Movie Questionnaire!!


Let's try to be broad-minded about this
For my Technical Report Writing class I have to write a feasibility study so i'm doing mine on "The Feasibility of Increasing Movie-Going Patronage" and in order to do that I need to gather some stats so I figured what better website than you mofos? (Missed you all btw) So if you all could help me out by answering this questionnaire that would be awesome because I really should have had this done a week ago.... and i'm sorry I know it's a somewhat tedious questionnaire but every response I get REALLY helps me out! again...I procrastinated too long on this haha

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

I realize that depending on the response those are kind of the same question but yeah, thanks for helping me out guys, this is due on the December 4th and it's going to be at least 30 pages long D= wish me luck!

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

Around 4-6 times a year, not counting arthouse theaters

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?


3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years


4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?


5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?


6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

I suppose. I'm not really used to seeing that yet so it's hard to say one way or the other.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

No...though I suppose it would depend on the movie...

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

It's 50/50 really. I avoid watching trailers unless I'm in a theater but when I do see them they are either giving away too much or misguiding viewers as to what the movie is about. I'd say there's a 1/25 of a chance an ad makes me want to see the movie.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

Original stories by far

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

Better movies

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

Besides the food and ticket pricing being ridiculous, the quality of the films is generally very low, and the people in the theater usually make the experience all the worse.

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

Whenever a movie comes out I actually have interest in. Maybe once or twice every 5 years.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

None. 3D doesn't work with my eyesight and is a scam anyway.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

About the same as it has always been.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?


5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

See above.

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

Probably yes.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

Nope. They want to show high def stuff, why should they then sting the moviegoer. It's their choice to show it.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

Trailers and adverts never give an accurate portrayal.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

Really depends on the subject matter. An original script means nothing to me if the movie is say, a rom-com. I'm not a massive fan of remakes but there are one or two that are ok.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

Lower prices, lower food prices, better and cleaner cinemas and some sort of system within the cinema's guidelines that stop plebs from ruining the experience for genuine moviegoers.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

See above. Idiots in the cinema, stupidly high prices with very little quality for the extortionate prices.

Hi there Rice, good to see you around again.

Here you go...

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

When there's something I fancy watching which tends to be once every two or three months.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

I saw Dredd in 3D, but that was only because there was no alternative.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

Yes, considerably.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

Probably not. It's not so much the price as the style of contemporary cinema that turns me off.

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

No. 3D is gimmicky and makes films look dingy.

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

Couldn't care less about this. So no.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

As above.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

Since I don't have digital television...never.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

I usually go for an original looking concept or adaptation of something I like. CGI heavy movies that look monochromatic (grey or sepia) from all the camera filters and post production tampering are a complete turn off to me.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

If someone gave me a time machine and I could go back to the seventies then I'd be hitting theatres three or four times a week.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

A lot of this has to do with my age. I grew up in the 80's going to see films like The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Back To The Future, and Ghostbusters at the cinema whilst watching repeats of 70's television shows, and movies like Jaws, Get Carter, Alien, Tootsie, Three Days Of The Condor and Marathon Man on TV. Roger Moore was Bond, and there were no computer generated special effects. Flares and big collars didn't look that crazy, jazz-funk, disco or synth was the incidental music, and the monster was a guy in a suit lit right, i.e. he was tangibly there in shot as opposed to an artist's software program.

We also had the emergence of video rental with it's cheap and cheerful genre films that brought 42nd street into your living room (much to the disgruntlement of the British establishment). Stars like De Niro, Pacino, Newman, Redford, Hoffman, Hackman, and Eastwood were in their prime. Lee Marvin was still alive and the likes of John Wayne and Steve McQueen not such a distant memory. Production costs were also low enough to enable low budget film makers to produce films with practical effects that whilst sometimes inept, were also often outstanding when compared with their modern counterparts.

I just don't like the style of modern cinema which now resembles video games with the abundance of CGI. It looks cartoonish and I often find myself squinting at murky looking, almost monochromatic films due to the level of computer tinkering. Plus there's nothing worse that seeing drawn on blood splatters when someone is shot instead of traditional squib effects. I think inflation has forced a lot of film makers to use cheap CGI, but when I see a $150,000,000 movie with this stuff in it makes me wonder where the craftsmanship has gone.

Then you've got a constant stream of sequels, remakes and PG-13 rated superheroes. There's no edge any more. Of course you used to be able to turn to the exploitation independents for something a little kookier, but these days low budget genre films are also littered with ultra cheap CGI effects (compare Corman's awful current output with his 80's New World stuff for example). Either that or they're those rubbish hand held 'reality' flicks. It's clear to me cinema in general has not progressed in terms of quality, but gone backwards.

Now throw in soulless grey multiplexes with clinical decor and the huge advancement in home cinema technology; not to mention the astonishing availability of films on dvd. Not surprising I find dwindling reason to go to the cinema when I can sit at home with my wife in comfort eating sensibly priced snacks, as an endless parade of comforting nostalgia flickers across our screen.

Now all I need is a pipe and some slippers.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

A few times a year. Less than once a month.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?
None, if I can possibly help it.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)
It depends. Some are accurate, some aren't. Sometimes they make me want to see the movie.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)
There are a lot of sequels, prequels and remakes about, but more of the films I've seen at the cinema recently have been original.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?
If it was cheaper. If I didn't have to sit through half an hour or more of adverts, particularly anti-piracy ads. If it was cleaner and less soulless.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?
Mainly the cost, I can get a month's dvd rental subscription for the same price as two adult tickets to one film. Also, lack of babysitting. And time.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Thanks so much guys I really appreciate your feedback and it's all going to be used in the report!

aaanyone else?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?) - Whenever there's something worth seeing, so I go sporadically.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D? - Quite a few. I admit I love the spectacle.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years? - Yeah, I don't always have the money to go as much as I did when I was younger.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered? -Yes I would.

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors? - I'd probably go the same amount.

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps) - Doens't matter to me, really. I am excited for the Hobbit, but it has little to do with the frame rate. I just love the LOTR movies in general.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps) -Why should I have to pay more? I don't care too much about frame rate as I've said.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers) - I don't have cable, so I rarely see TV spots.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!) - I love comic book movies, especially the Marvel films, so I'm more likely to see those, and The Hobbit movies, too. Otherwise I just sort of see what looks good.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more? - If there was one closer to my home.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore? - Distance, money, lack of interest in films playing, etc.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Thank you! This is more fun than I thought it would be to read these, the responses are all so interesting

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
bump....sorry for the shameless self promotion, i'm just hoping to get at least ten responses, you guys are building a case for me and i seriously can't thank you enough!

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

Probably once a month, depends on what's playing.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

Usually none. I don't like 3D so unless I'm with somebody who does like it, I avoid it.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

Yes. I used to go 1-2 times a week. Now it's 1-2 times a month if that.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?


5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?


6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

Probably not.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)


8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

I'm not sure how to answer this question.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

I choose films based on cast and subject matter. I prefer original stories, but won't avoid a film just because it's an adaptation or prequel/sequel. I may avoid it if I dislike the source material though.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

A better selection of films.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

There just aren't a lot of films being released that appeal to me. The cost is also prohibitive. For example, on my last trip to the theater I was able to get free admission (had passes from the blood bank) but still ended up spending $17 on a soda and popcorn (which no longer include free refills).

I'll take a shot, though a lot of the ranges provided are pretty big.

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)
Probably 4-5 times a year now.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?
Maybe 1, and only because I have no other choice.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?
15, no. 5, yes.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?
Only a tiny bit more.

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)
Yes, at least to try it.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)
Yes, to try it. I haven't yet, though, so I don't know if I'd continue to pay more for it.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)
I think they represent the movie pretty accurately most of the time. The second question is tricky, because I usually only pay attention to trailers for movies I've already heard of. So...sometimes?

