The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I really need to rewatch Babe. I loved it when I was a teen. My dad and I still quote it all the time. "I'm a large white" "Rules are good, I like rules, this is bigger than rules" Really good movie.

I can't get into the Marx brothers. The humor just doesn't work for me.

Yeah, I went pretty heavy on the "warm fuzzies" types of films, the ones that are always close to my thoughts, even if I wouldn't try to sell anyone on them being among the greatest examples of the form. I was very Marie Kondo about it: does this film give you joy? Do you feel an impulse to smile, or does your mind race with analysis and interpretation when you think of it? That was the only way I could break the thousand-way tie between so many wonderful films.

Welcome to the human race...
Got a question for all you guys

Which movie surprised you the most when it appeared on the list?

I say Halloween for me as it's one of my ballots, I never thought it would make it on here especially making it to the top 50
It has to be Suspiria. Too weird next to IMDb top 250-level picks like Braveheart or American Beauty and even a bit of an obscurity next to more well-known cult gems like Dazed and Confused or The Big Lebowski. A close second would be Enter the Dragon, which is fun and all but top 100 worthy?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Adventure Starts Here!
I remember when Excalibur first came out. It was beautiful and haunting and somehow captured the ambiance of what I thought a King Arthur epic should feel like. It still has all of that on a rewatch, despite a few clumsy moments here and there.

Plus, of course, a young, beautiful Helen Mirren.

Also, I love that you have two movies named Gravity and Vertigo right next to each other.

And hey, YOU HAVE INCEPTION ON YOUR LIST! How can I not love you for that?

At last, here is my list, for better or for worse.

1 Chinatown
2 Blade Runner
3 Lawrence of Arabia
4 Braveheart
5 Goodfellas
6 Casablanca
7 Pulp Fiction
8 Excalibur
9 Raiders of the Lost Ark
10 Jaws
11 2001: A Space Odyssey
12 Unforgiven (1992)
13 The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
14 Alien
15 The Godfather
16 Back to the Future
17 Gravity
18 Vertigo

19 Fight Club
20 Life of Pi
21 Last of the Mohicans
22 Inception
23 Mulholland Drive
24 Rear Window
25 The Shining

A note on The Godfather. Obviously, it's technically a better movie than Fellowship of the Rings or Braveheart, but I made a concerted effort to bump stuff up ahead of it in hopes that it wouldn't top yet another list, which would be rather boring, IMO.

Looks like it worked!

gotta reveal my self-indulgence list too

1 The Taste of Tea 2004
2 Stalker 1979
3 The Dark Knight 2008
4 Close-Up 1990
5 Still Walking 2008
6 A Man Escaped 1956
7 Kes 1969
8 Taxi Driver 1976
9 A Story of Yonosuke 2013
10 Inception 2010
11 The Good, the Bad and the*Ugly 1967
12 Muddy River 1981
13 The Tale of Iya 2013
14 Yi Yi 2000
15 When a Woman Ascends the Stairs 1960
16 An Autumn Afternoon 1962
17 Ikiru 1952
18 Sleeping Man 1996
19 Sherlock, Jr. 1924
20 Paths of Glory 1957
21 Pather Panchali 1955
22 Sans Soleil 1983
23 Cure 1997
24 The Wild Pear Tree 2018
25 M 1931

still, no Nolan cracked top 100, so no love for you mofos.
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
You have not, just haven't done it yet. Here it is:

  1. 12 Angry Men
  2. Dial M For Murder
  3. UP
  4. The Princess Bride
  5. Gattaca
  6. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
  7. Pulp Fiction
  8. The Shawshank Redemption
  9. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  10. Inglorious Basterds
  11. Raising Arizona
  12. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
  13. Babe
  14. North by Northwest
  15. Citizen Kane
  16. Se7en
  17. Duck Soup
  18. Unbreakable
  19. Casino
  20. The Silence of the Lambs
  21. The Apostle
  22. Chariots of Fire
  23. On the Waterfront
  24. L.A. Confidential
  25. The Impostors

As you can see, I decided to really mix the best/favorites thing, and definitely did a fair amount of strategic voting.

