The 2015 MoFies Awards - THE CEREMONY!!!!!! !!!


Hello guys I hope I have enough space for every word I want to say.

To begin, sorry for being late as some may know today was my birthday, it's 3am in Argentina my family just went back to their homes and I am really tired from this beatiful day.

I really want to be a part of this I really love the idea when I saw it. I've been reading for 30 minutes the 26 pages of the Moffies xD. Which I really want to thank Rodent for hosting in a really creative and organized way.

I kind of lost track of the forum a few months after I join so I can't really argue about why wasn't even close of being the best new MoFo. I am just sad that I wasn't nominated ;(. Well this event is to celebrate a year of accomplishments so I am not sad xD :3 I am happy for you FW, you seem to deserve it :d. (30 mins wasn't enough time to read all the posts, I just read something else T_T, False Writter's speech, You deserve more :_ you deserve the world)

Also I made 1 or 2 minigames so I am grateful that they weren't even nominated to Worst thread, and who would be a better Mofo to present it than Gantai/IroquiFriedChicken xDD. And talking about shocks I really didn't knew MV and SC where a couple *-*. I may have suspect something about Camou but.. Just kidding xD. Maybe I do don't know a thing about you Mofos

It can be a blind promise but I want to say I will try for now on to improve in the MoForum (but not my english though) I want to become a better Mofo and to know you guys a little better. Hope this year I try a little harder xD

And I would like to add that I hope someone do a really good job as Rodent did this year on the upcoming Moffies, I will do my best to get one of the moffies next year because that's my Road to ninja/ninja way whatever the hell you said that naruto crap in english xDD and the most important thing, congrats to you all, you really deserve it. And congrats to grandma for his Worst Post, way to go Fate xDD
That ain't gonna happen. I've kept this avatar because I think it suits me really well. I don't put on a facade here. I don't really have separate online and real life personas. This is all me. The real me. Take it or leave it.
I am jelous I don't have that kind of avatar ;( I guess this year's first task for me is to find one...but I will sleep now, hope this massive text is legible and not that hard to understand (I am on the phone also) whatever hopefully it's not, night night.

And talking about shocks I really didn't knew MV and SC where a couple *-*. I may have suspect something about Camou but.. Just kidding xD. Maybe I do don't know a thing about you Mofos
None of the nominated "couples" are actually couples.

Not only didn't I win Funniest MoFo, but I wasn't even nominated!

Just as I promised:

In regards to the Funniest MoFo nominees....

I think all of them would watch horror movies all day with you guys.
A lot of horror is actually really very funny.

I do completely understand the "horror comedy" genre.

Humorous horror exists to ease our anxieties about death. All humor is meant to relieve tension, to laugh at something horrible. Everyone has an inner comedian and everybody's is dark and twisted and totally horrible. Totally wrong. Not everyone, though, is willing to accept and embrace the lengths and depths their own hysterical wickedness can go.

All humor is meant to relieve tension
Never thought humour has so much to do with masturbation.

You guys didn't vote Swan for every category like I told you too. I'm very disappointed.

So Swan... when are you going to invite me to your island? Also... is it weird if I want Mr Minio to come too?

Thank you all so much for my award. The other nominees deserve it just as much too

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. I wish Godoggo was back too - I hope whatever she's doing she gets to see her award and thinks back fondly and maybe gets tempted back. Hope she's happy whatever she's doing.

I'm glad Cricket got his three awards. I got to see a different side to him during that personal songs tournament we did. He's a great personality, and a decent bloke.
Very happy Daniel got his best thread of the year award. There must be so much work put into one of those and he did it all so well.
Gatsby is a ray of sunshine himself too, very happy he got his most improved award, although he doesn't need improving, he's lovely as he is
Funniest Mofo is definately Sexy Celebrity. He makes me laugh out loud a lot, but he also makes you raise your eyebrows and shake your head in disbelief at times too. We'd be a more boring place without him that's for sure!

MM definately deserves the best reviewer of the year. His reviews are awesome, and like CiCi said, the fact that English isn't even MM's first language is doubly awesome!

To me it goes without saying that our leader Yoda got his most helpful and hard work awards. He is unfailingly polite whatever stupid question you ask him about technical stuff. We don't see him around as much recently but we all know he's there in the background taking care of his creation.

and Mark F. Really the award could go to no one else but him. Yes, Holden is his equal in knowledge I bet, but Mark has lived longer and absorbed more, and has a memory for films unequalled in anyone I know. Plus he's a really nice guy - hugs xxx

Thanks to Rodent, brilliant graphics as always!

So Swan... when are you going to invite me to your island? Also... is it weird if I want Mr Minio to come too?
I don't know if it's weird, or not, but it for sure is kinky as hell!

I've been taking belly dancing classes in preparation. And my work has a white van, so I can bring some freshly kidnaped young girls too.

Get 'em by 8 before it's too late. Nod, a wink, nudge nudge, say no more.

None of the nominated "couples" are actually couples.
I knew CamoXVicky was real!!!!! Of course SC wasn't your couple but MM and MM (too?) really seem to be one when I saw those quotes of Beauty and the Beast, but yeah they are all related to her favorite movies so false couple too.

Get 'em by 8 before it's too late
"at 8" would suggest you're a pedophile rapist. Thankfully, you're just your average rapist.

I knew CamoXVicky was real!!!!! Of course SC wasn't your couple but MM and MM (too?) really seem to be one when I saw those quotes of Beauty and the Beast, but yeah they are all related to her favorite movies so false couple too.
I think you meant MM and MG.... and I never take Minio's flrting serious.. he's my daughter's age.

Right, sometimes I forget why SC is so scared of you
There is no reason to be scared of anything...