"It... It Felt As If I Were Having An Orgin Story!"


Pauline Kael's Hideous Mutant Love CHUD
Howdy hey, everyone. BenjisDad, here. (*waves*)

I'm a world famous expert in recombinant DNA theory, working as an ace relief pitcher for the Houston Astros in my spare time, and serving as official Back-Up Pope on alternate weekends. My wife, Salma Hayek, says I should get out more, and meet new people... so: here I am.

I'm an obsessive Blu-ray and DVD collector, with particular emphasis in noir, westerns, horror, and Asian cinema -- a total genre freak, in other words. I'd have shelled out elephant bucks to see Akira Kurosawa live long enough to adapt Jack Kirby's "New Gods" to the big screen, back in the proverbial day.

I am the almost certainly the oldest senior citizen you'll ever meet with a complete collection of Ramones CDs, and who can recite the lyrics to Guadalcanal diary's "Cattle Prod" on demand or otherwise.

Honestly. I'm just awful at this sort of thing. Couldn't I just recite dirty limericks, instead...?
"If it was priggish for an older generation of reviewers to be ashamed of what they enjoyed and to feel they had to be contemptuous of popular entertainment, it's even more priggish for a new movie generation to be so proud of what they enjoy that they use their education to try to place trash within the acceptable academic tradition." -- Pauline Kael

A system of cells interlinked
Hello and welcome!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
Howdy hey, everyone. BenjisDad, here. (*waves*)
I'm an obsessive Blu-ray and DVD collector, with particular emphasis in noir, westerns, horror, and Asian cinema -- a total genre freak, in other words....
Welcome to MoFo! It's a neat place so stick around What kind of noir do you like? Say classic era and you're my new best friend How about westerns name a few you love.

Pauline Kael's Hideous Mutant Love CHUD
But who is Benji?

A thoroughly spoiled rotten little chiweenie, who mulishly insists upon claiming my lap as his rightful snoozing spot whenever I'm seated at the computer (as I am and he is, right now).

Christened after the canine from the 1974 film of the same name, in the doomed hope that it would provide an instructive role model for him, a stratagem that worked roughly about as well as the most recent Bud Light campaign. Say "hello" to the nice folks, fuzzball.

(*yawns, rolls over, recommences to snoring*)

Pauline Kael's Hideous Mutant Love CHUD
Welcome to MoFo! It's a neat place so stick around What kind of noir do you like? Say classic era and you're my new best friend How about westerns name a few you love.

Well, I'm currently in the Sisyphean process of listing my collection right here, on this very site -- an endeavor which ought to keep me off the streets until sometime around next Christmas, give or take -- but, right off the top of my head, and in no particular order:

FAVORITE NOIR: "The Maltese Falcon," "Gaslight," "Nightmare Alley," "Night Has a Thousand Eyes," "A Double Life," "Night and the City" -- pretty much all of the usual suspects, really.

FAVORITE WESTERNS: "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" (all-time #1 favorite western flick -- how can you beat Wayne and Stewart, together?), "The Searchers," "Winchester '73," "Angel and the Badman," "The Great Silence," "Cemetery Without Crosses," etc., etc.

As we're now currently best friends, I feel newly comfortable in asking you to buy the next round.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, I'm currently in the Sisyphean process of listing my collection right here, on this very site -- an endeavor which ought to keep me off the streets until sometime around next Christmas, give or take -- but, right off the top of my head, and in no particular order:

FAVORITE NOIR: "The Maltese Falcon," "Gaslight," "Nightmare Alley," "Night Has a Thousand Eyes," "A Double Life," "Night and the City" -- pretty much all of the usual suspects, really.

FAVORITE WESTERNS: "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" (all-time #1 favorite western flick -- how can you beat Wayne and Stewart, together?), "The Searchers," "Winchester '73," "Angel and the Badman," "The Great Silence," "Cemetery Without Crosses," etc., etc.

As we're now currently best friends, I feel newly comfortable in asking you to buy the next round.
Sorry for the late reply...Next round? what are you drinking? I see you've named some of my favorite films. I'm a huge fan of Nightmare Alley (the original that is) and The Maltese Falcon. I can't say if I've seen "Night Has a Thousand Eyes," or "A Double Life,". But I have seen "Night and the City" though it's been a long while since I watched that one. Heck most any classic noir is OK with me, just check out my top 10 movie profile.

"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" (all-time #1 favorite western flick -- how can you beat Wayne and Stewart, together?) By adding Lee Marvin!...Love that film. Same with "The Searchers," "Winchester '73," I'm a huge fan of Dan Duryea and Winchester '73 is one of his plumb roles. for Angel and the Badman with the lovely Gail Russell. I'm not much into spaghetti westerns so I haven't seen those.

Pauline Kael's Hideous Mutant Love CHUD
Sorry for the late reply...Next round? what are you drinking?

Well, you know the old saying: "In beer there is freedom, in wine there is health, in cognac there is power, and in water there is bacteria"... so, whatever isn't water.

Durable Dan Duryea is, for my money, one of the all-time great "lost" stars of '40s and '50s Hollywood: Oh, we film fanatics all still know of him, sure... but mention his name nowadays in a crowd otherwise, and you'll be lucky even to be get polite blinking, by way of response. "Black Angel," "Scarlet Street," "Night Passage," "The Burglar" -- any film was automatically improved by having him in it.

Spaghetti westerns definitely fall into the "mixed bag" category: for every "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" out there, there's a "Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe" standing coquettishly right alongside it. On the plus side, however: you'll discover God alone knows how many dozens of "new" Lee Van Cleef flicks you'd never even suspected existed -- always an intriguing prospect, for we western fans. (... and, oh, the bevy of Italian curse words you'll pick up, as a side bonus...!)

O-ho just imagine him having a conversation with @Corax and @crumbsroom.

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.