Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

My next three movies are actor directed, which is just a weird coincidence, but I definitely took notice of it. Dances With Wolves was a formidable theater watching for me. I think it probably started my love for historical epics. Also may be the movie that made me realize movies can be serious in theme and still be seriously entertaining. Holds up for me, I love it.
I saw Dances With Wolves when it was in the theaters, and I loved it. I hadn't watched it again until we did the Western Countdown, and it's still just as good as I remembered it.

I loved this movie when it first came out, if I hadn't rewatched it recently it probably wouldn't have made my list. It is so effective emotionally. Great performance by Thornton. Really love Yokham here as well. Not a false move for me in this one.
Sling Blade is one of those movies that I didn't think I would like, but it was recommended to me, (I think by @Captain Steel), and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it.

Another one I loved from first watch. Gooding gives one of my favorite performances ever. I am not a romantic comedy guy, but I am a sports movie guy. This blends them perfectly for me. Very funny movie.
Jerry Maguire is another movie that I hadn't seen since it was in the theaters, but I watched it again recently. (I think it was for a MoFo Sports Movie Tournament.) I'm not much of a fan of Tom Cruise, but this is definitely one of his better movies.

Another trend you might notice with me is I like dramas that are funny. I just think it brings out the characterizations so well. Most of my favorite directors, with a couple exceptions, use humor very effectively. This movie is really funny to me. I think about certain scenes and lines very often. I don't watch it as often anymore, but I have seen it a bunch and it remains a classic in my mind.
Good Will Hunting is one of those movies that I watch whenever I'm flipping channels and I find it playing. It's one of my favorite movies.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

I have only seen this once but it was pretty much close to a perfect first watch. The acting, cinematography, setting, and sound were all top notch. The lighting was so good in this film too. I've been itching to see this again and I assume it can only go up on a list like this.

I almost didn't watch Parasite because I thought it was a horror movie about bugs, but I watched it for the Foreign Countdown, and I liked it. I think it's a bit overrated, but it's a good movie.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Pretty much everything is there for me with this one, sorry sounding like a broken record. Great script and I love the humor in the film. Jack is at his best definitely in this one. Nurse Watched is played to perfection.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a great movie. It's probably my favorite Jack Nicholson movie.

I forgot the opening line.

The next two aren't so nostalgic. This was one of the best anti-death penalty movies I have ever watched. after seeing its part of the Dekalog, I watched the feature version within a week. This movie is really moving. I really love the aesthetic as well.
I saw A Short Film About Killing for the second time early this year or late last year. One of the best anti-death penalty movies I've seen also. I also like Pierrepoint.

As for films with a social conscious such as this one, I very highly recommend The Death of Mr. Lazarescu to everyone here. This won't be the last time I plug that movie here.

Really great black and white cinematography. Love the pace of the film as it seems to be legit time. Love Cooper's performance. Kelly is there for a bonus. And of course a good soundtrack.
High Noon would crack my top 25 all-time favourite list. A perfect film. I'm in love with it.

Pretty much everything is there for me with this one, sorry sounding like a broken record. Great script and I love the humor in the film. Jack is at his best definitely in this one. Nurse Watched is played to perfection.
I missed this one earlier somehow. This and Her are the only ones you and I have in common so far.

Not feeling up to finding out where I last commented up to, so I'll just comment on the ones I remember. Braveheart? Really? **** me. I remember thinking One Flew Over... was fantastic and it probably still is, but I've not seen it in forever. High Noon was my mum's favourite film for a long time, so I think well of it regardless of what I think about it (which is that it's OK.) I remember seeing A Short Film About Killing in film studies and thinking really well of it and I like Kieslowski. I think I might have a copy of it somewhere.

Most of the 90's stuff was good (with the obvious exception) and I've not seen Parasite.

Oh, Taxi Driver. Best film on either list so far.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Back to back Jack's, and paired with Morgan Freeman it's a really great combination for me. Ione of the more personal picks of this list, the movie means a lot to me. Lots of laughs and some tears. I truly love it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Cuckoo’s Nest is a contender for my list for sure

Parasite was very good, looking forward to a second watch.

Bucket List is good fun. Hard for me to dislike anything with either actor.

Nice to see A Short Film About Killing make an appearance on Sean's list and BttF and Thief are classics as far as I'm concerned.

From what I've seen Raul's got ya pipped purely on that last ten though - a pretty strong set with One Flew Over... and Taxi Driver leading the way.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

One of the best looking films ever made. A great score and good acting by Bullock and Clooney. That scene with Bullock imagining Clooney is something else.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I love Gravity. One of my favorite theater watches ever. I think it holds up better than people say, but it hasn't stuck around as a favorite for me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

This spot had a lot of competition. I think the cinematography in this one puts it over the top. Not only is this a cool story with great performances but it just looks incredible.

I love every Tarantino movie. This one always gets the edge over most others because I think it has two of the greatest scenes of any of the movies I have watched. I put the opening and the bar scene up against everything else in film. Just astounding.

I wish this movie got more love. I think Harvey Pekar is infinitely fascinating and he is played perfectly by Giamatti. Love the way this blends in Doc footage as well. Probably most underrated movie on my list.

Watched this one again before making my list. Absolute perfection. Actually should probably be a lot higher. I want that score just to play in my head all throughout my day, perfectly melancholy. Such great cinematography, so inventive and unique. Two great understated performances.

An old faithful, that is never far from my mind. Giamatti is one of my favorite actors. Church is perfect in this as his complete opposite. Very funny movie, but has a lot of heart too.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
And with Sideways we have our third match! Great film!

In the Mood for Love is good, although I was hoping I would connect even more. I obviously just watched this again today like I told you.

Basterds is lame for me. Sorry.

Haven't seen Splendor or Jesse James.

A couple of huge blindspots for me on these last batches... Gravity and Jesse James.

Inglourious Basterds and In the Mood for Love are great.

Haven't seen Sideways or American Splendor (Giamatti-fest!)

Caught The Bucket List several years ago on TV and enjoyed it.
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