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)
If you're categorizing book and comic adaptations together with sequels, then probably more of those. I don't see as many sequels or prequels, but the overwhelming number are probably adaptations in some form.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?
Stricter rules about noise and cell phones. Hands down. This is literally the only thing stopping me from going regularly, like I used to. The Alama Drafthouse can't come here soon enough. I would pay crazy amounts of money for tickets to a theater like that.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?
See above. The rise in inconsiderate behavior from other moviegoers has completely transformed my relationship with the movie industry.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
(which no longer include free refills).
Seriously? That's awful! I guess it shows how long it has been since i've seen a movie...I think the last one I saw was Bridesmaids....

And interesting reason Yoda, where are you from again?

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

A few times a month, depends on the films out each month.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

None, 3D does my head in so it would be pointless paying extra to sit there feeling sick, and if it didn't make me ill, I still wouldn't pay to see a 3D film as I can't stand the trend, I especially hate it now because certain films are not leaving a choice and only showing the 3D version only. Dredd, and Prometheus are two recent examples that didn't get a 2D cinema showing near me.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

Increased actually due to easy access. Where I use to live the nearest cinema was about 25 miles away, and the bus/train ticket costs on top of the cinema tickets was a lot at the time. Now I have 6 main cinemas near all within 10 miles of where I live.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

Oh absolutely. If it was possible, I'd see every film I was interested in at the cinema, even if only somewhat interested.

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

Not really, as long as the price doesn't increase...

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

TV Spots are hardly shown on the channels I watch here in the UK, so it's mostly trailers on the internet that I go by. I don't let the trailer alone decide if I want to see it because sometimes trailers can make a film look a lot better than it turns out to be(Battle: Los Angeles) or the opposite(Seeking a Friend for the End of the World). I do think the majority of trailers give you a good idea though of what you are in for.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

Mix really but I do seek out the more original films over everything else when finding what films I want to watch.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

Cheaper tickets, and a ban on mobile phones in the actual screening room, especially when in 12A rating films where any age can be in the cinema screening and more likely to be playing on their mobile phones. Some countries they have phone jammers in the cinemas apparently.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?


Seriously? That's awful!
Yep. The theater in my town is a Brendan Theater (part of a chain) and they have implemented a fee of $1.00 to refill a drink or popcorn and still limit you to only 1 refill per item per visit.

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

Very rarely, largely due to the dislike of going on my own because no one else really goes unless it's to watch popular releases. This year I've seen Ted, Spider-Man, TDKR and Skyfall, so 4 :P

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

None, I've never seen a 3D film in the cinema

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

Not really, I actually want to start going to see more now as I've only recently (past year) really got into watching films. There's plenty of films left this year that I'd like to go and watch if I could.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

I don't mind the price around here, it's £6 and the food is decent price, although the cinema is pretty **** so they can't really charge more. If in the summer I go away and go to a vue then the prices are extortionate for food and that.

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

Probably not, not the biggest fan of 3D really.

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

Don't really know much about 48fps to make a comment on this, I'd have to see it first I suppose.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

Perhaps, but like I said I'd want to know what I'd be getting first.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

Most of the time I have an idea of what I'm going to see anyway and normally have to based it off a number of other things. Don't think I've ever really seen one based purely off this.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

Don't really base it off that either, I normally just go for whatever looks good/interesting and if I like the Director. Although due to the people I go with which are just your average people who aren't too much into films I normally end up going to see popular franchise/series films such as this year: Spider-Man, TDKR and Skyfall. I also want to go and see The Hobbit due to how much I like LOTR and I'm guessing plenty of my friends would be happy to as well.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

More people I know who actually like the type of films I do. I don't think I could go with my friends to watch titles such as The Master, Amour, Rust and Bone etc. they'd think it was a bit strange

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

Above explains that really.

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

At an average of 3 movies per month.

