When will you let your little child to watch a R rated movie?


I remember I used to see R rated movies like Terminator, Robocop etc when I was between 8-11, and I thought those movies were pretty cool.

Now I am a father, I wonder when you will let your child to watch a R rated movie?
You talkin' to me?

The most loathsome of all goblins
It depends on the movie. Personally I think the MPAA ratings system is bogus, there are R-rated movies that I would let kids watch and PG-13 movies that I wouldn't

I remember I used to see R rated movies like Terminator, Robocop etc when I was between 8-11, and I thought those movies were pretty cool.

Now I am a father, I wonder when you will let your child to watch a R rated movie?
I'd say 9-10 is OK. As long as it's not torture pron or some other devious, sick minded fare. Porky's Revenge? Sure, go ahead, kid. See if you can stay awake. Ninja III: The Domination? Have at it!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Small children can never learn soon enough about sex, murder, smoking, drinking, drug usage and profanity... So I recommend NC17 films for all kids regardless of age. Forget parenting skills, let Hollywood teach the little tykes

The most loathsome of all goblins
Small children can never learn soon enough about sex, murder, smoking, drinking, drug usage and profanity... So I recommend NC17 films for all kids regardless of age. Forget parenting skills, let Hollywood teach the little tykes
"Mommy, today in school we watched a movie called Caligula."

Hey, it's important that kids learn about history.

I remember being emotionally scarred with Down and Out in Beverly Hills when Dreyfuss is banging the Mexican maid. Bloated, sweaty belly with white hair doing the electric worm. Ah, I can't shake it. Maybe I'll let my kids reach 25 before they can see that one...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Kids are individuals with different maturity rates. One might be mature enough to watch horror movies at 10 yet someone else might be too sensitive until a much later age.

Just on a side note, wasn't there an american teacher several years ago who was suspended for screening some r rated horror movie for his/her 12 year old students because he stupidly took it upon himself to decide without the parents' consent they should be exposed to it at that age?
Interesting topic.

I've no intention of ever having children, but if I did I would follow my parents' example:

Answer the question on a case-by-case basis and only let them watch R rated movies that I've already seen and approved for them.

Because the reality is that each R rated film is different and each child is different. The MPAA is ridiculous in their rating system and their decisions sometimes make no sense. Some R rated films are quite tame while some PG-13 films are rather disturbing. So I don't think it's really appropriate or fair to make a blanket statement and say "All R rated movies are fine at ___ age."

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The ratings films get change over time as well. There are 12 rated films today that are tamer than PG rated films from the 80s, so it's definitely on a case by case basis. I've let my kids watch some 12A movies while there are some PG movies I still wouldn't show the younger ones.

I don't care what other people will think (Friends, Family etc) not until they are 18!!
(One mistake I know my parents regret)
How old are your kids? Because there comes a time (way before they're 18) when you will have no idea what the heck they're watching...or doing, for that matter. Take this from someone who raised three kids who are now all well into adulthood.

Having said that, I never censored anything my kids watched or read.

I don't care what other people will think (Friends, Family etc) not until they are 18!!
(One mistake I know my parents regret)
How old are your kids? Because there comes a time (way before they're 18) when you will have no idea what the heck they're watching...or doing, for that matter. Take this from someone who raised three kids who are now all well into adulthood.

Having said that, I never censored anything my kids watched or read.
My son is 1 so yes way to early to be talking bout this.

N u are true there is a time u wont know whats going on but I'll be prepared

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
Whenever they damn well please.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

My son is 1 so yes way to early to be talking bout this.

N u are true there is a time u wont know whats going on but I'll be prepared
Lol, we all have great intentions about our kids..you know, "I will never let my children....[insert whatever you like]". And then....and then....life intervenes and things don't turn out exactly the way we think! . Never mind, as long as you give them plenty of love, they usually turn out ok.

It's different for every child. I'll make sure that I'll know and understand my kid(s) well enough in order to realize whether he or she is ready for a certain kind of content or not.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I don't care what other people will think, not until they are 18!!
So you legitimately think a 16 year old would be mentally scarred for life by the Kings Speech, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Gran Torino or Clerks?

So you legitimately think a 16 year old would be mentally scarred for life by the Kings Speech, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Gran Torino or Clerks?
It's an interesting debate. The truth is though, kids will probably be watching hard core porn on the internet by the time they're 11 or 12. Even if you monitor their internet at home there are hundreds of ways they can access it from public computers to friend's computers to smart phones which are everywhere. There is simply no way you possibly censor what they see in the era of the internet even at 12 much less at 17.

As an example, I watch whatever film or TV series I want online even though access is denied to me to most US legit sites simply because I don't live in the US. Doesn't matter a bit as there as hundreds streaming sites outside the US where I can access whatever I want, whenever I want.