The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I had Close Encounters as my #6 and it's #26 on my Top 100,
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Spielberg, 1977)

Richard Dreyfuss gives his greatest performance as visionary power lineman Roy Neary, caught in an enigma he cannot understand but refuses to ignore, even at the expense of losing his family. Spielberg tells the story impressionistically with a series of striking scenes which he never really explains and leaves it up to the audience to tie the thing together. In that way, we experience the film the same way as Neary and his family do. There is also a scientific team, led by François Truffaut, trying to figure out what's going on, but rest assured, things come to a beautifully-moving conclusion. In fact, the final 45 minutes is almost like a mini-movie opera all by itself, but one which is suffused in warm light and hope with no tragedy.
Besides having a great ending, Close Encounters has one of the greatest beginnings of any film.

In response to a question from Yoda about which version of CE3K to watch on Netlix:
Definitely watch the original cut first. It's got scenes which some people claim are idiotic, but since the main character is possessed, they're not idiotic and actually make sense. The "Special Edition" (1980) version cut out the "stupider" scenes, added some F/X and tacked on an entire scene at the end which I believe to be completely extraneous and much more pointless than the "stupid" parts. The Director's cut got rid of that scene at the end, but still has some added F/X sprinkled about and leaves an original scene or two deleted.

I hope you like the film. Spielberg really trusted his audience on this one because he goes out of his way to make the film a mystery wrapped inside an enigma. It's about as far away as possible from a "popcorn flick" that he could have made. I hope you're enthralled by the visual splendor and ultimately positive message that this film imparts. It also has my vote for Richard Dreyfuss's most-perfect performance.
I fell in love with Holy Grail in 1975 and still love it, but it didn't make my list.

My brother and I went to the Cerritos Theatre seven times in about a month in 1975 to watch a double bill of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and What's Up, Tiger Lily?. He even snuck in a tape recorder to record both movies, so that when he wasn't watching them during that month, you could here all the dialogue coming from inside his bedroom. Therefore, he and I have known all the dialogue to both movies since 1975.
One of my fave (among fave) parts:
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

A baker’s dozen of Deadite’s choices have now made the list. He had Tuesday’s The Conversation as his number thirteen, and today’s Close Encounters at number eleven.

1. Marathon Man (#73)
3. Dawn of the Dead (#35)
5. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (#25)
7. Harold & Maude (#27)
8. The Deer Hunter (#38)
9. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (#68)
11. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (#14)
12. Walkabout (#67)
13. The Conversation (#18)
15. Carrie (#36)
18. Straw Dogs (#83)
20. Annie Hall (#30)
21. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (#22)

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"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I'm gonna post up my list with the ones I know haven't made it, put them in red... we're at the Top 10 now... I reckon I got 6 of the 10, possibly 9.

1. Definitely made it
2. Deliverance - 51st
3. Definitely made it
4. Close Encounters Of The Third Kind - 14th
5. Not sure, I hope so
6. Definitely made it
7. The Deer Hunter - 38th
8. Carrie - 36th
9. Turkish Delight
10. Soldier Of Orange

11. Superman The Movie - 23rd
12. Not sure, I hope so
13. Definitely made it
14. Mad Max - 70th
15. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 25th
16. The Wicker Man - 79th
17. Logan’s Run - 100th
18. A Man Called Horse
19. Definitely made it
20. Not sure, I hope so

21. Definitely made it
22. Duel
23. Westworld
24. Dawn Of The Dead - 35th
25. Assault On Precinct 13 - 80th

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm so glad to see that Close Encounters of the Third Kind made the list, but I had hoped that it would have been higher.

It was #1 on my list. I placed it at #1 the first day that I heard about this 1970s list, and it never budged. It's one of my all-time favorite movies, so nothing else even had a chance at knocking it down to #2 on my list.

The Deer Hunter is Great ! only the wedding part I don't like of it
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Love The Holy Grail. Its really the only I Python I care to watch if I can't see the actual TV show. I think it captures a lot of the same genius that made the show such a phenomenal thing to watch. I love it dearly. I'm especially glad that I didn't have to put it very high on my list. It obviuosly made quite a few others as well.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I had Close Encounters at 24, it's one of my favourite Spielbergs along with Jaws,Temple of Doom and Catch Me If You Can. If you asked me when i was a kid it would have been top 5 easy. The Holy Grail is my favourite Monty Python but i'm not as big a fan of them as most so it was never that close to making my list.

Seen - 54/88
My List - 12/25

10.The Jerk
12.Paper Moon
13.Dog Day Afternoon
14.Aguirre, the Wrath of God
15.Five Easy Pieces
16.Enter The Dragon
19.The Outlaw Josey Wales
20.Little Big Man
21.Mean Streets
24.Close Encounters of the Third Kind

I have a bad feeling Rocky will make the top ten. Please no.
Oh, I am so hoping Rocky ends up Top 10. I wasn't expecting that possibility at all. Just 10th place would be fine with me. If it's not in the Top 10, Holden's probably rigged it.

Exterminate all rational thought.
A great pair. Encounters was not on my list but I like it. Holy grail was my #4! Love it. My favorite comedy by far. Alas there are 12 left and 12 left on my list to appear. I am 100% about 11 of those appearing and 99% one will not at this point which is sad as it is from one of the greatest directors of all time.

Two great films. Spielberg's best of the 70s (that's right, Mark) and one of my favourite science fiction movies. Monty Python? Had Life of Brian on my list; if we submitted a top 50 instead The Holy Grail would have made it too.

Here's to a Rocky-less top 10!
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Chappie doesn't like the real world
These are the ones from my list that made it so far:

Close Encounters 25th place
The Omen 24th Place
Dog Day Afternoon 22nd place
The Deer Hunter 17th Place
The Rocky Horror Picture Show 16th place
Saturday Night Fever 15th place
The Outlaw Josey Wells 9th place
All That Jazz 8th place
The Muppet Movie 7th place
Paper Moon 6th place
Halloween 5th place
Cabaret 1st place

That's 12 and I have four more certain ones. By far the most movies ever to make it from a list of mine.