Sir Toose's Avatar
Last Activity: 01-29-24

Sir Toose

Instrument of Pain
5,485 POSTS


22¾ years HERE

Activity Log
4 months ago Shouted
4 months ago Posted
4 months ago Shouted
My mind is a junkyard littered with the thoughts of better people. Biography
Purgatory Location
The paranormal, Geek stuff, making Yoda uneasy, wood working, painting/drawing,waxing poetic Interests
Professional Geek Occupation
Showing Comments 9 to 12 of 113
  1. 03-03-14
    Yeah, I'm not actually stressing. If you could hear my voice, I'm teasing in a sarcastic kind of way. This damn internet. I've always wished that we could all hear each other. Now wouldn't that be some seriously loud fun.
    As far as the grill threads, yeah, it's kind of funny how things get going again like this. I did data dump about the new people, though. I will check post count before I get started. Good call, Mr. Man.
  2. 03-03-14
    Thank you kind SIr Toose . What movie is your profile banner from?
  3. 03-03-14
    Ah cool, thank you Sir!
  4. 03-03-14
    Ah yes, sorry, the terminology's confusing. That will, in fact, soft-delete the post. But you're supposed to get different phrasing as a mod, so I'll go fix that.
Dark Water   8/10/15
in both of those cases I thought the Japanese renditions were the better of the films, but in the case of Dark

Ghost Story   1/07/15
Personally, I've always been a fan of the winter ghost tale (a la Dickens) and particularly a fan of ghost tal

Amityville II: The Possession   1/06/15
I found out later that the story was comprised of bits and pieces of 'The Amityville Horror', the film, the b

The City of the Dead   5/05/14
Horror Hotel was one of the earlier films that attempted to twist the Salem Witch Trials into something altoge

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