Chronicles of Riddick good idea/bad idea?


movieman373's Avatar
my name is buck and im here to f**k
I am a big fan of pitch black but Iam alittle skeptical about this.What do you think?

Originally Posted by movieman373
I am a big fan of pitch black but Iam alittle skeptical about this.What do you think?
all i know is that my husband wants to see this looks rather interesting to tell you the truth

Originally Posted by movieman373
Iam alittle skeptical about this

Me too...The trailer looks sweet, though I have a feeling that The Chronicles of Riddick won't live up to its predacessor.

A system of cells interlinked
Tough one... There were many things I liked about Pitch Black, but quite a few things that I didn't care for. I liked the style but the story and characters all fell short for me....
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Sedai
Tough one... There were many things I liked about Pitch Black, but quite a few things that I didn't care for. I liked the style but the story and characters all fell short for me....
Same director, same main character, so i guess it'll be in the same vein

I think there might still be some legs in the idea of an anti-hero whose visciousness means he ends up protecting those of a more sensitive disposition (almost by accident. Showing up the extremes/down-sides in both life approachs)

But then again, it might just be very silly.
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Pitch Black was the only Vin Diesel movie I liked out of all the ones I have seen. I think it will be good but not as good as Pitch Black.

And this is my BOOMstick!
Virtually every Vin Diesel movie that I know of kicks ass.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Originally Posted by Nitzer
Virtually every Vin Diesel movie that I know of kicks ass.


Chronicles of Riddick, The
Man Apart, A
Knockaround Guys
Fast and the Furious, The
Pitch Black
Boiler Room (2000)
Iron Giant, The
Saving Private Ryan

movieman373's Avatar
my name is buck and im here to f**k
Pitch Black is still my favorite,but a man apart is a close second
"Help me Obi Wan,your my only hope!!!"

Hmm, i dont think its fair to compare 'Pitch Black' and 'Chronicles...'. The latter is clearly very different and looks more like a cool but expensive actioner

movieman373's Avatar
my name is buck and im here to f**k
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Hmm, i dont think its fair to compare 'Pitch Black' and 'Chronicles...'. The latter is clearly very different and looks more like a cool but expensive actioner
yeah according to the trailers this one looks alot different.When pitch black came out it had some of the best special fx at the time.

The thing I liked most about Pitch Black was the simplicity of it. The "no idea who is gonna die next" plot was great. If they keep the new movie simple I think it will do great, if they dont then I hope it at least makes sense.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by jrs

Chronicles of Riddick, The
Man Apart, A
Knockaround Guys
Fast and the Furious, The
Pitch Black
Boiler Room (2000)
Iron Giant, The
Saving Private Ryan
Chronicles of Riddick, The - should be good
Man Apart, A - was ok
XXX - his second best movie. own it on DVD
Knockaround Guys - was pretty entartaining
Fast and the Furious, The - he was the only thing that made the movie good
Pitch Black - his BEST movie.
Boiler Room (2000) - never seen it
Iron Giant, The - never seen this one
Saving Private Ryan - he was in it?!?!?!?
Strays - never even heard of this one
Multi-Facia - same as above ^

yes diesel was in saving private ryan and he gets sniped and dies!
he wasnt in much of it
Evil lives...

movieman373's Avatar
my name is buck and im here to f**k
"Is it clear,what do you see riddick"
"its clear"
(monster flies out)
"I thought it was clear"
"it was"
"how does it look now"
"still looks clear"
my favorite part in the movie

Check out the new trailer for the Chronicles of Riddick here.

is this a sequal or prequal to Pitch Black?

Originally Posted by Springs
is this a sequal or prequal to Pitch Black?

Kaiser "The Devil" Soze
I loved pitched black only I can't help but think that this looks a bit too far ahead in the time line. or am I the only one?

I realized that in pitched black it was an uninhabitted planet and all... and other than the spaceship not much technology "stuff" was in it. Now that they are trying to explain it away by stating this is another planet Riddick is visiting. I can't help but draw the conclusion in my mind that this place looks a lot more future-ish... perhaps too far from the time pitch black occured.

Anyone else bother by this effect?
And like that .... he's gone

Originally Posted by Nitzer
XXX - his second best movie. own it on DVD
To each his own.