The Diet Thread


The Diet Thread

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I think this is a great idea. I don't need to lose weight exactly, but I've not been exercising like I used to and I would like to tone up and lose five or six pounds.

My weight is 138.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I hope more people sign up. It's always more fun to do things in a group and this is something that's really good for everyone.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
This comes at a really good time. Im going to the gym tomorrow for the first time in almost a year. I am sure to be the heaviest I have ever been. I will post my weight tomorrow night.

Yeah, I just hate that it's so public, but I really need to buckle down and do it.
Maybe the fact that it's so public will be the kick in the ass I need. I've lost a lot of weight on my own before but then sort of fell off the wagon and gained it back.

I need to get back to counting carbs like my doctor told me. When I stuck to it before, I lost 50 lbs.

I ate a bunch of Nutter Butters earlier. I also had ramen noodles for lunch, which are really high in sodium. Weighing myself late in the evening after eating all day wasn't exactly ideal. I'll post future weights in the morning before I've eaten anything. I did have a healthy breakfast of low fat cottage cheese and a fresh pear and a healthy dinner of baked chicken and cauliflower though.

This morning I weighed 205.2!!!

Last night I was 207.2.

2lbs... ?

Easy to lose that...

Just go to the toilet. I once lost 6lb going to the bog.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I could participate only if I wasn't so lazy. I believe I'm around 94 kg. Don't know how much lbs. is it. I'm 193 cm as well.

94k is about the same as SC. Near 15 stones.

But at 6'3 you're probably close to your recommended weight.

See if you guys can do what I did when I was 17...

I went from 14st (196lb) down to 10st (140lb)... in the space of 5 days.

I was sooo ill.


Real flu, not these bad colds people moan about and reckon it's flu... I had the proper thing.

I was working a heavy job at the time, materials handling and FLT operating, and almost everyone in the dept was on holiday that week... so I was being relied on to keep the dept going by doing the job of 5 people.

All while carrying flu.

Imagine doing the most intense workout in a gym for a solid 8 and a half hours, with no breaks, no fluid intake and no food.

That was Monday to Friday, 5 days...

I was in Hospital on the Friday afternoon on a drip... I discharged myself after a couple hours, spent the weekend in bed than went back to work Monday.

Hmmm, I'm considering this. My wife and I give up a lot of stuff for Lent each year, and I'm a little tempted to go really nuts this time. Might coincide nicely with this.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Weighed in at 241 today. I knew that was coming. Had a good start for what I want to do. I know I can lose if I set my mind to it. I have lost 30 lbs. on two separate occasions the past ten years. All about calorie intake and exercise for me. I would love to be 185 again, but short term realistic goal I want to lose 35-40 lbs. If I lay off the fast food, soda, and exercise three or four times a week I feel good weighing in the 200 range. Not gonna weigh everyday because I will drive myself insane. I will check in a couple times a week though and weigh in once a week.

Well if the goal is to burn fat, sprinting (as in going as fast as you can short distances) or running is not the best idea. A light jog or even speed walking would be best.

Now I have to run and do ruck marches for my job (and they are great cardio and rucking is a calories burner like no other). But I also am more likely burning muscle before I burn any fat. And that is the key to trimming the waist. If you want to burn fat, do something that gets the heart pumping, but is not going too far.

In addition this is the easiest way to burn fat and trim the waist. When I was in college I was able to drop a few pant sizes (from a 36 to a 32) by simply parking in a parking lot on the other side of campus where my classes were and walking across most of the campus to go to class. So I got a good 2 -4 miles or so in a day and I did not even change my diet.

Of course a healthy diet helps. Now I do not drink soda except for VERY rare occasions and I have cut out the majority of fast food except for very rare occasions. I eat Subway, but my days of frequenting Burger King and McDonalds are over. Problem is I still drink a fair amount of Red Bull. Going to use the season of Lent to cut that out, and hopefully stick with it past that.