User Tagging


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Do you know what I seriously want? Even though I'm terrible at keeping my profile looking all decorated and pretty.

I want music in our profiles. I want someone to visit my profile and a song starts playing.
Ewwwww. I can't stand sites that do that. For this you shall be flogged.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Despite how annoying it is right now because SC is up to some harmless mischief, this is nowhere near as annoying as on facebook, and i don't know how to turn those bastard notifications off. Here it seems fine to me, even with SC on red cordial.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think being notified when quoted is pretty necessary....tagging (IE: tagging without a quote), maybe not...
I think the quote notification is a useful idea. I'm not so sure how useful the @Citizen Rules is.

My thought is some people will abuse it, making others hate it, and then when someone legitimately uses it, it will piss them off.

So I'd like to see an off setting in our CP for both the quote feature and also for the tag feature.

I'm not saying I would shut them off, probably not. But if i quote someone who doesn't want a bunch of notifications at least the blame will be on them for not shutting the feature off and not on me.

So I'd like to see an off setting in our CP for both the quote feature and also for the tag feature.
Dig. I'll see what I can do. Might not happen right away, but I think this initial rush of notifications will slow down to something more manageable in a day or so, anyway.

I don't like it notifying me when someone has quoted a post of mine. I don't need that after all of these years without it. I only like being notified if somebody does @Sexy Celebrity to get my attention.

Master of My Domain
Cool feature. Now, let's see if someone can tag me.
Letterboxd Profile:

Anyone been getting any emails about mentions? There's a feature that sends email updates for them, and I want to make sure I've disabled it properly.

Doesn't matter if you have one from the other day, since I was fiddling with the settings briefly. Just want to know if anyone's been getting them today, or possibly yesterday.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Nup, not for me since the other day. Will shout in the box if it happens again just to let you know.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
One thing i think people will have to learn to avoid is pointless quoting. Like quoting a comment right above you that was just posted as the mentions for that will get quickly annoying.

I usually quote the post that I'm replying to, just in case someone else sneaks in a comment before I finish typing. I'm not going to stop doing that just because of this new feature.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I usually quote the post that I'm replying to, just in case someone else sneaks in a comment before I finish typing. I'm not going to stop doing that just because of this new feature.

Either am I.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I like that I can click on the username and see when this is the bbusername thing.
I find this extremely irritating.I thought it was confined to the sandpit board designed to annoy newbies?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I actually do think this might be a bad idea. I miss the simplicity of the way things were before. @Yoda, you keep bringing out all of these new ideas, but are they really necessary? You're reminding me of Oreo cookies. Every time you turn around, there's some bizarre new Oreo flavor. A week later, it's gone from stores forever, replaced by another strange new flavor. All people really want is the plain old chocolate cookie with the white filling inside.

i don't want a plain chocolate chip cookie i LIVE for phish food

so take your no frills ice cream and skedaddle

I find this extremely irritating.I thought it was confined to the sandpit board designed to annoy newbies?
It's not confined to anywhere. But it is really annoying at this point. The joke is only funny when it's used on a rare occasion. But when it's thrown into posts ALL THE DAMN TIME it gets real old real quick.

Let me know if you guys run into any problems, or have any questions.
That's very useful Yoda, cheers for that.

It's not confined to anywhere. But it is really annoying at this point. The joke is only funny when it's used on a rare occasion. But when it's thrown into posts ALL THE DAMN TIME it gets real old real quick.
Yup, that's why i always complain about SC's thread. I think that thread is pretty funny but without fail it leads to someone like that Dexter guy finding out the code and using it all the time because he thinks it's hilarious. It's not.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yup, that's why i always complain about SC's thread. I think that thread is pretty funny but without fail it leads to someone like that Dexter guy finding out the code and using it all the time because he thinks it's hilarious. It's not.
I have only been fooled by it once my whole time here so it has never bothered me. That's probably because of my name though. Almost everyone refers to me as sean, so seanc sticks out like a sore thumb.