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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre


Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partain, William Vail View All


Tobe Hooper (Screenplay), Tobe Hooper (Director), Kim Henkel (Screenplay) View All

Release: Oct. 1st, 1974
Runtime: 1 hour, 23 minutes
When Sally hears that her grandfather's grave may have been vandalized, she and her paraplegic brother, Franklin, set out with their friends to investigate. After a detour to their family's old farmhouse, they discover a group of crazed, murderous outcasts living next door. As the group is attacked one by one by the chainsaw-wielding Leatherface, who wears a mask of human skin, the survivors must do everything they can to escape.
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Reviewed by

Sexy Celebrity
After discovering the ghoulish bodies of Leatherface's alive, but ghastly looking grandfather, and probably the dead, skeletal body of the grandmother upstairs in the attic, Sally jumps from a window in the house after Leatherface comes inside with his chainsaw (after chainsawing down the front door....
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre follows a group of five teenagers, including Sally (Marilyn Burns) and her paraplegic brother, Franklin Hardesty (Paul A.
Of course, the real reason that The Texas Chain Saw Massacre still works is because of, well, everything else.
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