How often do you give 5 star ratings?

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Almost never. I always fear that if I do I will find several films better than the 5 star film!

I'd say, IMO, 8 1/2, Nights of Cabiria, and Raiders of the Lost Ark are probably 5 star films. I'd have to really think about it to find more. I probably could think of some, but I'm really hesitant to give anything 5 stars.

I give a maximum either for movies where I can't see any flaws or for those which I personally liked a lot.Excluding TV shows,short movies and documentaries,I gave 27 movies a top score.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Never. Or maybe when I'm too drunk when I saw a particular film.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Used to hand 'em out like Indian cuisine pamphlets. Now I'm a bit more mature and a bit more thoughtful when it comes to rating films.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Personally I don't use a star rating, I use a percentage system, but I've given 100% to only a small handful of films in my reviews section.

Must be something that stands out exceptionally to get it though.

Edit: At the other end of the spectrum, there's only one film that I've given 0%, Superman 4: The Quest For Peace.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
It's very, very rare that I will go all the way to 5 stars. I'll throw out 4.5 and 4.5+ with wild abandon but I hold back on going all the way except in special cases. I've not counted but I don't think there would be much more than 20, maybe 25 films that I'd give that holy grail rating to

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Very few movies get a five star rating from me. It has to be memorable, outstanding on every aspect of the film-making process, has to have outstanding acting (not necessarily Oscar material, but solid), and it has to hold some sort of cultural worth years later.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Twice. I suppose it's not just a coincidence that one (Jaws) I find the best-directed film and the other (Elmer Gantry) I find the best-scripted film. There are a few others I find close, but those two always seem to float higher to the top. By the way, brickie, Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the close ones.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Very few movies get a five star rating from me. It has to be memorable, outstanding on every aspect of the film-making process, has to have outstanding acting (not necessarily Oscar material, but solid), and it has to hold some sort of cultural worth years later.
I don't really see what "cultural worth" has to do with rating a film. Do you mean if it's popular and considered a masterpiece, you pretty much have to rate it 5 stars? I could be interpreting this the wrong way, though.

I hand 'em out to some movies. I think there's about 40 or 50 films I'd give a maximum rating. They don't have to be perfect, no movie is. They just have to have that special something that really appeals to you. I for one give a max rating to The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. The film has a special combination of cinematography, storytelling, acting and overall feel that truly appeals to the cinematic inside of me...

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I used to hand them out more regularly, but I haven't handed one out since I've joined this site. Also, some that I had rated 5 stars I have downgraded to 4.5. But there is still probably about 10-15 that I would give a perfect rating to, though they aren't without flaws.

True, but then, I'd give 5/5 for the vast majority of my top 100, if not the entire list.
Especially Charlie's Angels, right?

I, unlike most people, try to separate what I'd call a 5 star film from what I enjoy. If I were to make a list of my favorite films to watch the Friday the 13th films, Super Troopers, and They Live would all be on there, but they are far from 5 star films.

I rate films as objectively as I can and I like what I like. I'd never make a list of my favorite films and then presume to say they are all actually "good" films. I guess that's a part of why I don't give out top ratings very often.

I rate films as objectively as I can and I like what I like. I'd never make a list of my favorite films and then presume to say they are all actually "good" films. I guess that's a part of why I don't give out top ratings very often.

Exactly (+rep), my top film is Young Guns and I only rated it at 90%. I guess if I used stars ratings I'd have it at 4, or maybe 4 & a 1/2.

Another example is that I gave Shawshank Redemption 100%, or 5 stars if you will, but it's not even in my personal top 20.

No, nor would I, but I'd give them five stars because I'm rating for myself and not someone else/an audience. For me, Charlie's Angels is definately a 5 star film, but were I rating it for other people, I'd have to take the presumed audience into account.

No, nor would I, but I'd give them five stars because I'm rating for myself and not someone else/an audience. For me, Charlie's Angels is definately a 5 star film, but were I rating it for other people, I'd have to take the presumed audience into account.
Then what's the point of your rating system other than pure narcissism?
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