Educational videos of Hellish signs in movies


Master of My Domain
This is place to discuss movies in a non-controversial and friendly manner, not post videos about 'hellish signs' that isn't even confirmed officially even to be slightly true.

Don't get why you aren't banned yet.

There is a video named "Hellish Signs in Movies - Look at the viewer":

You know, I have seen a movie with Hellish subtext that uses this look at the viewer more times as a part of the reminder of Hell. Its name is "Wolf" (Jack Nicholson):
(00:48:30) Moon in the night sky, the hero changes into a werewolf and looks into the camera:

(01:07:35) Moon in the night sky, the hero changes into a werewolf and looks into the camera (+ emphases on eyes) and then there are beasts in the zoological garden:

(01:13:00) During conversation, the hero says 2x "best for the firm" and his rival says 2x "the best thing" and then 2x "****ing". Then the hero urinates his shoes that his rival cleans. Then the hero is pictured two times by means of a mirror and then he finds two fingers with the ring in his pocket. Then he meets his wife and there is said number 16, the hero says 2x word "nothing" and he points her finger at her (by the way, in this moment his reflection is seen in some mirror). During it the hero's fiancee observes the two, covers her mouth and it seems that she takes a look into the camera:

(01:33:15) The hero and his fiancee go by car, he has closed eyes and raised leg, the outsole of his shoe is visible and she looks at it, then she gets into a skid (she must turn the wheel), and the car in the opposite direction sounds the horn and she looks into the camera. After it the hero says "Jesus" that is both a positive word perfectly masking the bad meaning of this scene and such one that reminds the fact that Jesus is at least partly a story made up by Hellish people (by the way, many passages from the Bible have the traits of being written by the same Hellish beings who also write by means of "automatic pen"). She says "duck down" which he does, she raises the hand while greeting the guard and then she stops the car, with the hero having emphasized eyes:

(01:40:15) While she drives the car, the fiancee is weeping and she also emphasizes her mouth and looks into the camera. After it there is the hero raising his hand and changing into the werewolf, in a way emphasizing eyes and mouth during it, too:

(01:59:45) Police officer looks into the camera and shortly after it he says word "Hell". After a while the hero's fiancee looks into the camera, then a wolf looks into the camera and it gives a howl. And then the hero's fiancee looks into the camera again and her eyes gradually disappear in the darkness:

When speaking of the look at the viewer, its another interesting example is from "Game of Thrones", in particular S03E10, when Balon and Yara get a message about the mutilation of Theon. In the scene there is emphasis on a circular thing (the letter in a circular casing) and emphasis on direction down (looks down, arm rested on the table, view from bellow), during which Balon takes a look into the camera at the viewer. Finally he shows one finger and then he sits near fire. The scene indicates, that such mutilations are a Hellish matter. It reminds that the very Hellish world stays behind many real and similarly cruel events, whether from our ancient past or even present:

Wait, another one. In movie "Replicant", while the criminal investigator is pulled on the ground by his leg, he suddenly looks at the viewer and then he is displayed like a figure within figure:

Excerpt from the definition of reminder of Hell:...As far as emphasis on the direction down toward Hell is concerned, it is possible to use many elements. A pointing downwards (e.g. with finger), a falling with hands (as a rule with palms) into the ground, the putting or throwing of something on the ground, a squatting, a forward bend, a look downwards, a crawling on all four, the touching of the ground with a cane or stick, shoes, legs (their lower part, above all), closed or half-closed eyes with the bend of the head, a fall down from above (which is valid for a waterfall or rain, too) and similarly (apart from it, direction down can also be emphasized by words related to it). Of course, to make this emphasis become a part of "reminder of Hell", it must be accompanied by another "indicative elements"...
...However, the "reminder of Hell" must be easily distinguishable from all the other what occurs in (the given scene of) the story. Only then we can recognize the reminder among the rest of what we see in the movie. And one more thing. Sometimes already the movie story itself can function like a "Hellish indication" that reminds Hellish people of their nature and their Hell. Above all, it deals with two parallel worlds (either by space or by time), with the combination of humanity and bestiality (for instance vampire, werewolf, terminator), with the combination of humanity and superhumanity (for instance demigod), with heroes having several versions (for instance dual role) and similarly.
Oh, I have almost forgot to say, that under the term of "Hellish circumstance" I have in mind things like fire, emphasized eye(s), flashes (of lightning), Hellish word, red color, Hellish combination of colors, Hellish animal (dragon, snake, raven, black cat or "something horned"), (black clothes and) night and moon, to be displayed two (or more) times (and to have several versions) and similarly. I suppose that also rainbow colors, some sexual affairs, raised or emphasized finger, whirl (or what reminds it) and look to the camera at the viewer belong among Hellish circumstances, similarly like negatived, dark, quickly-moving, flicking or blurred figures...

