Top 15 movies of 2011


Best films of 2011

1. Hobo with a shotgun (13)
2. The Descendent's. *(27)
3. Warrior. * (32)
4. Drive * (34)
5. Moneyball. *(42)
6. Midnight in Paris. *(43)
7. Ides of March. *(55)
8. Win Win. * *(57)
9. Hugo. * *(58)
10. Super 8. *(59)
11. *Tree of Life. (60)
12. Scream 4 (68)
13. Tucker & Dale vs Evil (69)
14.Take Shelter. (73)
15. Adjustment Bureau (82)
(Numbers in Parantheses are position on all time list as of 2/23/12)

EDIT: Since this time I watched Girl With the Dragon Tattoo which would rank at number 3 of this year

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Hey, I'm one of the few around here who kinda likes Hobo With a Shotgun, but unless you're describing movies which blantantly attempt to attract new converts to cults (never that good a thing), I find it impossible to believe that it's somehow the thirteenth-best film EVER made.

"God Bless the United States and the Men who made her free." - Daniel Webster (The Devil and Daniel Webster, an RKO flick released the same year as Citizen Kane and better in my opinion!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Hey, I'm one of the few around here who kinda likes Hobo With a Shotgun, but unless you're describing movies which blantantly attempt to attract new converts to cults (never that good a thing), I find it impossible to believe that it's somehow the thirteenth-best film EVER made.

"God Bless the United States and the Men who made her free." - Daniel Webster (The Devil and Daniel Webster, an RKO flick released the same year as Citizen Kane and better in my opinion!
My 13 5 star films have a lot that most people find strange. I have the 2010 True Grit on there and Donnie Darko is my favorite. Hobo with a shotgun for me just kinda revolutionized me. It held nothing back, I mean "If you can't beat a whore you can't beat your wife" it's just so brutal, idk how o describe it. Idk why but it just left me in this chilled out feeling. I went and listened to mad world like 10 times after I was done

The watchable films of 2011 - (some of these are really good, but some are just okay)
In no particular order:

The Best Film of 2011: Drive

Source Code
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Devil's Double
The Debt
Puss in Boots
The Artist
War Horse
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
Super 8
Battle: Los Angeles
Have you ever held a lion in your arms? I have. He smelled funky.

Apparently I'm the only one that didn't care for Super 8 that much. I was hooked until the end when it started turning into a teenie bop romance story.

Apparently I'm the only one that didn't care for Super 8 that much. I was hooked until the end when it started turning into a teenie bop romance story.
Trust me you're not the only one.

[quote=Gregory Wood;793793]No, 50/50?[/QUOT
Didn't like it all that much
Now coming into this film I expected like everyone said the best comedy/drama of 2011, coming out I know that would definebtly be The Decsendents. The formula just didn't work, the drama took away from the comedy and free comedy take away from the drama. I do admit though the last surgery scene was very sad. The therapist and GF looked to alike makin it hard to distinguish, and the romantic part of the film was incredibly predictable.

Hmm...a top 15 Best of 2011 list, huh? That's pretty interesting here. Well, the best way to group quality motion pictures is to rank them. Number 1 is what should have won Best Picture, the following 8 films (to coincide with the Oscar nominations last year) would be what should have been nominated, and the 6 remaining pictures are simple guilty pleasures. With that said, here's my list:

1. Midnight in Paris: When 2011 ended, I assumed that Hugo would be carrying itself as the absolute best motion picture of the year. But once I saw this movie on cable, I knew it possessed everything Hugo had that made it great, only at 90 minutes long and with some good, clean, witty humor. I am leaning towards this as being my favorite Woody Allen film.


2. Hugo: Gorgeous visuals, and a film that not only celebrates life, but is also the study of the lives of several people that work or live within the confines of a trainstation post WWII. Martin Scorsese proved with this picture that his legacy was simply no fluke, but that he is indeed a contender for greatest director alive, and is one of the few truly great family pictures ever made.

3. Oh, yeah. The controversial film that lacked any significant nominations that, as you all may know by now, this film probably deserved. Not just a lack of a nomination for Ryan Gosling or Al Brooks, but a Best Pic nomination too. A thrilling character study of a stunt driver by day, chauffer for criminals at night. Certainly not worth missing out, even if it isn't akin to something like Fast Five.

4. Moneyball: Okay, this was a very rare and unusual exception to my rule of thumb, because I actually went and saw this movie in theaters one week after I saw The Lion King in 3D. Terrific acting all around, and a unique, intelligent, and honest take on the sport of baseball and economics make this film a strong, firm recommendation for any hardcore movie buff.

5. A Dangerous Method: The essemble drama of the year that deals with hard-to-swallow issues and scenesm, but is all the same brutally deep, significant, and true in every sense of the word. Not for the faint of heart, but is definitely a film that can make the viewer a little wiser.

6. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: Yet another film that makes you think. Just imagine if you took James Bond, changed focus from the action to the information, and delt with a complex plot full of conspiracy and intrigue. Gary Oldman was long overdue for an Oscar (which he should have won), but at least he was finally nominated.

7. The Descendents: I am not a big George clooney fan, but I think I fell for this movie much the same way that I did for Sideways; Alexander Payne is more than capable of taking any setting and any plot, and carefully weaving us a mixture of happiness and depression, comedy and drama, and constantly giving us something unexpected every time. In Sideways, it was in a vinyard. But here, it was in Hawaii which presented us the beauty of this film. Alexander Payne is slowly but surely turning into one of Hollywood's greatest filmmakers of the current generation.

