Educational videos of Hellish signs in movies


I have created a collection of videos explaining these signs and posted them on Youtube.

Apart from it, there is an additional video explaining the reason for the hidden ways of reminding Hell.

If you like it, you can download related articles from the page in my signature. Thank you.
Unusual spiritual e-books

Okay, you've been posting about this for awhile, so I'm going to engage you with it briefly and see how it goes.

I haven't read or watched everything you've posted, but I've skimmed some of it, and my primary complaint is this: you equate virtually anything having to do with a downward direction as being "Hellish." Isn't this too broad? Surely a camera can show us the ground without deliberately trying to evoke images of Hell. And if it were, what would be the goal? The road to Hell is not littered with signs reminding you you're going to Hell. To the contrary, if Hell is real and people want you there, it's quite obvious the best way would be to stop people from thinking about it at all, or believing it exists, etc. So the idea that these evocations of Hell are nefarious seems entirely backwards.

And also ineffective: none of this occurs to me when I see these things, nor to nearly anyone else. So if this is a nefarious plot, by one entity or another, it would seem a very poor one.

The majority of people have Hellish humanoid soul and they keep it secret. In forums, they make many posts where they speak against the theory of Hellish people. They make movies and use their signs in them. They recognize them at first sight, they only lie that not. Hellish people rely upon the stupidity of normal people that they will believe in their false claiming that they do not believe in Hell & Hellish people & their secret signs in movies and that there is nothing like that.
Normal people, you are the minority, they lead the world. You cannot imagine what profit they have always had (for already thousands of years) from that that you do not believe in them.

We are all doomed
We all are in its way. Even Hellish people, since they have been destroyed in the future. Everybody has some predestined end or doom, assigned to him by the Owner of the closed reality we all live in. He made the calculation of our entire existence long before we have started to exist at all.

I'm not sure your reply really answers any of the things I asked, but I'll try being more specific:

The majority of people have Hellish humanoid soul and they keep it secret.
What does it mean to have a "Hellish humanoid soul"?

They make movies and use their signs in them.
Your examples of "signs" are very broad, though. You seem to believe that anything which comes in pairs, or even points downwards, could be a Hellish "sign." But how can you tell the difference between a "sign" and someone who wants to use a high camera angle, or show us the ground? Do you believe these signs are literally the only reason someone would depict these things?

They recognize them at first sight, they only lie that not. Hellish people rely upon the stupidity of normal people that they will believe in their false claiming that they do not believe in Hell & Hellish people & their secret signs in movies and that there is nothing like that.
What do they gain from this? Also, if they wanted people to believe there was no such thing as Hell, why put signs in the movies at all?

Normal people, you are the minority, they lead the world. You cannot imagine what profit they have always had (for already thousands of years) from that that you do not believe in them.
How do they profit from it?

Well, all the things that are called "Hellish signs" in the videos, are becoming Hellish signs only in some environment and circumstances. Otherwise, they are a normal thing. The reminder of Hell has more components and only all of them together are creating it. In itself, fire is normal, emphasis on eyes or mouth is normal, goat is normal, shoes are normal etc. Do you understand me?

Excerpt from "The Origin of Hellish Indications":

The history of so-called "Hellish indications" (also known as "Satanic indications") is very simple. Hellish people (also known as "Satanic people") have always wanted to keep the fact that they are a different spiritual species hidden from normal people. In practice it meant that any official resource of information as well as any speech of famous Hellish people like presidents, singers, writers, high church leaders and similarly were forbidden to admit that Hellish people exist and that they rule this world. And so we have been living in a planetary totalism: Anything but Hellish people!
In the beginning of "Hellish indications" there was one simple idea. Hellish people love to leave their "signature" on their works and because they like to be reminded of their different spiritual essence and of their Hell, they have started to use the indications of it a very long time ago already. But they could not have used anything "striking" because it would be too suspicious. For example, if all the famous people on the highest positions in human society would wear a red circle on their upper clothes with an eye in the middle of it, even stupid normal people would immediately notice such a "fishy" thing and they would ask: "How come that everywhere on the highest places there are people with such a red circle on their clothes?" And that was the reason why the management of Hellish people has decided to only use normally-occurring things, movements and looks in order to prevent their true origin from being discovered by stupid normal people.

More is in my collection of articles: Mediafire

Okay, listen --

I am an out and proud Hellish person, okay? You see these eyes? You see that mouth?
The picture can only be a Hellish indication when it is set into so-to-speak "Hellish circumstances". It deals with such a scene in a movie that reminds Hell and that differs from the rest of what we see in the movie.The examples in the videos were just from such scenes.

The picture can only be a Hellish indication when it is set into so-to-speak "Hellish circumstances". It deals with such a scene in a movie that reminds Hell and that differs from the rest of what we see in the movie.The examples in the videos were just from such scenes.
But I told you that I'm a Hellish person, okay?

Freak out.

Well, all the things that are called "Hellish signs" in the videos, are becoming Hellish signs only in some environment and circumstances. Otherwise, they are a normal thing. The reminder of Hell has more components and only all of them together are creating it. In itself, fire is normal, emphasis on eyes or mouth is normal, goat is normal, shoes are normal etc. Do you understand me?

Excerpt from "The Origin of Hellish Indications":

The history of so-called "Hellish indications" (also known as "Satanic indications") is very simple. Hellish people (also known as "Satanic people") have always wanted to keep the fact that they are a different spiritual species hidden from normal people. In practice it meant that any official resource of information as well as any speech of famous Hellish people like presidents, singers, writers, high church leaders and similarly were forbidden to admit that Hellish people exist and that they rule this world. And so we have been living in a planetary totalism: Anything but Hellish people!
In the beginning of "Hellish indications" there was one simple idea. Hellish people love to leave their "signature" on their works and because they like to be reminded of their different spiritual essence and of their Hell, they have started to use the indications of it a very long time ago already. But they could not have used anything "striking" because it would be too suspicious. For example, if all the famous people on the highest positions in human society would wear a red circle on their upper clothes with an eye in the middle of it, even stupid normal people would immediately notice such a "fishy" thing and they would ask: "How come that everywhere on the highest places there are people with such a red circle on their clothes?" And that was the reason why the management of Hellish people has decided to only use normally-occurring things, movements and looks in order to prevent their true origin from being discovered by stupid normal people.

More is in my collection of articles: Mediafire
Noticed you completely skipped over Yodas points he made. Kinda shows you cant make argument with stated facts, and shield yourself by spouting your hell thing again, almost like its on a loop.

The only one going thru hell is you bub unless you seek help. Youre intelligent enough to know it, and are desperately seeking reinforcement in your hell stuff to avoid it. Youre not helping us!

The only one going thru hell is you bub unless you seek help. Youre intelligent enough to know it, and are desperately seeking reinforcement in your hell stuff to avoid it. Youre not helping us!
Are you sure? If he's schizophrenic or something, he might not realize he's deluded. Or whatever he is. He might even be sane -- but really, really screwed up.

Maybe this is just a bizarre hobby of his. Like searching for UFOs.

Hi guys, I have worked and I have created more videos with information on this subject. If you wish, you can view them here.

I am the Watcher in the Night
I'm a religious person but I dislike all this we keep hearing about "Hell-ish" signs in movies and special signs leading us to the illuminati etc lol what would be the point of all this?
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"