The MoFo Top 100 of the 60s: Countdown

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My Top 25 at this point:

1. Top 20
2. An Autumn Afternoon (1962)
3. Top 15
4. Top 10
5. Top 15
6. Top 5
7. Top 10
8. La Dolce Vita (1960)
9. Top 10
10. Playtime (1967)
11. High and Low (1963)
12. Top 20
13. Did not make it
14. Did not make it
15. Late Autumn (1960)
16. The Swimmer (1968)
17. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)
18. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
19. Blow-Up (1966)
20. Did not make it
21. Belle de Jour (1967)
22. Peeping Tom (1960)
23. Top 5
24. Did not make it
25. Goldfinger (1964)

Master of My Domain

La Dolce Vita was my #12

Alright, so if the last movie from my list, Who's Virginia of Woolf, can be summed up as 2 hours of endless insults and arguing, La Dolce Vita is 3 hours of endless parties, superfluous emotions, and fruitless searches for sexual pleasure. But there's a reason why one is #12 on my list and the other one is significantly lower, at #17.

La Dolce Vita consists of multiple episodes, 7 in total over the course of 7 days and 7 nights, and they all connect. It is one consistent flow as the film shows the high and lows of a lust, rich-filled Rome. In one episode Marcello Rubini, (Marcello Mastroinanni), the film's protagonist, a journalist for gossip magazines, high in the sky on a helicopter waving at beautiful women from up above, in another episode, he descends down to half-underground nightclubs.

There are many beautiful female leads in this film, but none of them I consider to them to be a leading actresses. Fellini treats them as Mastrioianni's character would treat them, which is delivered to the audience. We are introduced to a lot of them, their numbers are quite big even for a film that stands at 3 hours long, but we quickly move on to the next woman before any relationships can start. This is not a distraction, merely a brilliant way to make you feel as empty on the inside, still lonely, and longing for more, just like the upper class citizens filling up every frame. It truly is a great experience, and even after I finished the film I couldn't get out of it for a day or two.

La Dolce Vita is arguably Fellini's ultimate masterpiece (I just prefer 8 1/2 for personal reasons, including "Surrealism FTW" ). It combines just about every film he made in the past, (La Strada, Nights of Carabia) and shapes the direction for his future filmography. This film is at the point a bit before he fully matured as a filmmaker, thus while it is not a complete, it is filled with young energy and a lot of passion.

I believe La Dolce Vita can do something for everyone, regardless of age, because it is one of those unlikely relatable films that catch you by surprise. For me, it made Mastrioianni a Top 10 actor, and Fellini a Top 5 director, and a reason to sit through films chugging for 3 hours (originally the ideal length of a film for me is just around 2 hours, and still us, but La Dolce Vita made me more tolerant about length, because, sometimes it's worth it). For those of you who are looking for an entrance to Fellini, this is the perfect film.

For me, it made Mastrioianni a Top 10 actor, and Fellini a Top 5 actor
Didn't know Fellini was such a good actor.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

The People's Republic of Clogher
La Dolce Vita was my #22.

The word iconic is used far too frequently nowadays but this, ladies and otherkin, is one of the iconic images of 60s cinema.

The Trevi fountain looks kinda tame in real life without Anita.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

The Breakdown...

For a Few Dollars More

3x 5th (63 points), 7th (19 points), 8th (18 points), 2x 9th (34 points), 2x 10th (32 points), 2x 11th (30 points), 13th (13 points), 4x 14th (48 points), 16th (10 points), 18th (8 points), 19th (7 points), 22nd (4 points), 23rd (3 points),

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

2nd (24 points), 6th (20 points), 8th (18 points), 4x 9th (68 points), 10th (16 points), 11th (15 points), 3x 12th (42 points), 3x 13th (39 points), 14th (12 points), 16th (10 points), 17th (9 points), 20th (6 points), 2x 22nd (8 points), 2x 23rd (6 points), 25th (1 point)


Both films were the only to receive their respective amount of points, so no tie breaking was needed.

Dollars almost made my list... very close tbh.

Sundance was my #12... I had it down as a "Definite Top 10" prediction. Very surprised it didn't break the Top 20.

1. Definitely, maybe even Top 10
2. Definitely Top 10
3. Probably not now we’re within the Top 20
4. The Hustler (1961) - 26th
5. Definitely
6. The Innocents (1961) - 32nd
7. Definitely, maybe even Top 10
8. Probably not now we’re within the Top 20
9. The Haunting (1963) - 42nd
10. True Grit (1969) - 69th
11. Definitely Top 10
12. Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (1969) - 21st
13. Probably not now we’re within the Top 20
14. Peeping Tom (1960) - 33rd
15. Cape Fear (1962) - 84th
16. Probably not now we’re within the Top 20
17. The Great Escape (1963) - 30th
18. Probably not now we’re within the Top 20
19. Probably not now we’re within the Top 20
20. Easy Rider (1969) - 38th
21. Definitely, maybe even Top 10
22. Definitely Top 10
23. West Side Story (1961) - 28th
24. Pretty sure it’ll make it, maybe Top 20
25. Probably not now we’re within the Top 20

Nice showing for two terrific Westerns I did not vote for.
Similar to how I feel. I left a few Westerns off my list that I think I should have included, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was one of them. Would have been in the lower five, but it's definitely a film that I like a lot, and one of my step-dad's favourite films too, he has an old DVD copy of it.

I watched A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More ages ago now, when I was first getting into films, so I don't remember too much about them specifically, but I remember I enjoyed them.

Westerns can be very hit or miss with me. Sometimes I find them exciting and engaging, but all too often I find them a tedious bore. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is a very entertaining film with strong performances and a fantastic climax. I had it at #11

I've not seen For A Few Dollars More, but after my experience watching The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, I had no desire to see it.

My List
2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (#101)
7. Harakiri (#27)
8. Onibaba (#62)
10. Through A Glass Darkly (#81)
11. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (#21)
18. In Cold Blood (#78)
21.The Jungle Book (#88)
22. Easy Rider (#38)
23. The Virgin Spring (#67)
25. Something That Didn't Make the One Pointers List

Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid is one of the very few westerns that I love. I had it at #12. Haven't seen For a Few Dollars More

My List:
3. Knife in the Water
5. La Jetee
7. The Trial
11. La Dolce Vita
12. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
21. Breathless
23. Peeping Tom
24. Elmer Gantry
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
ANNND my #2 comes in!
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid.
Saw this for the first time when I was 3 1/2 at the drive-in.Was beside myself with grief at the ending.
Can't even IMAGINE the amount of times I've seen this through out my life.

This is actually the second movie I have memories of seeing as an itty bitty lil movie maniac.
The first was Romeo & Juliet which was released 3 yrs before so it had of been re-released in the drive-ins the following year since I, along with an older brother and one younger one was dumped on the oldest in the family who was 18 and his date to tag along -- I know, frickin mean trick by my parents, huh?
But I do remember sitting in the back of the family station wagon and being freaked out (and a little fascinated) by the duel between Romeo and Tybalt when Mercutio steps in and gets killed.

For A Few Dollars More is a great flick but didn't quite make the list

!. The Great Escape
2. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid
3. The Hustler
5. The Lion in Winter
7. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
8. Le Samourai
11. True Grit
17. Oliver!
20. Wait Until Dark
22. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
23. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
25. Bonnie & Clyde

First time today that both reveals are on my list. For a Few Dollars More was number 14 and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was number 9. That makes seven films so far from my list to appear on the countdown.