Favorite Fictional Band in a Movie


OK, give us your favorite fictional bands that have appeared on film. The band must perform a song. This has to be a band that only exists in a fictional universe --you can't pick The Beatles from Hard Day's Night, for example. It's okay if a real-world band plays the track, but the group has to be known in the movie by a different name.

I will start it off with... The Carrie Nations!

Without reservation. Without hesitation.

Sean Penn in the Sweet and Lowdown (1998). He actually plays his guitar and he's very good. The music is great and the movie is great in every measure. If you wanted to start a band with a professional actor he would be a top pick.

I'd have to say the great jazz work in 'Round Midnight (1986) by a fictional band consisting of Herbie Hancock, Freddie Hubbard, Wayne Shorter, Ron Carter, Tony Williams, and John McLaughlin. Dexter Gordon played tenor and turned in a great star acting performance. BTW Herbie Hancock won the Academy Award that year for Best Original Score. What a line-up!!

Strange Fruit - Still Crazy (1999)

The Wyld Stallyns!

Be excellent to each other.
Yes, I was disappointed in the lack of Wyld Stallyns thus far!

I'll also mention the adolescent girl punk band in We are the Best!, especially because of how we watch them develop their song over the course of the movie.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
The Max Rebo band!! Anyday anytime!

First thought, "Stillwater".
Second thought, "The Ruttles".
Third thought, "Spinal Tap".
Fourth thought "Steel Dragon".
Fifth thought, "The Lone Rangers".

LOVED Spinal Tap and Stillwater

First thought, "Stillwater".
Second thought, "The Ruttles".
Third thought, "Spinal Tap".
Fourth thought "Steel Dragon".
Fifth thought, "The Lone Rangers".
I have mixed feelings about Steel Dragon because the movie was so terrible

I watch Still Crazy once a year, it's an overlooked film. And I liked both Eddie and the Cruisers films, and Streets of Fire wasn't bad either!!