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Miller's Crossing


Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney, Jon Polito, Marcia Gay Harden View All


Joel Coen (Screenplay), Joel Coen (Director), Ethan Coen (Screenplay) View All

Release: Sep. 21st, 1990
Runtime: 1 hour, 55 minutes
Set in 1929, a political boss and his advisor have a parting of the ways when they both fall for the same woman.
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21 Miller's Crossing
Picked this up last night, and will be watching tonight. I have heard many good things about it and hopefully some folks will be up for talking about it tomorrow. _S...
56 Miller's Crossing
A ripoff of Hammett's "The Glass Key", "Miller's Crossing" may well be the worst picture ever made. A completely ludicrous script, terrible performances and a director who couldn't...
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MILLER'S CROSSING (the Coen Brothers, 1990) MoFo Rating: 8.2 (22 votes) ...
0 The Crossing
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It just seems like evey time you turn around you got a singer attempting to cross over to movies.I would like to ask all you lovely people. Who is your favorite and least favorite of those who crossed...

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Film Trivia Snippets - As a result of trying to tackle the film's intricate plot, the Coens suffered writer's block while working on the script.
Watching Millers Crossing with the knowledge that Tom Regan is a man crippled by pride, and who lives with the fear that all of the feelings he hides inside might one day betray him and get him to chase after that metaphorical hat after all, will somewhat let us in on the inscrutable spell it cas....
Citizen Rules
Directors: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen Writers: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen Cast: Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney, John Turturro Genre: Period Piece, Crime Thrille.
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