Would you like to see Schwarzenegger go for an Oscar role?


I would I think it's time Arnold does a different role for once
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That would require him to actually... you know, act. Something I don't think he's actually capable of doing or at least not capable of doing it well. Kind of like politics. And correctly pronouncing the word California.

That would require him to actually... you know, act. Something I don't think he's actually capable of doing or at least not capable of doing it well. Kind of like politics. And correctly pronouncing the word California.
Well said. Being perfectly honest, he's just not a good actor, from what I've seen at least. He should stick to action movies, where's he's the MAN. Trying an Oscar-worthy role could be a disaster, much like his political career.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Yeah, Schwartzenegger isn't the type I would see playing a serious role any time...ever. He should just stick with action films, since it's all he's really good for anyways. I wouldn't say he can't act...he just can't act well.

He was good as the Terminator, especially in T2... but it's his woodenness as an actor that made the role believable.

His best actual acting, I reckon, was in Collateral Damage.

Thing is though, he looked as though he was struggling at times until the action kicked off, then he was in his element.
Arnie is an action star, end of.

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

The problem's not Arnold Schwarzenegger. The problem is the Oscars and what they consider worthy of their little awards for acting ability.

The problem's not Arnold Schwarzenegger. The problem is the Oscars and what they consider worthy of their little awards for acting ability.
Well, it's not like Arnold could have come close to competing with any of the Academy Award winning nominees or winners. They are just too good. Especially during Arnold's prime.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has achieved a lot in bodybuilding, movies and politics. He's a very successful man, but you could not for one minute include acting ability as one of his skills.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Well, it's not like Arnold could have come close to competing with any of the Academy Award winning nominees or winners. They are just too good. Especially during Arnold's prime.
I think it's bullsh!t. Take Kevin Spacey winning for American Beauty for example. Now, is he really a lot more awesome than Arnold Schwarzenegger in many of his roles? Hell, no, I say. Schwarzenegger may be "wooden" but he has charisma and personality and just something about him that draws a crowd of people. It's a shame that we don't award such talents and performances. It's totally preposterous and pretentious that we look at the "skills" of other actors who are just performing in different, perhaps more toned down roles. Most of the time, the awards go to actors in movies themselves that are highly acclaimed, thus something like a Terminator film never gets serious acclaim unless it's in the realm of special effects.

You never know who could have a chance at a best supporting actor Oscar nod. He would need a respected director, an Oscar caliber cast around him, and of course the right role playing against type. In the right film, he'd only have to be good to get nominated if his character is memorable. I think people would love to see him nominated if he's close to deserving.

No arnie should do what he does best and machine gun baddies whilst delivering one-liners like "hes around" it reference to a villain he just blew apart with a hand grenade.

I'd like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger play Arnold Schwarzenegger in a film about Arnold Schwarzenegger, the life and times of a muscle man/Action star/politician/all round good guy.

You could have sylvester stallone playing his freind sylvester stallone, smoking cigars in there garages (they actually do that, ahh how sweet)

I do think one day Arnie should get a special award, like a lifetime achievment sort of thing, not just one film, i promise it will happen

I would. But dont think he can pull it off!
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The problem's not Arnold Schwarzenegger. The problem is the Oscars and what they consider worthy of their little awards for acting ability.
Yeah, these Oscars are just a stupid popularity contest anyway.

I think it's bullsh!t. Take Kevin Spacey winning for American Beauty for example. Now, is he really a lot more awesome than Arnold Schwarzenegger in many of his roles? Hell, no, I say. Schwarzenegger may be "wooden" but he has charisma and personality and just something about him that draws a crowd of people. It's a shame that we don't award such talents and performances. It's totally preposterous and pretentious that we look at the "skills" of other actors who are just performing in different, perhaps more toned down roles. Most of the time, the awards go to actors in movies themselves that are highly acclaimed, thus something like a Terminator film never gets serious acclaim unless it's in the realm of special effects.
Don't worry, he already received tens of millions of dollars to act the way he does. Most actors don't care at all for the Oscars and they shouldn't. Anyway, those statues are not worth that much since they don't weight a lot.