The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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I saw something earlier -- apparently Fury Road is Quentin Tarantino's favorite movie of the year.

Guardians of the Galaxy (James Gunn, 2014)

Date Watched: 12/31/15
Cinema or Home: Funny Face's House
Reason For Watching: Funny Face wanted to watch it
Rewatch: No

I know Guardians of the Galaxy is well loved by many on the forum, but I was rather unimpressed with it. It had a few funny moments and few touching ones, but it was just way too Sci Fi for my tastes. It also relied far too heavily on CG effects - so much so that it pretty much qualifies as a hybrid animation/live action film. And while that style of film can work quite well, it just didn’t really work for me here and I found all that CG more distracting than anything else.

Also, a nitpicky side note – Raccoons are not rodents.

The Hateful Eight (Quentin Tarantino, 2015)

Date Watched: 1/2/16
Cinema or Home: Cinema, with Funny Face
Reason For Watching: It's a Tarantino film. Also I love Samuel L. Jackson.
Rewatch: No

Tarantino is a director who knows how to have fun and keep an audience entertained. He's also a man who knows how to build tension. He has a ball doing both in this flick. If you want a serious period piece, look elsewhere. If you want a solemn character study or some sort of fable about nobility or honor, look elsewhere. This is not a standard Western. This is Tarantino. What you're going to get is a lot of colorful characters, colorful language, violence, and blood. That's exactly what I wanted from this movie and he delivered. I didn't love it as much as Django Unchained or Inglourious Basterds, but I certainly had a good time with it.


Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Nice to see you appear to be keeping this going MV. Got to say though that I don't agree with a whole lot of what you have to say!

Glad you somewhat enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy. While I certainly liked it more than you that is probably more generous than I'd have predicted from you. Hateful Eight I watched and wasn't really a fan of I've got to say. And then your feelings on Minions and Home I'd pretty much swap around entirely. Minions was largely what I expected/feared from a spin-off for some comic relief characters whose vocabulary only stretches to about two words. One or two mini laughs aside I found it quite a slog to get through. Home however I quite enjoyed, certainly a lot more than I thought I would. Just a shame that Rihanna's presence significantly dragged it down or I could really have liked it.

The fact that Bob befriends a rat didn’t hurt anything, either.
As soon as that happened I instantly thought of you.

I keep seeing people who like Hateful Eight saying they liked it, but not as much as Django and IB. I don't know whether to be encouraged by that or not.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Not enough walking, talking trees and anthropomorphic raccoons for you?
I know you're being sarcastic but if Groot had been there it would almost certainly have been a better film!

I know you're being sarcastic but if Groot had been there it would almost certainly have been a better film!
I actually found Groot a little irritating. He doesn't make anything better.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
How dare you two!!! That's a disgrace!

Although I've changed my mind MV, Groot wouldn't have made Hateful Eight better. Groot is too grounded a character for QT's world of silly, over-the-top caricatures and stereotypes. He just wouldn't have fitted in.

Oh yeah, and Groot for President bitches!!!

QT's world of silly, over-the-top caricatures and stereotypes.

Right, because there's so much depth to a wooden character that says nothing but "I am Groot." Or something.

Groot is rubbish. Sorry, JD, but after watching that film my biggest feeling was "how did that become a thing?"
Other than knowing Rocket Raccoon was in the movie, the only thing I ever heard about GotG was people giggling over the "I am Groot" line. I asked people what was so funny about it and they just looked at me.

Righteously turned me off of seeing it.
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The Revenant (Alejandro González Ińárritu , 2015)

Date Watched: 1/9/16
Cinema or Home: Cinema, with Funny Face and her friend
Reason For Watching: Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy
Rewatch: No

Visually, this is one of the most gorgeous films I've seen. The cinematography is absolutely breathtaking. It is a spectacular showcase of the beauty and savagery of nature and of man. The film is full of tension and dread and both DiCaprio and, perhaps especially, Hardy excel in their roles.

Sadly, the animators that rendered the CG in this film did not excel. The infamous bear and some wolves seen later in the film look and move in a way that is jarringly unnatural. The film is also a bit longer than it needed to be, but these are relatively minor complaints and the strengths of this film far outweigh its weaknesses.


Right, because there's so much depth to a wooden character that says nothing but "I am Groot." Or something.
You love Honeykid and he/she doesn't say much that's really funny.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

The Revenant (Alejandro González Ińárritu , 2015)

Date Watched: 1/9/16
Cinema or Home: Cinema, with Funny Face and her friend
Reason For Watching: Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy
Rewatch: No

Visually, this is one of the most gorgeous films I've seen. The cinematography is absolutely breathtaking. It is a spectacular showcase of the beauty and savagery of nature and of man. The film is full of tension and dread and both DiCaprio and, perhaps especially, Hardy excel in their roles.

Sadly, the animators that rendered the CG in this film did not excel. The infamous bear and some wolves seen later in the film look and move in a way that is jarringly unnatural. The film is also a bit longer than it needed to be, but these are relatively minor complaints and the strengths of this film far outweigh its weaknesses.

The cinematography really is amazing. I thought the bear was pretty damn impressive. 24 hours and I already don't remember the wolf. Remind me where it is. Glad you liked it MV. Very impressive experience for me.