The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Really enjoyed Zero Dark Thirty but yet to rewatch since theatre. I didn’t consider it.

Going 50/50 on watches is becoming a trend. Would like to all Lumet’s movies, so I will definitely see The Hill eventually.

Zero Dark Thirty is the first of the reveals thus far to have appeared on a previous MoFo List. It was #58 on the MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s and all the way up at #10 on the Top 100 Films Directed by Women.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The trick is not minding
1/8 which is my worst start to a countdown since I’ve joined.
I do have The Burmese Harp, W&P and The Tin Drum saved to watch however, so I should get to them relatively soonish.

The trick is not minding
Zero Dark Thirty is excellent, but didn’t make my ballot. I haven’t seen The Hill yet.
I keep passing on ZDT every time is becomes available on streaming services, thinking I’ll get to it that month, but I never do.

I keep passing on ZDT every time is becomes available on streaming services, thinking I’ll get to it that month, but I never do.
I saw it at the theatre when it first came out and really liked it. I rated it a 9/10.

Woohoo, I'm on the board!... with a film I didn't vote for, but at least there's one I've seen Zero Dark Thirty was a film I remember enjoying but not enough for me to take it over the hump. It's weird because I wouldn't say it necessarily stuck with me as a whole, but certain moments did. Still, no vote.

I've never seen The Hill, but I've heard/read good things. I'm a fan of Lumet, so I'm sure I'll get to it eventually. On the other hand, most of the previous films on the list I hadn't even heard of or haven't been on my radar.

Seen: 1/8

My ballot:  
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Trouble with a capital "T"
I seen The Hill, I do get why people really like and respect it, as it does have a unique idea behind it...but it just didn't do much for me. Maybe I'll rewatch it after everything that I claim I'm going to rewatch It does seem like my type of movie, so who knows?

Zero Dark Thirty, I don't want to relive 9/11 and all that horror again. I just don't need the stress of seeing those images. I wonder if anyone in my age bracket feels the same?
I'm sure it's a good movie so no problem with it making the countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"
1/8 which is my worst start to a countdown since I’ve joined.
I do have The Burmese Harp, W&P and The Tin Drum saved to watch however, so I should get to them relatively soonish.
Don't feel bad I'm only at 3/8 and I've been watching a freakin' war film every single day since the perlimary countdown was announced. I really don't seem to have the same taste in films as most MoFos.

Zero Dark Thirty was a really good theater experience when it first came, lot of movie mileage on my mind but have yet to forget that final raid scene, but I haven't seen it since then.

The Hill is my #21 but could have been a few places higher.

The Hill is really good, but it didn't make my ballot. Here's what I wrote on it in the group watch thread: I watched The Hill yesterday, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It probably won't make my ballot, but the battle of wits between the prisoners and the commanders kept me on board and the various subjective placements of the camera helped to put me in the characters shoes (the gas mask perspective was a prime example of this).

I haven't seen Zero Dark Thirty, sadly ruining my perfect streak

I liked ZDT the one time I saw it, even considered it for my list, but it didn’t make the cut. I don’t have much desire to revisit it, but maybe one day.

I forgot the opening line.
94. The Hill - The Hill looks fantastic. There's a bountiful reward to be had coming to these Movie Forums - while I hear about many new and unheard of films from my friends, nothing but a countdown can reveal one high quality title after another in a certain genre. I guess I'd have found this one while going through Sidney Lumet's filmography, but now it has a large asterisk beside it as a film I really want to see soon. I recently watched the Lumet/Connery collaboration The Offense, and it was really good - but this looks like it'll be even better.

93. Zero Dark Thirty - This is the first film I was really expecting to show up - but I'd have sworn it would have appeared higher on this list. Lauded when it was released, Zero Dark Thirty is an historical document kind of film which details the efforts of the operatives behind the hunt for Osama Bin Laden during the War on Terror. How much you like it might depend on how onboard you are/were with the controversial and sometimes botched efforts of the United States an her Allies in this war, and in putting down the groups of Islamic Fundamentalists who were keen on bringing destruction on all who had offended them from the early 90s onwards. This includes the use of torture and assassination as part of the battle plan. It's a good film, verging on great, but didn't make my list. I find it hard and disheartening to watch.

Seen - 3/8
Heard of - 4/8
Never heard of - 4/8
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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I keep passing on ZDT every time is becomes available on streaming services, thinking I’ll get to it that month, but I never do.
I do the same thing, but it's always with The Hill when it airs on Turner Classic Movies[/b]---I say to myself that I'll catch it "next time," but it's been a while since I've seen it on their schedule so I'm hoping. It really looks great.

Zero Dark Thirty is one that I love, Jessica Chastain fan that I am. But it's a great movie in its own right, Jessica or not. I liked it so much I had to have the DVD and it's in need of a re-watch.

Had ZDT set to go on my list but several others bumped it off. Sorry, Jessica!

Still zip from my list.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Welcome to the human race...
One vote. The Tin Drum was my #24, an extremely twisted tale of magical realism as pointed metaphor for the complacency of certain civilians living in Nazi Germany. Certain war films do play with the fantastic (overtly or otherwise) in order to reach a greater point and this one does it very well.

As for the others revealed so far...haven't seen Napoleon (but want to), have seen The Hill (liked it a lot, plan on rewatching it) and Zero Dark Thirty (whatever on it, still feel like owing it a rewatch to see how it does or doesn't hold up).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

A system of cells interlinked
Zero Dark Thirty
was my #24

Clearly, I have not seen many war films, if I am including what many feel to me a fairly middling Kate Bigelow film on my list. That said, I like the slowly tightening drumhead effect of this film. Is it a CIA approved puff piece meant to reinforce an altered narrative on true events? Maybe. There is no way for me to really know. Regardless, I think it is good filmmaking, and I prefer it to The Hurt Locker by just a bit, although I like both films.

This should be a red flag to the rest of the MoFos to definitely not take my entire list very seriously. I have only a passing interest in war pictures, and I didn't put much thought or effort into this list. I mean hell, I briefly considered putting a Michael Bay film on my list, which should leave whatever is left of my reputation as a film fan on this site in smoldering, bombed-out ruins.

Woohoo, I'm on the board!... with a film I didn't vote for, but at least there's one I've seen Zero Dark Thirty was a film I remember enjoying but not enough for me to take it over the hump. It's weird because I wouldn't say it necessarily stuck with me as a whole, but certain moments did. Still, no vote.
I am right there with you at 1/8 seen so far. War flicks in general are a huge blind spot for me!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell