Anger Drop Off Zone


HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
This is where you can say whatever you want. It can mean but not vulgar, cruel but not a lethal threat. insult ne one you want, on this forum or otherwise. I feel i need to make this because some of you seem to venting you anger in other peoples threads and bad things can happen with that. Have fun and remember a simple * will do for vulgar language.
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

i'm really pissed off at people, i was having a talk with at friend, and everyone seems to tell her that she's ugly, or stupid, or anything to put her down. I told her otherwise, and she saved the IM conversation, so that she could come back to it to cheer herself up. She's a really awsome person, who definately doesn't deserve to be treated that way, so i'm pissed off at anyone and everyone that has every put someone else down for no good reason. In other words, I hate the greater part of humanity .

Man, she's probably a wilderbeest - I kid, I kid. I have made fun of people, although you don't know who I am.. Things that make me angry like you folks. Um, people who lash out with no style. I give you Zzat as an example. If you're gonna try'un be da' boss and use big boy words, use some flare - or as I like to call it, Da Funk. Speak the funk once you feel the funk, that's what I say. That brings me to my next point. I'm kind of angry at people with crap ideas who wont except them as crap. You know what I mean, don't play dumb'pants with me. I mean those people that open their mouth, give an idea, then realize it sucks, then decide they have to defend it because they think their lame idea is correlated with their ego/character/etc. I am angry at that. This post reminds me of the Tick You Off thread. But this one seems more fierce. It was even suggested you unleash on people you want to unleash on. Another point, some computer programmer science nerd should make it so Moderators (I capatalized it to show respect, how bout' that?) can un-ban people who have been permanently banned. I speak on behalf of PimpDaShizzle. He would like to have that groovy name back. Although, the name FastAndDanger does have a fierce quality to it. Kind of like I'm always on the go and doing dangerous stuff, and where I'm going I'm getting there fast. So dangerous. So, I guess what I'm saying about that is that I'm angry at computer programmers that didn't think of me or people like me when writing their software. F*ck them. I'm also angry at people who use *'s as place holders for innocent words that deserve respect. The U is a necessary part of the English language. There is a U in You. Think about that.

On my way to somewhere else going very quick and going unresponsible,
I'm cool.

I have always leaned to the dark side...
I like to the villan win sometimes, i like to see the hero fall sometines, i lik it when evil prevails in some movies and games, i dont always like happy endings...

Originally Posted by FastAndDanger
Man, she's probably a wilderbeest - I kid, I kid. I have made fun of people, although you don't know who I am.. Things that make me angry like you folks. Um, people who lash out with no style. I give you Zzat as an example. If you're gonna try'un be da' boss and use big boy words, use some flare - or as I like to call it, Da Funk. Speak the funk once you feel the funk, that's what I say. That brings me to my next point. I'm kind of angry at people with crap ideas who wont except them as crap. You know what I mean, don't play dumb'pants with me. I mean those people that open their mouth, give an idea, then realize it sucks, then decide they have to defend it because they think their lame idea is correlated with their ego/character/etc. I am angry at that. This post reminds me of the Tick You Off thread. But this one seems more fierce. It was even suggested you unleash on people you want to unleash on. Another point, some computer programmer science nerd should make it so Moderators (I capatalized it to show respect, how bout' that?) can un-ban people who have been permanently banned. I speak on behalf of PimpDaShizzle. He would like to have that groovy name back. Although, the name FastAndDanger does have a fierce quality to it. Kind of like I'm always on the go and doing dangerous stuff, and where I'm going I'm getting there fast. So dangerous. So, I guess what I'm saying about that is that I'm angry at computer programmers that didn't think of me or people like me when writing their software. F*ck them. I'm also angry at people who use *'s as place holders for innocent words that deserve respect. The U is a necessary part of the English language. There is a U in You. Think about that.

On my way to somewhere else going very quick and going unresponsible,
ok, Pimpdashizzle, i thought you were done with this site??? i know that no one can stay away for very long, but if you were banned, changing ur name won't get the mods to let you stay, unless you've worked something out with them, are you here to stay?

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Michael_myers
ok, Pimpdashizzle, i thought you were done with this site??? i know that no one can stay away for very long, but if you were banned, changing ur name won't get the mods to let you stay, unless you've worked something out with them, are you here to stay?

If he is staying, I like the old name better.
FastAndDanger is to Pimpdashizzle as Grey Poupon is to French's Yellow.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Originally Posted by Michael_myers
so i'm pissed off at anyone and everyone that has every put someone else down for no good reason. In other words, I hate the greater part of humanity .
Sorry to hear that, maybe you are moving the wrong circles as most of the people I know are really sweet.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

i said greater part of humanity, i'm sure that there are some good people out there, like my friends Brian, Sam, and Jordan, and some people here at mofo, like animal mother, JRS, yourself nebbit, Yoda, Nitzer, and many others

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
FastAndDanger is to Pimpdashizzle as Grey Poupon is to French's Yellow.
That is very true.

Michael_myers - I can't stay away. There's nothing else to do at 2am.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
That is very true.

Michael_myers - I can't stay away. There's nothing else to do at 2am.
no one can!! lol

A system of cells interlinked
I kind of missed the Pimp... He grows on ya like a wart ya know?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I hate NY lenders who screw their clients over, which happen to be my clients, and hold up the entire closing process. Always trying to squeeze an extra dollar out of someone.
something witty goes here......

Originally Posted by Sedai
I kind of missed the Pimp... He grows on ya like a wart ya know?
I thought he was funny and original. But what the hell do I know? Except that he offended some mighty nice people.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

he could be annoying but i liked him. he made some funny posts
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

This discussion is confusing me now...

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by starrdarcy
This discussion is confusing me now...
They are talking about the FastAndDanger Effect. PimpDaShizzle and Drew Barrymore were fantastic in that movie by the way. 4/5

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
They are talking about the FastAndDanger Effect. PimpDaShizzle and Drew Barrymore were fantastic in that movie by the way. 4/5
heh heh... oh!