I am sorry I never said a proper goodbye.


It has been several months since I left this forum and I regret not announcing it properly, or even finishing my top 100 movies list. The end of my high school senior year got busy and I forgot about this site for a bit. It pains me because the two years I spent on this forum were some of the best times with my interests. I learned a lot about film here and I will always see film the way I saw it here. I want to thank everyone here for the great memories. I just had a hard time facing my fears to post this for the entire summer and I finally got the courage to post this. I am sorry.

I will be leaving for Ohio University in a week to major in history and double minor in political science and English. I dropped my idea of doing film but I still love the art of fiction.

Again, thank you all for the great times here I had here, and I wish you all great luck. I will spend time around here for the next week and submit a top 25 1940's list, but once I leave for Ohio University, I won't have time to post here again for a while.


You never know what's to come, Mushroom, or when you might have time with nothing to
do. You never have to feel pressured to check in, but there will be opportunities at some point. Good luck with school and don't forget you always have friends here.

Was I the only guy that had time for this site while in college? And it's not like I sucked, I had a 3.4 GPA.
I had a rounded 4.4 GPA in high school which unrounded, is a 3.8something.

Also, I am in OU's honors program, the Honors Tutorial College, and to stay in the program and receive their scholarship, I have to maintain at least a 3.5.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
It has been several months since I left this forum and I regret not announcing it properly, or even finishing my top 100 movies list. The end of my high school senior year got busy and I forgot about this site for a bit. It pains me because the two years I spent on this forum were some of the best times with my interests. I learned a lot about film here and I will always see film the way I saw it here. I want to thank everyone here for the great memories. I just had a hard time facing my fears to post this for the entire summer and I finally got the courage to post this. I am sorry.

I will be leaving for Ohio University in a week to major in history and double minor in political science and English. I dropped my idea of doing film but I still love the art of fiction.

Again, thank you all for the great times here I had here, and I wish you all great luck. I will spend time around here for the next week and submit a top 25 1940's list, but once I leave for Ohio University, I won't have time to post here again for a while.


It's nice to see you back FM, even if it's only for a little while. I wish you the best of luck at Ohio University, and if you find the time, drop in every once in a while and say hi.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hey FM, good to see ya!

That was a very nice opening post Thank you for writing that....We've missed you around here. You're a fun MoFo and part of the community...Hopeful sometime in the future when you have a spare moment or two you will drop by and visit us.

Study hard and don't forget to have a blast at school! You're only young once my friend, so have some fun!

Why people think they will not be able to do anything after they start college? I spent my peak forum activities during my undergrad and now I am working harder than ever. Of course, I don't watch movies anymore since they are too time consuming.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
take care Friendly and have a great time at college!!!

What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

See ya! (Even though I never knew you existed.)

Best wishes for your time at College mate!
212 555 6342
Pierce & Pierce: Mergers and Acquisitions
Patrick Bateman
Vice President
358 Exchange Place New York, N.Y. 10099 FAX 212 555 6390 TELEX : () 4534

Always nice to see a post from you FM, best wishes for the Uni courses!

It's funny because I was thinking I hadn't seen you post in awhile. I didn't realize you had actually left.

I had a rounded 4.4 GPA in high school which unrounded, is a 3.8something.
We don't use GPA in High School here, just in University where 4.0 is the highest you can have. Is High School GPA different? Is that how you can get over a 4.0?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time University!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Good luck Mushroom. You will be missed. Hey, we get to hang out for a few weeks at least.

Don't really know you but good luck nonetheless

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Dude I was thinking about you just the other day, wondering where the hell you went. Anyway, I hope you do well in the future! Good luck man.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Pfft, I was still posting on this site while I was getting married. You can do it while you take a few tests.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews