You know you're addicted to MoFo when...


Master of My Domain
I'll start off first. Post yours!

...when you take a short work break for MoFo at 6pm by the time you're finished its dark outside

...when you start look at old posts because you've seen or replied to everything interesting that can happen at the moment

...when you refresh the page every minute to see what's new

...when you log on while in the bathroom

...when you type in the letter 'w' on your computer or phone and the first thing that pops up is ''

Hall of Fame

"When you give someone a thumbs up you say 'plus rep' in everyday conversations."
- Captain Spaulding

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
...When you can't make it through a meal without picking up your phone to see if there are any new posts.

I am glad there are no stats on how many times I go to another website or log off and the within seconds go back to MoFo. I would have to leave MoFo in shame.

When you give someone a thumbs up and say, "Plus rep," during everyday conversations.

Master of My Domain
...when you're desperately waiting for a new post in this thread so you can relate to them and give rep

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
...when you finish a movie and the first thing you think is what thread your going to rank and talk about it in.

...when you don't make it through movies at home without checking MoFo.

Master of My Domain
When you give someone a thumbs up and say, "Plus rep," during everyday conversations.
Added to hall of fame.

Master of My Domain
...when your grammar and spelling has increased since you joined MoFo

.... When you've been here 10 years and posted more than anyone else.
... When this is the only forum you belong to.
... When you still come here day after day, year after year, despite not seeing hardly any films made after 2008.
5-time MoFo Award winner. agree to host a countdown and then spend WAY too much time triple checking the numbers and searching for images to use in the posts. ignore the "use of the office internet for any non-work related reasons may result in termination" rule at work and log onto MoFo whenever you've got a spare minute.

...the first thing you do when you get up in the morning and the last thing you do at night before going to bed is check for new posts.

... when the first Favourite button in your list is the main MoFo page.
You still have a long way to go until you've logged onto Movie Forums as much as you've watched Young Guns.

When you obsessively refresh a newly-made thread, eagerly waiting the next response to stroke your online ego and enlarge your e-cojones.