How Did You Choose Your Profile Name?


Like people didn't know this already, but "HitchFan" is because Alfred Hitchcock is my favorite director, and the 97 is because I was born in 1997.
Ug, you are the same age as my son...

How are you a Hitchcock fan at only 14? My son isn't interested in much that was released before he was born other than Back to the Future.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I was a Tarkovsky fan at 14. I feel special.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Ug, you are the same age as my son...

How are you a Hitchcock fan at only 14? My son isn't interested in much that was released before he was born other than Back to the Future.
I watched Psycho some time last year and became more obsessed than Jimmy Stewart in Vertigo
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

I watched Psycho some time last year and became more obsessed than Jimmy Stewart in Vertigo
You need to befriend my son. He's not really into anything other than sticking his earbuds in and ignoring everyone. And occasionally sitting down to play Black Ops Zombies with me and my middle son. He's pretty introverted.

I guess he'll come out of his shell one day...

Anyway, there's worse filmmakers you could obsess over!

Movies became my obsession only when I was 16. For the past 3 years it has taken over my life. Luckily I'm starting to preoccupy myself with other stuff such as studying mathematics.

Like people didn't know this already, but "HitchFan" is because Alfred Hitchcock is my favorite director, and the 97 is because I was born in 1997.
So was I. Hard to find younger Hitch fans. I just put an older age in my info cuz I thought it might be an 18+ forum. And I did my username cuz well it's my favorite movie
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Cool thread

My username has many layers of meanings, some of which is a bit too rude to mention on this forum, but the main one is pretty obvious. It's named after the 5th Christopher Nolan film of the same name, which I think I had only seen just a couple of months prior to joining this forum, and I thought that it sounded cool.

I use to love a book about gumdrop babies called Snugglepot and Cuddlepie when i was younger. I use to use snugglepot as my email username but that changed when Tangled was released and i use Cuddlepie for nearly every username i have on the internet. The 281289 following it is just my date of birth
Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am.... I am a Librarian

I've had 3, at least that I can remember so I am pretty positive those are the ones.
My first one was Adorkable9-High school, fake word we made up ( at least we thought we made it up lol). My second one was for Halo, scabs4life7234- gross I know but I lived at a children's home growing up and all the young boys liked calling me it cuz it rhymed with Gabby. The third one is the one you see now, my first and middle name. I like my full name and middle name together so I've stuck with it for about a year now!

Oh and if anyone knows how to find old usernames and delete them, can you message me? If not, oh well lol.

The name is a cryptic shortening of my own name and the pic came with the computer and sheer laziness and having the longest reigning profile picture is my aim.

Are you a boy or a girl? I bet I could guess your really name if you told me!

I register to a lot of boards and usually, the name I want to take is already taken. So, a few months ago, I decided that I have to find a few unique names, so even if one of them is taken, I'll just skip to the other name. I prepared a "username list" notepad and wrote a lot of words there. I thought about different categories, like, colors, bird breeds, and desserts. Yep, I know it sounds lame but I was having a hard time finding a name that is not taken. So, my first choice was NavajoWhite from colors category. And since then I'm using this nickname. I didn't had to change to another name yet, but if I had to, I'd use "Indigo" or "Maroon". Yep, I used to practise html a few years ago .

As posted in my Grill A Mofo thread: -

I saw a documentary about the making of Alien a few years back. The program featured an interview with Dan O'Bannon, one of the writers. He went on to talk about Dark Star, an earlier film he co wrote with John Carpenter. During the conversation he touched on the films production design and how they'd gone for the look of a Used Future, i.e. a lived in, dirty, decaying future (as seen in Alien). As opposed to the gleaming white future depicted in say Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The term stuck in my mind; I liked the idea that you can interpret it in different ways. I love my 80's electro/synth-pop music, and feel Used Future also applies to that. That kind of music is now considered retro, i.e. Used, but it sounds futuristic too. So Used Future was a natural choice for me.