8. Warriors: Okay, okay, I'm not too big a fan of this movie, but I can at least see the virtues of this picture. If you want a firm grip on what to expect of this movie, it is essentially the 2011 equivalent of The Wrestler, which was a great movie. This one isn't on par with The Wrestler, but I hope you get an idea on what to expect with this movie.

9. Shame: Okay, this movie is at the bottom of the list because the subject matter just bugs me. But it is an effective powerhouse picture that at least tries to tackle some legitamite issues.

And the important picture:

10.Atlas Shrugged, Part One: Hate me now, but I consider this to not just be a great movie, but possibly the most important film to have come out, perhaps ever. Sure, not as far as films are concerned (though one can only hope), but it is one of the most terrifyingly accurate works of Science Fiction ever made, and more than ever, it is astoundingly relevent today than it was when the book was published over 50 years ago.

And my fun films:

11.The Adventures of Tintin: One of the biggest blasts I had at the theaters, here's hoping this marks a return to form for Steven Spielberg as a director. A shame it wasn't even nominated for Best Animated Features.

12.Cowboys and Aliens: And it's played with a straight face. Personally, I will at least admit that Jon Favreau is an admirable director of blockbusters (Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Elf?).

13.Winnie the Pooh: Okay, people. Stop snickering. I love Winnie the Pooh. I'm a guy, and I like Pooh Bear. Who couldn't? He's just so naive and innocent, and all the other characters are a delight (Owl and Rabbit were always my personal favorite characters).

14.Transformers: Dark of the Moon: In spite of how popular it is to crucify Michael Bay, one has to at least find the visual effects of his films to be admirable and extremely detailed. The one catch here? Well, while attempting to repair the damages done in Transformers 2, he decided to strip this third film of the life and energy that the third film had. It left this film feeling rather bitter, but I still enjoyed it in the end.

15.X-Men: First Class: Yes, this is at the bottom of my list. Sue me; it was a good year for movies, after all. Great action sequences, a fun origin story (feels more like a reboot though, but I digress), and a cast full of memorable characters with such likable personalities.

And here's my top 15 of the year. Thanks for listening in on the new guy. Hope I spend more time on these forums to discuss movies with you guys. Later.

PS: I actually came from another movie forum with a few friends of mine, but they were chased out along with me due to some unfair judgments. Is it alright if I invite them over to this site?

Drive suck

mine top 15

1.Paranormal Activity 3(biggest surprise also)
2.Another Earth
4.The Tree of Life
6.Hangover 2
7.Rise of the Planet of the Apes

then about 10 empty places

10.Harold and Kumar Christmas...
11.The Interweeners movie
12.The Sitter
14.The adventures of Tintin
15.Final Destination 5(only because of 3D)

After wacthing the girl with the dragon tattoo I would put that in 3rd place
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I only saw 11 new movies last year.

Pirates: On Stranger Tides (Good, not great. Much better than previous movie though)

Rango (Still not sure if I liked it, which probably means I didn't)

Cars 2 (Sub par for Pixar, but decent enough)

Rio (Lame)

Bridesmaids (Surprisingly hilarious)

Source Code (Good but not exceptionally so)

Puss In Boots (Not good, but I wasn't expecting it to be)

Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (Fun)

The Help (Loved it)

Horrible Bosses (Tolerable, but not good)

J. Edgar (Nice performances, terrible make up)

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
1. X-Men First Class (Michael Fassbender as Magneto was genius)
2. Captain America: The First Avenger (love it)
3. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part II (I know it wasn't THAT good)
4. The Muppets (If you didn't like it then are you a man or a muppet?)
5. Fright Night (finally! A decent if not good remake)
6. Source Code
7. Take Me Home Tonight (I thought it was funny...)
8. The Three Musketeers (meh, it was fun)
9. Hugo
10. Green Lantern (I liked it)
11. Horrible Bosses
12. The Story Of Short Stack
13. Thor (It was okay...I only really liked Loki)
14. Dylan Dog: Dead Of Night (Reminds me of Buffy...if she was Brandon Routh)
15. Drive (Not in my taste but I enjoyed it)
Oxfords not brogues.

I saw 28 movies from 2011

The Dilemma-hated it
Hobo With a Shotgun-liked it
The Green Hornet-hated it
The Mechanic-pretty good
Drive Angry-enjoyed it
Hall Pass-very disappointed
Limitless-pretty good
The Lincoln Lawyer-pretty good
Paul-really funny
Source Code-just ok
Bridesmaids-best comedy of the year
The Hangover 2-really enjoyed it but not as much as the original
X-Men: First Class- the first super hero movie I loved
Super 8-wanted to like it more but didn't
Bad Teacher-very disappointing
Horrible Bosses-pleasantly surprised
Crazy, Stupid, Love-pleasantly surprised
Contagion- worth watching
Straw Dogs-just ok for a watch
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo-loved it
Cedar Rapids-above average comedy
Kill The Irishman-loved it
Super-liked it
Rise of the Plantet of the Apes-loved it
Fright Night-just ok
Drive-good, but slightly disappointed
The Human Centipede 2-crap film but I like that stuff
Harold and Kumar Christmas-not close to the first 2

Wow, I didn't realize I saw so many as I don't go to the movies much. Only saw 2 in the theater.