If you want articles and mini movies about it packed as one file, go to Mediafire.

Why do I get the feeling that this is a trolling attempt? Maybe it's just me, but it kinda reminds me of troll posts I've seen in other forums...

Just saying.
“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so ****ing what." - Stephen Fry, The Guardian, 5 June 2005

A system of cells interlinked
"If a man looks for something hard enough, he will find it...everywhere he looks."
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Nah, he's not a troll--he's been posting this stuff for awhile and sounds perfectly earnest. I don't think it makes a ton of sense (Sedai's quote is particularly instructive), but if this is trolling it's not like any trolling I've ever seen. Lots of effort and not really getting a rise out of anyone for it.

Anyway, my response is the same as before: I decided to indulge this a bit, and posed questions on the previous page, and they weren't really answered.

Hell is good! Its more fun! We all are hellish people! So what's the problem. Live and let live!
My Favorite Films

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hell is good! Its more fun! We all are hellish people! So what's the problem. Live and let live!
As far as anyone knows, you might be right. I don't know of anybody who's personally been to Hell and who knows, maybe Hell just gets a bad rap by the other team.

so who knows, maybe Hell just gets a bad rap by the other team.
I trust Tony Montana.

I'm a religious person but I dislike all this we keep hearing about "Hell-ish" signs in movies and special signs leading us to the illuminati etc lol what would be the point of all this?
I believe that point is to learn the normal people who have no idea that these signs exist. The majority of people lead the mankind doing some hidden crimes during and the minority has no clue.

For example this:

There is a video named "Hellish Signs in Movies - Look at the viewer":

You know, I have seen a movie with Hellish subtext that uses this look at the viewer more times as a part of the reminder of Hell. Its name is "Wolf" (Jack Nicholson):
(00:48:30) Moon in the night sky, the hero changes into a werewolf and looks into the camera:

(01:07:35) Moon in the night sky, the hero changes into a werewolf and looks into the camera (+ emphases on eyes) and then there are beasts in the zoological garden:

(01:13:00) During conversation, the hero says 2x "best for the firm" and his rival says 2x "the best thing" and then 2x "****ing". Then the hero urinates his shoes that his rival cleans. Then the hero is pictured two times by means of a mirror and then he finds two fingers with the ring in his pocket. Then he meets his wife and there is said number 16, the hero says 2x word "nothing" and he points her finger at her (by the way, in this moment his reflection is seen in some mirror). During it the hero's fiancee observes the two, covers her mouth and it seems that she takes a look into the camera:

(01:33:15) The hero and his fiancee go by car, he has closed eyes and raised leg, the outsole of his shoe is visible and she looks at it, then she gets into a skid (she must turn the wheel), and the car in the opposite direction sounds the horn and she looks into the camera. After it the hero says "Jesus" that is both a positive word perfectly masking the bad meaning of this scene and such one that reminds the fact that Jesus is at least partly a story made up by Hellish people (by the way, many passages from the Bible have the traits of being written by the same Hellish beings who also write by means of "automatic pen"). She says "duck down" which he does, she raises the hand while greeting the guard and then she stops the car, with the hero having emphasized eyes:

