Sedai's Avatar
Last Activity: 1 day ago


A system of cells interlinked
21,966 POSTS



20½ years HERE

Originally from southern Arizona, Sedai now resides in the Boston area where he spins records, takes in film, and is known to write the occassional film review on this very site. Biography
Boston Area, USA Location
Family, film, music, graphic design, hiking, gaming Interests
General Manager in the field of printing... Occupation
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell
Showing Comments 157 to 160 of 169
  1. 03-19-09
    Check out the shoutbox...
  2. 03-19-09
    I thought at first English might not be his first language too... but he's posting from the UK so there's a possibility he may be just a little full of himself young'un... either way, I guess if he shows back up, we'll know... thanks.
  3. 03-19-09
    Morning Sedai... would you check out the new person post in the introduction forum and let me know what you think?
  4. 03-12-09
    We use AIM way too much.
Foe   1/12/24
There is still some stuff to unpack, and I did find myself thinking about the film's implications after I was

The Final Girls   2/15/16
There was also a surprisingly effective emotional component between Max and her Mom's character in the film, w

Interstellar   3/16/15
One only need briefly scan the reviews on the internet before they find someone claiming the film is the best

Salem's Lot   10/02/14
When she mentioned it, I was on the fence in regards to watching, thinking that a TV miniseries from the 70s w

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