Nice to see Raising Arizona on a list. I had it at 16. And I prefer Casino to Goodfellas any day.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
  1. Alien
  2. Chinatown
  3. The Fountain
  4. Dune
  5. Galaxy Quest
  6. Slipstream (Hopkins, 2007)
  7. The English Patient
  8. Michael Clayton
  9. 13 Assassins
  10. Apocalypse Now
  11. Magnolia
  12. The Departed
  13. Big Trouble in Little China
  14. Pan's Labyrinth
  15. Goonies
  16. Raising Arizona
  17. Labyrinth
  18. Pulp Fiction
  19. Bladerunner
  20. Dark City
  21. The Hateful Eight
  22. Star Wars
  23. Clue
  24. Unforgiven
  25. Fight Club

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Reckon it was only us two who had Life of Pi in our lists.

I considered it. Was a beautiful movie, but I had only seen it once and felt other movies had more of a repeat draw for me to make my 25. I was surprised not to see it make the 100 though.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
You have not, just haven't done it yet. Here it is:

  1. 12 Angry Men
  2. Dial M For Murder
  3. UP
  4. The Princess Bride
  5. Gattaca
  6. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
  7. Pulp Fiction
  8. The Shawshank Redemption
  9. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  10. Inglorious Basterds
  11. Raising Arizona
  12. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
  13. Babe
  14. North by Northwest
  15. Citizen Kane
  16. Se7en
  17. Duck Soup
  18. Unbreakable
  19. Casino
  20. The Silence of the Lambs
  21. The Apostle
  22. Chariots of Fire
  23. On the Waterfront
  24. L.A. Confidential
  25. The Impostors

As you can see, I decided to really mix the best/favorites thing, and definitely did a fair amount of strategic voting.
Never knew you liked Shawshank and North by Northwest before this. Cool

To be honest, Shawshank's placement is weird for me to consider even now. My relationship to it NOW is kinda muted because I've seen it so many times, and everything I loved about it the first time has become a background memory. But when I forced myself, while making this list, to specifically think about how I reacted the first time I saw each thing, a few movies like that insisted on being higher. I wouldn't actually list it as one of my 10 favorites, as bizarre as that sounds, but it had to be there for the specific way I decided to make this list.

I ran across this today. I had 12 Monkeys on my list at #19, and as it turns out, this month marks the 25th anniversary of its release. Did the pandemic influence my choice in its inclusion? Maybe, but 12 Monkeys really is a remarkable film that I've seen bunches of times. It was also the third film on my list with a script written by David Webb Peoples, who also wrote the scripts for Unforgiven and Blade Runner. This also might be Bruce Willis' best performance as well as featuring Brad Pitt really sinking his teeth into the role of a crazy person. And all the whacked out time travel stuff is secondary to the mental aspects of the film, which is what I most respond to, and which to some degree resembles a Philip K. Dick type of story.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Firstly, to Yoda and TUS: A HUMONGOUS THANK YOU for an excellent, thoroughly enjoyable Countdown!! THANK YOU!
Which also extends to all of the MoFos; new and old for, as always, making these Countdowns as great as they have become -- F@CKIN BRAVO to you ALL!!

Also, really enjoyed the Podcast, that was a lot of fun hearing about the Behind the Scenes. VERY cool!

To the new reigning Film of this rendition of All Time Favorites, I tip my hat to 2001 Space Odyssey. Which I have not seen since my teenage years and truly need to see again.

In my #24 spot:

The Godfather

Set in post Word War II we get to meet "the family" of the Corleones at an incredibly large wedding. From Brando's Vito, The Godfather, granting "favors" with the adopted son; Tom (Robert Duvall) who is the family consigliere or advisor. We meet the eldest, Sonny, the hot-tempered son played with his usual gusto by James Caan, the second son, Fredo (John Cazale) who seems to be one that resides in the shadow of his brothers. And finally, the youngest, the war hero, Michael, played with such a dangerously calm waters by Al Pacino.