(01:40:15) While she drives the car, the fiancee is weeping and she also emphasizes her mouth and looks into the camera. After it there is the hero raising his hand and changing into the werewolf, in a way emphasizing eyes and mouth during it, too:

(01:59:45) Police officer looks into the camera and shortly after it he says word "Hell". After a while the hero's fiancee looks into the camera, then a wolf looks into the camera and it gives a howl. And then the hero's fiancee looks into the camera again and her eyes gradually disappear in the darkness:

When speaking of the look at the viewer, its another interesting example is from "Game of Thrones", in particular S03E10, when Balon and Yara get a message about the mutilation of Theon. In the scene there is emphasis on a circular thing (the letter in a circular casing) and emphasis on direction down (looks down, arm rested on the table, view from bellow), during which Balon takes a look into the camera at the viewer. Finally he shows one finger and then he sits near fire. The scene indicates, that such mutilations are a Hellish matter. It reminds that the very Hellish world stays behind many real and similarly cruel events, whether from our ancient past or even present:

Wait, another one. In movie "Replicant", while the criminal investigator is pulled on the ground by his leg, he suddenly looks at the viewer and then he is displayed like a figure within figure:

Or, for a change, you perhaps remember movie "They Live" in which Hellish people indicate their own nation and its inner meaning, if translated, means "We Live".
We can see how they eternally look like we do but their inner appearance is much worse.

Before the end, there is a reminder of Hell with a look at the viewer.

Excerpt from the definition of reminder of Hell:...As far as emphasis on the direction down toward Hell is concerned, it is possible to use many elements. A pointing downwards (e.g. with finger), a falling with hands (as a rule with palms) into the ground, the putting or throwing of something on the ground, a squatting, a forward bend, a look downwards, a crawling on all four, the touching of the ground with a cane or stick, shoes, legs (their lower part, above all), closed or half-closed eyes with the bend of the head, a fall down from above (which is valid for a waterfall or rain, too) and similarly (apart from it, direction down can also be emphasized by words related to it). Of course, to make this emphasis become a part of "reminder of Hell", it must be accompanied by another "indicative elements"...
...However, the "reminder of Hell" must be easily distinguishable from all the other what occurs in (the given scene of) the story. Only then we can recognize the reminder among the rest of what we see in the movie. And one more thing. Sometimes already the movie story itself can function like a "Hellish indication" that reminds Hellish people of their nature and their Hell. Above all, it deals with two parallel worlds (either by space or by time), with the combination of humanity and bestiality (for instance vampire, werewolf, terminator), with the combination of humanity and superhumanity (for instance demigod), with heroes having several versions (for instance dual role) and similarly.
Oh, I have almost forgot to say, that under the term of "Hellish circumstance" I have in mind things like fire, emphasized eye(s), flashes (of lightning), Hellish word, red color, Hellish combination of colors, Hellish animal (dragon, snake, raven, black cat or "something horned"), (black clothes and) night and moon, to be displayed two (or more) times (and to have several versions) and similarly. I suppose that also rainbow colors, some sexual affairs, raised or emphasized finger, whirl (or what reminds it) and look to the camera at the viewer belong among Hellish circumstances, similarly like negatived, dark, quickly-moving, flicking or blurred figures...

If you want articles and mini movies about it packed as one file, go to Mediafire.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Volkodav, I want to be serious for a moment.

Do you belong to a church and if so have you talked to your Pastor or Parishioner about your movie signs views? If not you should consider talking to someone. If you don't have a church you attend, you should find one and talk to someone there. I'm serious.

Can someone delete this thread please! I am being serious as well!

There are normal people (human souls) and Hellish people (Hellish souls). The Hellish lead our human society and cinematography, too. They use their secret signs in movies, but they always lie that not. If I show these signs to them, they pretend that they do not recognize them and they say, that they do not understand what I speak about hoping, that it will destroy a possible agreement of normal people with what I claim.

