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Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Richard Harris View AllCrew
Clint Eastwood (Director), David Webb Peoples (Screenplay) View All
Release: Aug. 7th, 1992
Runtime: 2 hours, 11 minutes
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This movie in my opinion is completely exceptional. The directing and the acting are top notch in my book. 4 actors giving great performances...
Unforgiven v Million Dollar Baby
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Clint Eastwood’s film Unforgiven: 1992
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Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven / Japanese Remake!!
Yes a Japanese remake of 1992's Unforgiven, who knows how this will be because it is still a very long ways off from being released. Just from the Teaser trailer it looks a least like it will be ...
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Reviewed by

The film deconstructs the western and it's mythos and, when you really think about it, was a very brave and risky project for Eastwood to take back then.

The main reason that Woolvert seeks out Eastwood is due to the many stories he's heard about Eastwood's dark and troubled past, constantly expressing disbelief at the fact that the seemingly incompetent old man is the same one he's heard so much about.

Oscar Wins: Best Picture / Best Director - Clint Eastwood / Best Supporting Actor - Gene Hackman / Best Film Editing Oscar Nominations: Best Actor - Clint Eastwood / Best Art Direction / Best Cinematography / Best Writing / Best Original Screenplay Plot At a whorehouse in the town of Big Whiskey t....