CiCi's Avatar
Last Activity: 09-28-21


Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
3,751 POSTS



8¾ years HERE

England Location
Student Occupation
Showing Comments 457 to 460 of 463
  1. 09-02-15
    I thought you had basketballs, because everyone knows how masculine you are.
  2. 09-02-15
  3. 09-02-15
    Since you're a guy you have balls right?
  4. 08-06-15
    I think you'll get along the members of this joint real fast.

    This judgment is not based on your compliment! I swear.
Hunter's Blood   9/06/18
I laughed more times than I cringed at the random professions of love, or overly long debates on guns that wou

Hostel: Part II   6/03/18
Matarrazzo's development of her character made her death scene torturous (sorry for the terrible pun) to watch

Winter of Our Dreams   10/17/17
I also mentioned the film feeling understated throughout before, and although it works for the vast majority o

Harvest Lake   2/05/17
The cinematography was gorgeous on this film, I couldn't find the budget for this film, although I'm guessing

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