Mofo Bros Top 100: A Raul and Sean Production

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Been a long time since I watched Deja Vu, but like most Tony Scott, I really liked it first watch.

As most 80's kids, I'm a fan of Back to the Future, and Karate Kid. I liked Ratatouille quite a bit, but I need to give it a rest. One of my nieces was obsessed with it, and I wore that DVD down

I saw Thief for the first time a couple of years ago and liked it quite a bit. Not my favorite Mann, but it's up there. High Noon was recommended to me for the current PR HOF and I thought it was pretty good as well.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Just another example where you have great performances all around. I think Crowe is the favorite here but obviously Pearce, Spacey and Basinger all bring it. Love the writing and love the modern noir vibes the film gives. My kind of story.

I was pretty underwhelmed by High Noon.

L.A. Confidential is a really good movie, and you know I love me some Russell Crowe, but for whatever reason it's one that I watch and think "Damn that's good" but it never really comes into consideration when I list off my own favorite movies.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Was a slow start for me personally but films I really like or love are starting to build up. Though sorry Sean but Raul is comfortably in the lead at the moment Though you've started pulling it back when you entered the 80s

A few of your (Sean) picks from the earlier decades I've either not seen or I have and while I admire them I don't believe I'd say I love them. Thinking of the likes of Third Man and Citizen Kane. Though I have to give you credit for the inclusion of Rope. Love that film. Right up there as perhaps my favourite Hitchcock. Then as I said your list took a big upswing for me as you hit the 80s. I love Field of Dreams, Karate Kid and Back to the Future.

As for Raul a decent number of films I really like/love - Iron Man, Avengers, Back to the Future, Remember the Titans, Signs, Independence Day, Ratatouille, LA Confidential etc

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Never though about LA Confidentialit even though I think it was on my last 100. I know I say it a lot but I really need to rewatch it. Can’t believe I never thought about it.

Just another example where you have great performances all around. I think Crowe is the favorite here but obviously Pearce, Spacey and Basinger all bring it. Love the writing and love the modern noir vibes the film gives. My kind of story.
I'm a huge fan of this one. Love it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Things will definitely be nostalgic for the next two decades

There were a few movies in contention for this spot. Field Of Dreams got a recent rewatch that, I am sure, pushed it over the top. Just forgot how I love every single scene, even the small ones, and it really hits me emotionally.

This pick and my next, I just can't leave them off my 100 lists. They were such a huge part of my childhood, endlessly entertaining, and both are probably big forces in why I love movies so much.

If you don't like my list why don't you make a like a tree, and get out of here.

I love all three of these movies.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Really great black and white cinematography. Love the pace of the film as it seems to be legit time. Love Cooper's performance. Kelly is there for a bonus. And of course a good soundtrack.

High Noon is one of the greatest western movies ever made.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

My next three movies are actor directed, which is just a weird coincidence, but I definitely took notice of it. Dances With Wolves was a formidable theater watching for me. I think it probably started my love for historical epics. Also may be the movie that made me realize movies can be serious in theme and still be seriously entertaining. Holds up for me, I love it.

Speaking of historical epics. This is one I really didn't think would hold up, unfortunately I was buying the hype. I think it holds up in spades. Great story and acting. Really funny in moments and those battles have to be some of the craziest ever.

I loved this movie when it first came out, if I hadn't rewatched it recently it probably wouldn't have made my list. It is so effective emotionally. Great performance by Thornton. Really love Yokham here as well. Not a false move for me in this one.

Another one I loved from first watch. Gooding gives one of my favorite performances ever. I am not a romantic comedy guy, but I am a sports movie guy. This blends them perfectly for me. Very funny movie.

Another trend you might notice with me is I like dramas that are funny. I just think it brings out the characterizations so well. Most of my favorite directors, with a couple exceptions, use humor very effectively. This movie is really funny to me. I think about certain scenes and lines very often. I don't watch it as often anymore, but I have seen it a bunch and it remains a classic in my mind.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

There are a couple of movies that I've only seem once and this is one of them. Robbins is great and Altman's direction was awesome. It's easily my favorite of his and I love the writing

I enjoyed The Player.

Of Sean's picks, I LOVE Dances With Wolves. I vaguely recall liking Jerry Maguire but have had no desire to watch it again. I didn't care for Sling Blade or Good Will Hunting and I really disliked Braveheart.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh wow, not sure I've even heard of that one. Looks right up my alley, and it's on HBO Max. Sweet. Thanks for the rec.
Someone chose The Player for me in the current Personal Recommendation IV (it was probably Raul) I'd never heard of it but ended up loving it! I won't post my entire review here, this is an excerpt.

The Player reminded me of another favorite by the Coen Brothers, Barton Fink. What I really liked was the insider story of a Hollywood movie executive who listens to movie pitches and 'green lights' only a handful of films...I want that job!!! I loved the inside look at the movie business, very cool. I also loved the detail of the sets at the studio, and I loved spotting all the stars who made cameos. Tim Robbins is a favorite actor of mine and I liked him here. The ending was solid too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Dances With Wolves, gosh I love that one. I have the extended 4 hour version to watch, which I've never seen. Anybody every watch that one?

I use to love Braveheart and it has a lot of great scenes in it, but I've lost interest in on the last watch...still solid though.

Good Will Hunting
, that was chose for me in another Personal Rec and I sorta liked it, but not a fan of Robin Williams.

I seen Jerry Maguire 20 years ago, does that even count as a viewing? I don't know...I can't remember anything about it.

GBG, really liked Sling Blade so that makes me think it might be up my alley?

Oh, hell yeah to High Noon!

Dances With Wolves, gosh I love that one. I have the extended 4 hour version to watch, which I've never seen. Anybody every watch that one?
I'm pretty sure Cosmic watched that version when I nominated it for the HOF. She enjoyed it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm pretty sure Cosmic watched that version when I nominated it for the HOF. She enjoyed it.
It would be neat to watch both versions back to back on consecutive nights, though that's a lot of time for me. Though I will watch that extended version one of these days.