Another "looks into the camera":

No, I am not done with these looks yet. In TV series "Тайга: Курс выживания" there is the look at the viewer more times. I will mention three examples:

a) The beginning of episode 8 (the beast, look into the camera, emphasis on mouth and eyes [see "Hellish Signs in Movies - Emphasis on mouth and eyes"], emphasis on direction down and piece of red)

b) In 11th episode (23:50) there are many emphases on direction down, smoke, look into the camera, small piece of clothes around the hand (= whirl) and then squatting (= down), two pieces of wooden spoon and one finger over them

c) Before the end of the last 12th episode (forward bend during pushing the boat, then look at the viewer + piece of red, woman blurred a little [see "Hellish Signs in Movies - Blurred figure"], other emphases on direction down toward Hell like palms touching the ground, lying, kneeling, what can also matter are the colors of the raised flag and words "Ну вот, живём дальше" said from bellow can be meant for Hellish people, above all)

It seems that the look at the viewer that is an emphasis on eyes in a way is often used together with emphasis on direction down toward Hell. This combination is "eyes + down" and other are "eyes + fire" or "eyes + dragon", above all.


We can say that many movies have two stories. One for normal people and the other for the Hellish. The reason is that that Hellish people sometimes put many reminders of their Hell & Hellish things into the movie and they are gradually showing them in "the other story" like particular emphases on eyes in "Убить дракона" for example.
Small example from TV series "Navstevnici" where is more Hellish indications, for instance in episode 5 named "Hlavne nenapadne" v 08:50. Words "oko (it means the eye) 1", "oko 2", "oko 3" and a squatting man + fingers + key with number 3.
Little later Mr. Dvorak emphasizes two fingers and from bellow he says "oko 1" (= those who are two times are number one), then a woman with a rolled-up carpet (= whirl) goes down the stairs (= Hell), raised finger (= eyes and whirl = way to Hell, is number one), flash and Mr. Dvorak, shot from bellow, looks into the camera at the viewer. Then there are words "oko 1", "oko 2", "oko 3" and word "krok" (which means step = eyes and down). Words "ziskat sesit cislo 2", "uhel 120", "90tku standard", "fix focus 3 kusy", then words "oko 3" (all numbers with a Hellish meaning, whereas zero is not taken into account) said from bellow with emphasized finger, woman sitting on the floor on knees, shoes and lying after a fall down and then on all four, looks down and shoes, view down the stairs and in the end words "oko 3, ma ho v bote" (= eyes and down again, and after them also lying on the floor and words "majitele boty"). In such a fantastic movie with a Hellish subtext (two parallel worlds) there can be more of that.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Damn, this guy really puts time into this. Just imagine, if he put so much time in something more valuable, like movie reviews or analysis (but not hilariously ridiculous like this).
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Damn, this guy really puts time into this. Just imagine, if he put so much time in something more valuable, like movie reviews or analysis (but not hilariously ridiculous like this).
but does anyone really care about educating us on hellish signs in movies.. I don't ..actually I think it makes the film more interesting to watch.....

Boy, just think if he got his hands on the stuff I watch!

There are normal people (human souls) and Hellish people (Hellish souls). The Hellish lead our human society and cinematography, too. They use their secret signs in movies, but they always lie that not. If I show these signs to them, they pretend that they do not recognize them and they say, that they do not understand what I speak about hoping, that it will destroy a possible agreement of normal people with what I claim.
Okay: but why? What do they gain from this?

Also, why do you think it would work? Let's say I watch a movie and there is a "Hellish sign," like people looking down. This doesn't make me more sympathetic to Hell, or think about Hell. If there's any sinister intent, it is completely lost on me. Even if what you're saying is real, the overwhelming majority of people don't seem to even notice it.

This is probably the last time I'm going to ask about this stuff, by the way. If you can't answer some simple questions about the conspiracy you're postulating, then there's not much point in discussing it further.

A system of cells interlinked
What referent, other than your own fabricated/imagined hypothesis, are you using that supports the concept that filming someones eyes and mouth (aka, their face) is somehow religious in nature, and furthermore, represents hell?

You know. This guy actually could be on to something. I just watched a short film and I noticed plenty of satanic symbolism...


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