Was Goodfellas Successful


Registered User
I know Goodfellas has been a big hit on dvd but how much did it gross at the cinema, and was it a big success.

I am having a nervous breakdance
wait a minute... haven't we had this topic before?
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Registered User
Originally Posted by Piddzilla
wait a minute... haven't we had this topic before?
Sorry I'm new here so i didn't know, and thanks for the information.

What is really needed is a Special Edition release of Goodfellas, or at the very least a one-sided release of it

Registered User
Well if it made that much i suppose its succesful.

Originally Posted by Philmster
What is really needed is a Special Edition release of Goodfellas, or at the very least a one-sided release of it
Yeah, those things aggravate me because I never look and always start the last half of the movie first.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Philmster
What is really needed is a Special Edition release of Goodfellas, or at the very least a one-sided release of it

Yes! I refuse to buy the two sided version, what were they thinking???

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I think it was one of the first DVDs released.....well, they really have no excuse !

Registered User
If a special release of Goodfellas came out, the one thing I'd love to see on it is deleted scenes.