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?


3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

Yes. This is due to my busy schedule and the huge amount of older films I stockpile. Honestly, I do not believe that the standard of movies has decreased over the past few years. Every now and then a new film surprises me (eg. Holy Motors, Once Upon A Time In Anatolia, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, Le Quattro Volte, etc)

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

No. The quality of the movie is the decisive factor.

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?


6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

Yes naturally. I always look out for innovation and creativity in my movies. But if it turns out like the 3D gimmick, then it's a different story.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

I don't mind.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

Trailers are the only source of information about the film I seek.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)


10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

A more passionate and considerate audience.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

See above.

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

Once a year these days

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

Zero average

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?*


4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?


5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?


6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

It may add enjoyment but it wouldn't be an incentive to go.

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

Yea why not, I don't really care what I pay anyway.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

I think that normally they are pretty accurate.
Trailers are the number one reason for me wanting to see something.*

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

I mostly see original stories and book adaptions.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

If I could smoke and beat off in my seat.

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

The comfort, choices, and nice TVs at home.*

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
thanks guys, i'm putting quotes of you all in the paper, i'm using your responses to argue for a redirection of focus onto more original scripts and one of the criteria by which i'm evaluating each option (for increasing movie-going patronage) is consumer satisfaction so you guys made it easy for me to say yes to this option! yay! and down with 3D....because another option i evaluated was 3D

1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)


2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

if it's in 2d, I'll see it in 2d, only watch in 3d if I have to, the glasses irritate me.

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

no, it has increased.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

no, I go as much as my time allows me to.

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

no, I would still prefer them in 2d

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

would need to see one for it to make a difference, I doubt it will

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)


8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

hit and miss, trailers for the best films tend to be honest, trailers for poor films tend to mislead more.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

Originals, I want to see something new.

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

if they scheduled screenings evenly, instead of showing Twilight, Taken 2 and Skyfall 10 times a day, then one screening of another movie, and keeping Taken 2 in the cinema for months, while other films only get 1 week (I missed On the Road, Chernobyl Diaries, Prometheus, Killing them Softly, Savages because of this)

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

time, other people's availability, the above.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
1. How often do you go to see movies in theaters? (weekly, monthly...yearly?)

5 times a year (mostly for the kids)

2. Of that how many of those films are in 3D?

4, mostly for the kids as well

3. Has the amount that you see films in theaters decreased over the last 5-15 years?

Absolutely. The price has made me pick and choose more.

4. Would you go to movies more often if the price was lowered?

Oh yeah

5. Would you see 3D movies more often if the price was lowered after the theaters paid off the projectors?

No, I can't stand 3D. Wearing 2 sets of glasses is stupid and uncomfortable

6. Would you be more excited about seeing films if they were shot at 48 Frames Per Second as opposed to the regular 24? (Thus creating a more lifelike/realistic effect without 3D glasses. The Hobbit will be coming out in 48fps)

Yeah, that's the way they should be doing it!

7. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to see movies shot at 48fps? (Like 3D, the theaters would have to buy projectors capable of showing films at 48fps)

No, they can pay Bruce Willis a bit less and charge me less too.

8. When it comes to TV spots/advertisements for films, how accurately do you feel they represent what the film is actually about? How often do you wish to see a movie after seeing a TV spot? (not including full length trailers)

If I am excited about a film, I do a media blackout before seeing it. TV ads always ruin a film by either sensationalizing elements of it, or downright giving away the plot.

9. Do you find yourself going more often to films based on original scripts/stories or more so sequels, prequels book adaptations, comic adaptations etc. (be honest mofos!)

Original always. I will go see a comic book movie if the word is out that it's great

10. In your opinion what would motivate you to go to the theaters more?

Buxom ladies, wearing little red hats with chin straps, walking the aisles, selling snacks before the movie

11. Also in your opinion what is it that keeps you from going to movies anymore?

Prices, and the current movie choices
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.