The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Blade Runner has grown on me over a few watches. Not a favorite though, and not top 10 material for me. Shhh, jury still out but I think maybe 2049 is better.
2049's not as good as the original, but I'd definitely class it as one of the greatest sequels of all time

So... is Deckard a replicant or not?

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Things in Blade Runner I love:

Harrison Ford
The atmosphere
The visuals
The neo-noir of it all
The idea of bounty hunters chasing androids
The idea that these replicants are self aware and the existential crisis that entails

With all this you’d think I’d love this move but I don’t. I don’t like it at all. I’ve seen it three times and I can’t stand this movie.

I've still yet to see Blade Runner in full.

From the little snippet I did see, I do get it though. The story looks interesting, the visuals look superb and the soundtrack is very good.

# 65
Blade Runner 1982 Ridley Scott
Blade Runner is a monumental Sci-Fi classic but I didn't have any more sci-fi slots left on my ballot, so no vote.

Temple of Doom was on two lists

Love the entire trilogy about equally but thought the second one needed some more love and sadly I was right.
Temple of Doom was my unlucky #13.


Ballot: 14/25
2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1992 (71)
3. The Godfather: Part II 1974 (35)
4. The Terminator 1984 (56)
5. Back to the Future 1985 (34)
6. Enter the Dragon 1973 (97)
8. Once Upon a Time in the West 1968 (31)
11. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 (42)
12. The Matrix 1999 (24)
13. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1984 (DNP)
16. The Shawshank Redemption 1994 (16)

17. The Thing 1982 (20)
20. Rear Window 1954 (40)
23. Star Wars 1977 (78)
25. Lawrence of Arabia (15)

Oh hey... what's the stats on actors in this countdown?

Seen stats on directors... but is this the first one where the lead actor has appeared in consecutive entries?

Oh hey... what's the stats on actors in this countdown?

Seen stats on directors... but is this the first one where the lead actor has appeared in consecutive entries?
This is what I posted right before the Top 10...

So on other notes, is my count right that so far, De Niro is the biggest "winner" with five films on the list? (Taxi Driver, The Godfather Part II, Raging Bull, Heat, and Brazil)

Other than him, I have the following with three...

Jack Nicholson - Chinatown, The Shining, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
James Stewart - Vertigo, Rear Window, It's a Wonderful Life
Brad Pitt - Se7en, Fight Club, The Tree of Life
Tom Hanks - Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Toy Story
Morgan Freeman - Se7en, The Shawshank Redemption, Unforgiven

...and the whole LOTR cast (Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen, Orlando Bloom, etc.) with 3 films each.

EDIT: Well, there's Hugo Weaving, with three LOTR films AND The Matrix, so there's that too.
Like you said, Harrison Ford just racked up three in a row. Added to his two Star Wars entries, he's tied with De Niro with five.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That's two too many
Huge agree. Liked it as a teen. Reawatched with my son a couple years ago and it's a pretty bad movie. He really liked it though. Still think Crusade is a solid 3.

Blade Runner was #6 on the MoFo '80s List and #2 on the MoFo Sci-Fi List.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The Adventure Starts Here!
Fun Fact

As mentioned yesterday, Blade Runner is the final film on the list not to be first on any ballots. It's also second on just one. But it was #5 on five ballots, accounting for almost a third of its score.

And note the 30-point jump between 8th and 7th, the largest on the list so far.
How was this NOT #1 on @Sedai's list?

Good question.

Regardless, the final six films are all first place on at least THREE lists. In fact, it breaks down cleanly: the next two are first on three, the two after that on are first on four, and the top two films are first on five.

Welcome to the human race...
So... is Deckard a replicant or not?

"I don't know. Ask him."

Blade Runner was my #5. Definitely a bit of an acquired taste thanks to how its genre-codifying influence on cyberpunk is grounded in a somewhat subversive take on noir tropes with its detective-based narrative that also toys with the reputation of Harrison Ford, an actor who looms large in the popular consciousness for playing ultimately good-hearted rogues like Han Solo or Indiana Jones, by having him play the rough-edged blade runner at the heart of the movie and add some moral ambiguity to his seemingly cut-and-dry job of tracking (read: hunting) runaway replicants. In keeping with that, Rutger Hauer plays the other side of the noir coin as a being who is cursed to be "the wrong man" by nature of circumstance and rails against both his own nature and the world around him in order to defy the decidedly unjust place that such a cold and distant world has placed him in - it's as much his film as Ford's. Throw in a variety of other characters who straddle the human-replicant divide in order to offer different takes on the same fundamental problem - chief among them Sean Young as the experimental model who has been unwittingly programmed to believe she is human and undergoes her own existential crisis that belies her initially stoic exterior - and it makes for a rich palette with with Ridley Scott and co. can paint a world (and populace) in crisis even as the scale and stakes are kept relatively small. As with quite a few of the films on my list, I reckon it's extremely emblematic of my own tastes (and one of the perpetual struggles I have when trying to compile one of these lists is to figure how to rank it against Akira, which naturally takes influence for its own '80s cyberpunk tale but veers off in a whole other direction).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Speaking of those old serials and the roots/influences of the character, I strongly encourage everyone to check out the transcript of the Raiders story conference. It's really fascinating stuff, listening to Lucas and Spielberg talk through it. And maybe even more fascinating (particularly to those who are used to thinking of Lucas in terms of the prequels) how much Lucas is the clear creative force behind the character. Listening to his descriptions, you can see he's basically fully formed already, and what he describes initially is so very close to what ends up in the film:

