Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Argo (2012)

I knew nothing going into this film, I did not know the story both real and adapted and that really helped because I didn't know what to expect or how things would turn out. As a result for the last 40 minutes I was on the edge of my seat barely daring to breath because the tension was so great and so insane that near the end I was overcome with emotion and almost started crying.

This is not a pleasant film but my god it is a great film and I really think this cements why I think Ben Affleck is a good actor and a good director. I really would recommend anyone to see this, I do think it is an important film but like me I would recommend going in in blind. I think it is more enjoyable that way.

My rating, a very worth: 10/10
twitter: @ginock
livejournal film reviews: http://windsoc.livejournal.com/
photos: http://www.instagram.com/christopherwindsor

Locke (2013)

Tom Hardy delivers a brilliant one-man-show performance in this compelling tale of a man confined to the loneliness of his car with nothing but a hand-free phone as he takes a last minute road trip to London that will seemingly jeopardize everything he holds dear in his life: his family and work.

The November Man (2014, USA) ~ 6/10

Pretty decent action film. Never seen Pierce as Bond so Im not sure how I would compare them to each other. Perhaps I should change that. Olga Kurylenko was pretty solid. She's a Craig Bond girl so Im not surprised she's in this film, plus it takes place in Russia. Action was good, story was decent but not unfamiliar. The cinematography isnt like "Bond" or "Bourne" but more like "Haywire" which I did enjoy.

Pierce is in his 60's but he can sure still do an action film.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Emotionally hard hitting, and it worked on me.I love that it looks and feels like a classic film. Perfect choice for this story.Fantastic looking film.


I had watched this when I was young and did not think too much of it at the time. Now that I am older I think this is a little gem, reminded me of a coming of age story mixed in with court room drama. I could see a bit of Scorsese mixed into it with the Mafia references and being in New York. All the actors were solid and played their parts well, I have not done the research but I wonder if this was on par to get any awards during the time.

4/5 Stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

I’m just the espresso
Spring Breakers directed by who the **** cares, I'm not going to look it up.

Also not going to look for a picture.

What a ****ing piece of ****. ****ing ****. I'm ****ing done.

Spring Breakers directed by who the **** cares, I'm not going to look it up.

Also not going to look for a picture.

What a ****ing piece of ****. ****ing ****. I'm ****ing done.
I tried to warn ya.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Spring Breakers directed by who the **** cares, I'm not going to look it up.

Also not going to look for a picture.

What a ****ing piece of ****. ****ing ****. I'm ****ing done.
Maybe a second viewing? How much can you tell the first time around really?

Spring Breakers directed by who the **** cares, I'm not going to look it up.

Also not going to look for a picture.

What a ****ing piece of ****. ****ing ****. I'm ****ing done.
Shame. I genuinely enjoyed it.

Spring Breakers directed by who the **** cares, I'm not going to look it up.

Also not going to look for a picture.

What a ****ing piece of ****. ****ing ****. I'm ****ing done.
We try to warn you ...

''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Dom Hemingway (2013)

Jude Law is a riot. He plays against type in this bizarre and outrageously hilarious British black comedy as a witty, loud, and abrasive newly-released convict who wants to reconnect with his estranged daughter, and get his money that is owed to him by a crime boss whom he did time for by refusing to snitch on him.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Despicable Me (2010)

Easy and cute. It does what it is supposed to do if u are a 10 year old...

Too childish and too cliche, full of recycled jokes.. It does not hang together very well too!


I love Despicable Me (and Despicable Me 2), and I'm way older than 10 years old. How could anyone not fall in love with the minions?

It's possible that one (or both) movies could even make my top animations list.

The November Man was quite good.
It was entertaining, but it could have been better.

I would rate it 6.5/10
6 = good and 7 = great.

Thanks, MovieGal and romet6 for your thoughts on The November Man, which I hope to see soon. Enjoyed Brosnan quite a bit as Bond, so to see him back in action mode sounds like a good time. And the fact that Olga Kurylenko is in it is more than reason enough to pay admission, because I love her so much it hurts!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

All the reviews, the hype, and box office numbers led me to believe this was can't miss. Apparently I am a small target, because it never hit the mark.

Batman and the batman song and everything's awesome, whatever. The production value was good, but at times the action seemed too busy for me to grasp what I was looking at. Being a Star Wars fan, there was one bright spot...

By no means do I think this is a bad movie, the hype just made it seem like it was supposed to be on your can't miss list.