The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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It's Such a Beautiful Day - Don's previous work, The Meaning of Life, took substantially longer to animate. It's Such a Beautiful Day was made in a short time by not roughing drawings or inking them, instead just photographing pencils. The sped up workflow allowed for (but also necessitated) more experimentation with the camera.
Phantom Thread - Director Paul Thomas Anderson got the initial idea for the film while he was sick in bed one day. His wife, Maya Rudolph, was tending to him and gave him a look that made him realize that she had not looked at him with such tenderness and love in a long time.

MoFo Reviewers

It's Such a Beautiful Day

No user reviews exist for this film. Therefore, here are some Letterboxd reviews I've come across:



Well, they're more summaries than reviews, but that's all I was able to find.

Phantom Thread

Daniel Day Lewis, jesus. When i spend any amount of time away from his performances i always start to think that he's overrated then i actually watch him and he blows me away every time, even in movies i don't particularly like. He's not my favourite actor but i'm comfortable saying he is the most talented and most consistent. The biggest compliment PTA has received has got to be DDL choosing to do his last film with him, as we know Lewis could work with pretty much any director he wants. I actually wasn't that into him at first, of all people he reminded me of John Malkovich in his first few scenes. He was also unnervingly soft-spoken and particular, asking odd questions and giving off looks; was definitely getting serial killer vibes in those first 20 or so minutes. The thing is that was basically the whole movie initially, it started off as a really gentle drama which didn't seem to suit PTA's style that much before Woodcock started to open up. The marriage conversation in particular showed more sides to him than i thought possible given the dialogue, think that's DDL's main strength; adding depth and extra dimensions to his character on his own. Definitely didn't expect to give half of a crap about dressmaking as much as i did. As an insight into his character it was all fascinating; i mean that dress fitting with Alma was unbelievable and told so much about him. First date and he's taking her measurements, telling her she has no breasts and in a commanding manner telling her he may "choose to give her some". He started controlling her almost instantly and it exposed his obsession for the process and routine, something we already know dictates his personal life and was something instilled in him from an early age. That's pretty much what it is i mean in the next scene we see them walking on the hills and him grabbing her hand, he's always in control and knows the right things to say and in the manner; not forceful enough to turn her off or to come across threatening in any way but still very blatantly saying this is how things are going to be. He finds her as a blank canvas and tries to shape her in the way he wants and she is grateful for this, shedding her individuality without realizing it. Somehow Woodcock was more of a dick than Daniel Plainview, one of my favourite lines of his was "The tea goes out, the interruption stays right here with me", i swear i think my mouth was agape after that. Just so vehemently nasty and ungrateful, so good. I think Woodcock is one of PTA's most intriguing characters and i'm looking forward to spending more time with him.
Read the full review here.

mark f

It’s Such a Beautiful Day (Don Hertzfeldt, 2012)
I couldn't find any ratings/reviews mark f wrote for Phantom Thread.

Neither film made mark f's ballot.

It's Such A Beautiful Day made my long-list despite my never having seen it (just kidding, of course it didn't as I haven't). Phantom Thread on the other hand is very good and most certainly was in the running (and yes, of course I have) but was cut in the latter stages of list preparation.

Seen: 68/86 (Own: 40/86)
My ballot:  


I've seen both of these and voted for neither.

It's Such a Beautiful Day I watched several years ago for the Animation Countdown. It doesn't look like I ever wrote it up but I remember thinking it was fun and a bit weird but not something that would ever be a favorite. I am really happy to see any animated film rank this high on a decade list though.

Phantom Thread I watched for a HOF. I disliked it less than I expected to, but it's still more of the same of Paul Thomas Anderson's movies about shitty people being shitty to each other. There is one PTA movie that I like and it's from the 2010s, but I didn't vote for it either.

Seen: 48/86
My Ballot:
7. Joker (#60)
8. Django Unchained (#27)
11. The Man From Nowhere (#95)
14. Inside Out (#59)
20. Jojo Rabbit (#89)
25. Kitbull (One Pointer)

Reviews in My 2010s Countdown Preparation Thread

My Review For Phantom Thread:

Phantom Thread (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2017)

Date Watched: 10/19/19
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: 20th MoFo Hall of Fame, nominated by neiba
Rewatch: No.

Phantom Thread features beautiful sets and locations, gorgeous costumes, striking cinematography, and fine performances. It has a lot going for it and is very well crafted. The trouble is that I don't care.