From here we learn a bit about the family business and what becomes of those who don't simply take the offer they really shouldn't have refused in the first place.
We also witness the war that erupts when the Corleones do not wish to join in on the Narcotics Business with the Tattlagias and the Barzinis, two of the five families of New York.
For the majority of us, this is common ground, even for some who haven't watched this movie, there are a number of scenes that are known and stick in our memories. For me, it is far too countless and to put them down would be the lump sum of reading a 3 hour review, since there are so many to easily choose from.

While still a glamorized rendition of Sicilian mafia families, there is still a tangible grit to the story line and what becomes of everyone. Especially in the finale of this movie. But, also, what raises it above a simple gangster film, is that we experience more than the underworld, but of the family themselves. Their interactions and who they are to one another.

Movies Watched 89 out of 100 (89.0%)

1. The Great Escape (1963)

2. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (1969) #81

3. Open Range (2003)

4. Casablanca (1942) #4

5. The Sting (1973)

6. What's Up Doc? (1972)

7. Amadeus (1984) #50

8. Lafabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulan aka Amélie (2001)

9. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

10. The Big Lebowski (1998) #18

11. Le Samourai (1967)

12. Road to Perdition (2002)

13. The Wizard of Oz (1939) #36

14. M (1931)

15. Freaks (1932)

16. The Third Man (1949) #48

17. Some Like It Hot (1959)

18. The Hustler (1961)

19. Duck Soup (1933)

20. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) #8

21. The Wild Bunch (1976)

22. High Noon (1952)

23. Metropolis (1927) #73

24. The Godfather #2

25. Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) One Pointer

1960s = 5
1930s = 4
1970s, 2000s, 1950s = 3
1940s, 1980s = 2
1920s, 1990s, 2010s =1
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm so curious how close some of these films were to making the ballot. We know Dread, Inglorious Basterds and Inception were close with Seventh Seal. That's what I remember from the podcast.

I'm so curious how close some of these films were to making the ballot. We know Dread, Inglorious Basterds and Inception were close with Seventh Seal. That's what I remember from the podcast.
Which movies were close to the list on the podcast, not much of a podcast listener in general to be honest
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Which movies were close to the list on the podcast, not much of a podcast listener in general to be honest
Those are the ones that were mentioned, think I'm missing a few that were talked about.

Texas Chainsaw too maybe.

I should be able to post the full spreadsheet, maybe Monday or something, I think I just wanna clean some stuff up at minimum, though. Can't think of a good reason not to release everything, though.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I'm so curious how close some of these films were to making the ballot. We know Dread, Inglorious Basterds and Inception were close with Seventh Seal. That's what I remember from the podcast.
The next 15 were:

The Seventh Seal - 68 points
Annie Hall - 67 points
Dredd - 66 points
The Karate Kid - 65 points
Wall-E - 65 points
Inception - 64 points
Elmer Gantry - 64 points
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 64 points
The Conversation - 64 points
Mad Max: Fury Road - 64 points
The Departed -63 points
Groundhog Day - 62 points
The Innocents - 61 points
Monty Python & The Holy Grail - 61 points
Inglorious Basterds - 61 points

I didn't check the tiebreakers of how many lists and highest placements so the tied films might swap places here and there but there are Inception and The Departed for those wondering.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I should be able to post the full spreadsheet, maybe Monday or something, I think I just wanna clean some stuff up at minimum, though. Can't think of a good reason not to release everything, though.
To keep our knowledgeable bond a secret between just me and you.

I could always just block out exactly one film, thus preserving the special bond and (almost entirely) satisfying everyone else's curiosity.

Besides, we don't want anyone knowing how close Paul Blart: Mall Cop actually came.