The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


Breaking Bad is the other one we want to start watching, and perhaps Deadwood. I also wanted to try the one about the redneck baseball pitcher.

Right now, she's watching Hung.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I just looked that up. Doesn't look all that appealing. edit* referring to Hung.

There are so many shows I want to watch. I finally just finished Dexter season 7. I didn't think it was as bad as I had heard. The storyline got old though. The other storylines needed to be juiced up a bit.

I'll still take Hannibal any day of the week.

A show I should have listed but didn't was a show I loved from the Sci-Fi Channel called The Invisible Man.

About a thief named Darien Fawkes who gets a gland put in his brain that allows him to turn invisible. He is then recruited by a spy agency that is absorbed an fronted by various agencies such as Fish and Wildlife, The Bureau of Indian Affairs and even the Postal Service. And excellent blend of espionage, action, sci fi and comedy. And episodes in full are on YouTube.



For me there are only 5
  1. On top Sherlock
  2. Supernatural
  3. Dr.Who
  4. Hank Moody
  5. Demon Da Vinci
Howz That?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I forgot about Hannibal; MovieGal recommended that to me. I'd like to see that.
There have only been two seasons (26 episodes) so far, but it's been amazing so far. I can't wait for the third season to start.

Let the night air cool you off
Breaking Bad is the other one we want to start watching, and perhaps Deadwood. I also wanted to try the one about the redneck baseball pitcher.

Right now, she's watching Hung.
I've heard Hung is a good show.

You definitely need to get to Breaking Bad though.

The first Black Adder over all the other seasons?
Only one I saw at the time. I'm almost done with the second, but I don't think it would've made my list.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I liked "Hung" for the first season and a half or so. I think it petered out.

Thank you. Tip your waitresses.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
Well done, Godoggo! Thanks for putting all the time and effort into the list!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I'm going to be emptying my tv list folder soon, so if you want yours for any reason let me know. Don't forget that you can look through the entire list of 548 titles and who voted for them anytime you want. The link is at the bottom of the first post.

I had a lot of fun running the list and thanks everyone for participating. Hopefully I did a good enough job that I can run one in the future. I really enjoyed doing it.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Porridge was 154th. I was the only person to vote for Morse and Edge of Darkness, and probably a host more but I became sad and yearned for a happy place .....

.... which I found in Kung Fu at 180 - I knew Toose still served a purpose!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
As usual I'm a bit behind everyone (what can I say I'm a little slow). Anyway excellent job at bringing the whole thing together G-Dog. Great effort.

In the end I did pretty well with my list, with 15 out of my 25 making it. Though there were a few I hoped would have been higher. Angel at #66 seems harsh considering how high Buffy and Firefly were. And a show as legendary as MASH not even making the top 50 seems somewhat sacriligeous

And of the shows that didn't make it I'd say my biggest disappointment would be Taxi. To me (and many others) that's one of the great sitcoms of all time so no sign of it was a bit surprising. For me it's got 3 of the greatest and funniest TV characters of all time - Louie De Palma, Jim Ignatowski and Latka Gravas; all in one show!!! Oh and Marili Henner was smoking hot as Elaine

1. The X-Files (#10)
2. Boy Meets World (#75)
3. Quantum Leap (#63)
4. Stargate SG-1
5. Star Trek: The Next Generation (#25)
6. Angel (#66)
7. South Park (#12)
8. Frasier (#42)
9. Scrubs (#85)
10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (#11)
11. Band of Brothers (#17)
12. Game of Thrones (#4)
13. Taxi
14. MASH (#57)
15. Boston Legal
16. Psych
17. Chuck
18. Spin City
19. 3rd Rock from the Sun (#93)
20. Moonlighting
21. Futurama (#28)
22. Eerie Indiana
23. Twilight Zone (#18)
24. Home Improvement
25. Mad About You

Had I had more time the list may have been significantly different but it was really a last minute rush job and for my picks I basically just looked at my DVDs for inspiration, so shows I don't have on DVD and stuff like chat shows and panel shows never came into my mind really.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
We had six shows in common; The X-Files, Buffy, Angel, M*A*S*H, Futurama and Game of Thrones.

I agree that M*A*S*H seems low, but there are probably a lot of youngins' that haven't seen it. My dad and grandpa both loved that show so I was watching it from a very early age.

I would love to do another Mofo Tv list in two or three years and compare the two. I know the members submitting lists would be a lot different so it wouldn't be a true comparison, but I would like to see how some of the more recent shows hold up. Dexter, Breaking Bad and so on.