The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown

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Actor Stats

Tatsuya Nakadai = 4

Nick Nolte = 3
Burt Lancaster = 3
Donald Sutherland = 3
Vyacheslav Tikhonov = 3
Ludmila Savelyeva = 3
Sergey Bondarchuk = 3
Yūsuke Kawazu = 3

Teresa Wright = 2
Charles Bronson = 2
Forest Whitaker = 2
Adrien Brody = 2
Henry Fonda = 2
Sean Connery = 2
Robert Ryan = 2
Deborah Kerr = 2
Ernest Borgnine = 2
Lee Marvin = 2
Montgomery Clift = 2
Michiyo Aratama = 2
Roger Livesey = 2
James D'Arcy = 2
Ben Stiller = 2
John Malkovich = 2
David Niven = 2
Tom Hardy = 2
Gregory Peck = 2
Jason Robards = 2
Shōji Yasui = 2
Orlando Bloom = 2

Platoon and Inglourious Basterds could both have been on my ballot but decided other titles needed my points more. This strategy backfired as usual because they didn't make it after all and ofcourse SpelingError is to blame for all of this. Also very disappointed in the mofo submarine gang.

SEEN 67/86
BALLOT 15/25

Also very disappointed in the mofo submarine gang.
I love submarine movies, but other than Das Boot, I don't think there are many that have transcended into high levels of quality/notoriety. Crimson Tide and The Hunt for Red October are the ones that come closer, but if I remember correctly, they're mostly Cold War films, which is a bit iffy as far as people considering it for the countdown.
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#14 #14
292 points, 15 lists

Michael Curtiz, 1942


Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, Claude Rains

#13 #13
300 points, 21 lists

Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2004


Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara, Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Matthes


14: Play it again.

13: The reworking of DBZ was a reference to the reworking of the Downfall scene in the memes.

One point goes to Cricket.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Two movies I love! Seen both Casablanca and Downfall several times, both are amazing in what they do. My #1 ballot movie was: Casablanca (1942).

To bad Christoph Waltz, who does play a mean Nazi with gusto, couldn't lose his British accent.
Just so you know Christoph Waltz is not British and does not have a natural British accent. He was absolutely perfect for the role. I doubt the movie would have worked with anyone else.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

I still have a bunch more coming from my list but here it is up to this point:

My List:
3. The Great Dictator (#22)
4. Casablanca (#14)
5. From Here to Eternity (#30)
6. Inglourious Basterds (#15)
10. A Man Escaped (#83)
11. Stalag 17 (#35)
12. Ran (#18)
13. Letters from Iwo Jima (#60)
16. The Grand Illusion (#44)
19. Platoon (#16)
21. Shame (#89)
22. The Best Years of Our Lives (#21)
23. The Cranes Are Flying (#20)
24. Downfall (#13)

Two more from my list. Casablanca is more of a romance spy movie but a stone cold classic.

Downfall is one helluva picture too.

There many points during Downfall when I was just like, damn holy crap, very impactful. What also struck me was that a major event happens in the film and I expected it to be almost over. Instead it goes to a whole new level.

Casablanca will be my favorite film that shows up on this countdown. I couldn't vote for it as I don't view it as a war film.

1. Downfall (#13)
2. Ballad of a Soldier (#68)
8. From Here to Eternity (#30)
9. The Deer Hunter (#25)
14. Red Angel (#100)
15. Platoon (#16)
16. Waltz with Bashir (#45)
17. Underground (#43)
20. Johnny Got His Gun (#97)
22. The Best Years of Our Lives (#21)
24. Wings (#79)
25. The Cranes are Flying (#20)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Two really good movies that I just don’t love. In the case of Casablanca every time I watch I think “this is the tome”. Maybe next time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Just so you know Christoph Waltz is not British and does not have a natural British accent. He was absolutely perfect for the role. I doubt the movie would have worked with anyone else.
Thanks, I looked that up after someone posted about that. I read on IMDB he's a German/Austrian actor...still his accent sounded unnatural for the role to my ears. Granted it's been a long time since I seen the movie. If it helps I do think he's a fine actor and I've enjoyed him in other of his movies.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Two really good movies that I just don’t love. In the case of Casablanca every time I watch I think “this is the tome”. Maybe next time.
I had to look up tome, seriously. Are you saying that the film feels incomplete like a chapter in a larger story?

Downfall was my #9. I like Casablanca, but it didn't make my ballot.

Seen: 65/88

My ballot so far and predictions on which ones will make it:

1. Gone with the Wind (1939)
2. will make it
3. will make it
4. will make it
5. probably won't make it
6. The Thin Red Line (1998)
7. Braveheart (1995)
8. Hotel Rwanda (2004)
9. Downfall (2004)
10. won't make it
11. probably won't make it
12. Fail-Safe (1964)
13. Breaker Morant (1980)
14. Night and Fog (1956)
15. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)
16. The Great Dictator (1940)
17. will make it
18. probably won't make it
19. The Tin Drum (1979)
20. Wings (1927)
21. probably won't make it
22. probably won't make it
23. will likely make it
24. will make it
25. Platoon (1986)

Casablanca is top 3 all-time for me but it didn't really click as a war movie in my mind so no vote here.

Downfall was an interesting take on maybe the most historical (notorious) figure of the 20th century but the whole movie left me pretty cold.

RIP 2002-2010
Downfall is great and I believe it was my #18. Casablanca on the other hand did not make my list. Brilliant movie and I love it to death and would watch it 1,000 times and then again, but like Barry Lyndon and Little Big Man, I didn't consider it for my war movies list.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I had to look up tome, seriously. Are you saying that the film feels incomplete like a chapter in a larger story?
Time. I just can’t type, or bother to put on reading glasses that I really need these days. Double whammy

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