And this generally seems to be the case for my experiences with the films of Paul Thomas Anderson. His characters are perhaps too believable: They're unlikable and they surround themselves with people who are equally so. And when one character wrongs another, I feel absolutely nothing. Which is exactly what happens here. Lewis's Reynolds is a man-child who surrounds himself with women and whose very livelihood is dependent upon them, yet he clearly detests them. Kripes's Alma lets him walk all over her while doing everything she can to possess him. They're both horrible people who deserve each other.

Still there's enough positive here that I'd be lying if I said I hated it, yet not enough positive for me to truthfully say I liked it.


I liked It's Such a Beautiful Day, but Hertzfeldt doesn't have the effect on me he seems to have on so many. My loss, I guess.

On the other hand, I am a huge fan of Phantom Thread. My favorite P.T. Anderson film by a good distance (possibly because so many of his films are about father-son relationships and those don't reach me the way this one does). I love the old school style of the old school style of the film, I love the performances (Day-Lewis gets most of the accolades, and he is excellent, but Krieps and Manville are more than a match), and I love that it's more or less a film-length staring contest. My #2.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Cool to see Camo tagged. Near the top of my list of people I wish would come back to mofo.

I can’t let Rauldc be alone in the list rants so it’s time to bring the negativity. It’s Such A Beautiful Day is a really well written you tube video. Like if Joe Schmo showed this to me on his phone one day in the break room, I would respond “that’s pretty cool”. It’s not a movie. It’s content. I hate when I get this reductive, but if we have Hollywood directors running around saying the MCU aren’t real cinema, I feel safe in saying this isn’t a movie. 15? Whatevs.

Phantom Thread rocks, and even though I didn’t vote for it I will never be upset when PTA shows up. My PTA choice is still to come.

Never heard of either...
Quoted for truth.

I've not seen Shoplifters either, but I did see Drive... Sadly. What a dull load. It feels like the people who like/think Bullitt and Steve McQueen are cool would probably like this too. I don't, so I didn't like either, but at least Bullitt had more going for it. But a few people here have said they didn't like it first time around either then did on a second go. So maybe that'll happen to me? Kidding, I may never watch another film again, let alone Drive.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

To my surprise, my brother saw this too. I was really happy to hear that he liked it. I was just getting into surrealism with this, and I fell in love with the ending for it's incredible impact.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Such a Beautiful Day was good but I think I prefer the World of Tomorrow trilogy to it.

Phantom Thread is great, easily one of Anderson's best. Too bad it's not transcendental but I don't think Anderson is capable of that.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I hate when I get this reductive, but if we have Hollywood directors running around saying the MCU aren’t real cinema, I feel safe in saying this isn’t a movie. 15? Whatevs.
Both undoubtedly count as cinema.

It’s Such a Beautiful Day was not on my list, but it might as well be. Such a wild and weird experience…

An intellectual existential and scientific and spiritual condensed little film. Such an assault on the senses and your thoughts and perception of things. But I also think that either you are with it or you ain’t.

Phantom Thread was on my list. At #8. I love PTA. My favorite director working today. This film is simply wonderful. Amazing. As only PTA could do it.

Never heard of either...
A short animated film I can get. But Phantom Thread? Really? You've never heard of that film? It's talked about quite alot on here and Daniel Day Lewis is one of the most celebrated actors on the planet.

Big fan of PTA and thought Phantom Thread was terrific, but it wasn't on my contenders list.

Beautiful Day was fine but it's one I don't get the enormous popularity of. Liked World of Tomorrow much more.

It's Such a Beautiful Day was #62 on the MoFo Top 100 Comedies list as well as #96 on the MoFo Top 100 Animated Films.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Phantom Thread was my number 10! Easily PTAs best film for me. Day Lewis and Krieps kick ass in this.

It's Such a Beautiful Day this high is an absolute travesty though. I don't get the Mofo obsession. It's really not even that good. Add up to the fact all the great animation that this countdown has overlooked that makes it even worse.

Cool to see Camo tagged. Near the top of my list of people I wish would come back to mofo.

I can’t let Rauldc be alone in the lust rants so it’s time to bring the negativity. It’s Such A Beautiful Day is a really well written you tube video. Like if Joe Schmo showed this to me on his phone one day in the break room, I would respond “that’s pretty cool”. It’s not a movie. It’s content. I hate when I get this reductive, but if we have Hollywood directors running around saying the MCU aren’t real cinema, I feel safe in saying this isn’t a movie. 15? Whatevs.

Phantom Thread rocks, and even though I didn’t vote for it I will never be upset when PTA shows up. My PTA choice is still to come.
I feel the same.