What do you think of George Clooney?


It seems that he is going to receive the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award.

I don't think he deserve it, because he does not have much representative work. Previous winners of that award, like Tom Hanks or Harrison Ford, starred in lots of classic films.

Define “representative work”.
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I think he has nice comedy quirks..even in Intolerable Cruelty with his teeth whitening car mirror scene..stuff like that. He's no Tom Hanks, I agree...but he's been around the block for a long, long time, and has been in some great movies so, he deserves something, and those awards don;t mean much, anyway. They're hunks of plastic and metal given out by a committee of industry politicians and back stabbers so, who cares, anyway lol.?

Trouble with a capital "T"
AFI has clout so I think an actor would be honored to win an AFI Lifetime Achievement Award...but Clooney? I like him, but what about Alec Baldwin? hell give him the award

I think he's alright. O Brother Where Art Thou and Burn After Reading were good comedic roles from him and his voice performance in Fantastic Mr Fox was also pretty good.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

It seems that he is going to receive the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award.

I don't think he deserve it, because he does not have much representative work. Previous winners of that award, like Tom Hanks or Harrison Ford, starred in lots of classic films.
I liked him in Solaris. He seemed to be able to lose his familiar mannerisms and that was good. Apart from ER, From Dusk till Dawn and Batman & Robin I'm not that familiar with his career.

I liked him in Roseanne. I don't see what women see in him to be honest, he's ok looking but not the heart throb some woman say he is.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
As a Batman was awful, in Michael Clayton boring, but in Hail, Caesar was funny. And only in it, as far as I remember.

As a person this video sums up how I feel about George Clooney
... sick of seeing his smug self satisfied face spewing out meaningless platitudes

as a film maker I avoid most of his work, as an actor I enjoyed some of his work in the 90's in films such as The Peacemaker, One Fine Day, Out Of Sight, From Dusk Till Dawn, in 2000 I quite enjoyed Three Kings and O Brother, then nothing, only Fantastic Mr. Fox which I remember thinking why does it have to be Clooney

I love how in just a few words someone can crush a person's entire lengthy and notable career. I have a new passion that I have been working on now for only a fraction as long as Clooney has. I hope that in 20 or 30 years someone doesn't say the same about my work.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I hope that in 20 or 30 years someone doesn't say the same about my work.
They will.

Every artist has their fans and detractors. Nobody is universally admired.

I think that George Clooney is a man I admire very much. A gifted actor, a supremely competent filmmaker with an eye for good screenplays, and, from what I can tell, a thoroughly decent person.
A man's got to know his limitations.