I will definitely read that, thanks. I revisited the entire series recently when I bought the Blu-ray set, and by the time I was done I'd decided that Indy was Lucas' most "successful" creation. I was 9 when Raiders was released and I loved it, but having gained an appreciation over the years for pulp adventure fiction, I realize now how perfectly he nailed it. And yes I'm including Crystal Skull. Star Wars ('77) is equally perfect imo, but the subsequent stuff just got too messy. The Indy series is consistently great in a way that the SW EU isn't.

Yeah, taking those serials and turning them into Raiders makes me think of cooks who take some kind of low-rent comfort food and create a gourmet version of it. It's really impressive stuff and it's good to be reminded that even if maybe his best days are behind him, and even if Spielberg is the far more respected filmmaker overall now, Lucas really was a creative genius and was the driving force behind this one.

Update time.

I've seen all four from the top-10 this far.

Citizen Kane probably deserves a rewatch, but 20 years (or something) ago, it failed to connect with me. I kinda remember some impressive shots, a rather sluggish pace, and pompous acting. But yeah, will need to rewatch it at some point.

Apocalypse Now is also in need of a rewatch. I remember liking it more than the Welles above, but I think it had sort of similar issues. I Will rewatch, though (hopefully in near future even).

Raiders of the Lost Ark is a good adventure film. I personally prefer The Temple of Doom, but I'm in a minority on that. Not in consideration for my ballot (either of them), but would probably be in consideration for top-100 (at least The Temple).

Blade Runner was my #6. It's one of my favorite SciFi's (two others topped it on my ballot, Aliens and a film that unfortunately seems to miss the countdown). Amazing visuals, great soundtrack, memorable characters, and such a beautifully dark world.

Seen 72/94
My list this far:
01: The Exorcist (1973) [#47]
02: Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) [#31]
05: Aliens (1986) [#37]
06: Blade Runner (1982) [#7]
10: The Matrix (1999) [#24]
12: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) [#11]
13: The Seventh Seal (1957) [honorable mention]
14: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) [#23]
15: The Terminator (1984) [#56]
18: The Thing (1982) [#20]
25: Poison for the Fairies (1984) [1-pointer]

7. Blade Runner
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'm sorry this sounds so negative but I really fo like it for the most part. If anything, Blade Runner's reputation and stature has grown in recent years. I saw Blade Runner as a sneak preview, so maybe I actually saw some of the various edited features up front, on the big screen. suppose the bottom line is that it's hard for me to care about any of the characters in Blade Runner. I have the same problem with a few of Scorsese's and Lynch's films. I can intellectually understand what the intent of the filmmaker is, but I'm left completely cold and unmoved by what I actually see and hear. Maybe it's just a flaw with my heart and soul; I could just be missing certain parts of me.

On a technical level, I'm impressed with the opening visuals and many of the F/X and sets. I found those more intriguing than the plot and characters. I realize that it seems far more impressive than something like Fritz Lang's Metropolis, but I can see a reference in Blade Runner to that silent epic. I also like the music, but having impressive technical credits I think Blade Runner is a good film. I realize that people believe that the visuals and sonics make it just spectacular, and if you care about these "creations" who never had a chance to rebel against their God, then you must think the film is visionary and great. Of course, when it was originally reviewed, it wasn't greeted with that many positive notices, and although it was able to earn $28 million in its first release, it wasn't really considered a financial success either. I realize the film has gone through changes and the narration has always been a problem for many viewers, but I don't seem to think the narration changes the way I feel about the film very much.

I can live with the Me against the World idea because it happens a lot. However, I find this to be a bit of a revisionist attitude. I still feel pretty much the way about the film as I did back in 1982, even without the narration, the changed ending and the dream. If anything, I thought more of it than the audience and critics did back then. It's the current audience and critics who have evolved to become the World against me. I'm just my stodgy old self. Maybe the fact is that the theme of Blade Runner subliminally resonates with me more than I know, since I cannot seem to find the compassion (at least towards the movie) which the film seems to advocate for all "humans".
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Seen Blade Runner, I found the movie slow and boring but the atmosphere in the movie was good though.
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