Time spent on MoFo


When I joined MoFo a few months ago I was heavily involved with another forum so did not spend as much time here. Since leaving the other forum and getting back into film over all I have been spending a lot more time here and am often on here every day for at least a few hours and often more.

How much time on average do you spend on MoFo? What do you do the most and what do you enjoy the most?
twitter: @ginock
livejournal film reviews: http://windsoc.livejournal.com/
photos: http://www.instagram.com/christopherwindsor

I can't discuss movies movie movies all the time . I need to discuss other things like politics and current affairs etc . So the time I spend here is limited

I stick the laptop on as soon as I'm up and it stays on till I go to bed. Flitting between here, Facebook and Tanki I'm basically on here all day every day.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
A lot. I visit the site everyday and try to read the posts in threads I'm most interested in. I also post and from time to time make a bigger thing in Movie Tab II.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I can't discuss movies movie movies all the time . I need to discuss other things like politics and current affairs etc . So the time I spend here is limited
Try the Intermission section.

Not as much as I use to spend, posting massive multiple things in threads and in the old MoFo blog. 3/4 of the people that read and enjoyed the stuff that I posted don't use this site anymore, plus I don't have as much time anymore.

I spend a lot of time looking at threads and having conversations with people and writing reviews and telling what I'm about to watch.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Wow. I just checked and found out you're just two weeks here, mrtylerdurden. I hope you stay for years to come.

I really enjoy my stay here. Love you all guys &

Not as much as I use to spend, posting massive multiple things in threads and in the old MoFo blog.
What old MoFo blog?

A system of cells interlinked
I work here so...yeah...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Im in the fantasy baseball & football leagues ALOT. Post occasionally in General Movie thread, and Intermission section.

Way too much. I'm not sure how long it is, since I don't tend to spend a lot time on the site each time I visit, unless I'm doing a movie commentary or something, but I log in like 20 times a day, between home and work. It's kind of sad.

I tend to post in whatever random thread catches my attention and I like to participate on song tournaments and stuff.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I am in the Miss Vicky camp. Short peroids many, many times a day. It is my new Facebook, I am much more interested in what is going on here. The games are fun as well. When you can add in my fantasy sports addiction, why go to any other social sites. Being mobile does not help this addiction at all. Any free minute, pop on to the forum.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm here way too much. I do need to cut it down a little. Actually when I think of it I'm probably on here as often as the average American is on Facebook. Which is a lot.

The real Swan is rarely on. Usually it's imposters pretending to be me.

I used to know the link to old back logged pages but I can't find them. I used to run a blog linked off of Movieforums where I posted movie news. I think like maybe 2 or 3 members from this site visited it lol.

I tend to post in bursts, depending on how busy the forums are. The forum tends to pick up between 7- 8 pm GMT and peaks between midnight to 3 am, which is why I usually stay up till 4 am voting in tournaments.