5 director for me. Next week I might watch another of his!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

A compelling story and there is never anything wrong with watching Lancaster do his Lancaster thing. I enjoyed the second half quite a bit more then the first.

This is one of my all time favorite movies. I have loved it since we rented it from Blockbuster video decades ago. This is a shock to no one. I got to see this on the big screen, so of course it was awesome! This should shock no one. A bloody masterpiece!

Care for some gopher?
The Kid (USA, 1921, Charlie Chaplin) -

A very emotional movie! Wasn't a fan of the last 10 minutes.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

I just caught Danny Collins. Surprisingly enjoyable, if a little formulaic. 7/10

Go, Go, Second Time Virgin (1969)

Swan pointed out to me that this is a pinky film. I'm not exactly sure if that means Japanese exploitation, but it does have that kind of content. It doesn't have that kind of feel though; it's a very sad, bleak story that's not played for thrills. Very low budget but at the same time it seemed to me to be made really well. It's only 65 minutes long and is an interesting combination of the real and surreal. Great musical score too.

Master of My Domain
Apocalypse Now (1979)

The big screen makes any film better, especially timeless masterpieces like Apocalypse Now.

Care for some gopher?
And Then There Were None (USA, 1945, Renè Clair) -

What a disappointment! The premise is very promising but the execution quite boring. There is no tension, whatsoever. And the deaths doesn't seem to affect the remaining guests, at all.

(1966, USA)
Directed by John Frankenheimer

This was an extremely slow burn for me...