Why do you love big-budget movies?


I'm a big fan of high-budget movies and today I want to talk about why I love blockbusters so much.

For me it's a combination of several things:
  • Special effects nowadays are amazing and stimulates my brain. You can't see the difference between what's real and what's not. They enroll you in a new adventure for 2 hours, that's so exciting!
  • Amazing music and soundtracks. We often forget this part in movies but they play an essential role in bringing emotional state when watching a movie (excitement, fear, happiness, sadness) etc.
  • Actors: you can't get really good actors without money.
  • Details: costumes, scenes, objects, camera effects. The devil is in the details. I also add some spicy dialogs and tones of actors here. Can make the difference between a good movie and a bad one.

My overall sentiment is that these movies make me live some great adventures while seating comfortably in my chair!

And you? Why do you love blockbusters?

I've come to really enjoy good blockbusters this last year. I'm basically quoting an earlier post I made today (I literally went to find that post so I could copy what I said, hahahguirhepguh), but at their best blockbusters combine genuinely great entertainment with loads of heart and substance.

Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park. That's why. When done well, it's a theme park experience you can have sitting on your rump.

I loved the joke about Bob Holness :-D. This show was also available in the US according to wikipedia.

Yes Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park. Great blockbusters!

Damned, this show was seriously popular if you immediately thought about it!

I tried to rename the post to "Why do you love blockbusters movies?" but I can't do it. I tried to move the thread and just rename it but it doesn't work: I can't move the thread in the same forum with a new name. Any suggestion?

Damned, this show was seriously popular if you immediately thought about it!

I tried to rename the post to "Why do you love blockbusters movies?" but I can't do it. I tried to move the thread and just rename it but it doesn't work: I can't move the thread in the same forum with a new name. Any suggestion?
I haven't a clue! Would be interesting to see how many more members make the same mistake as i did though. Blockbusters was very popular

Oh god... Seriously? :-D. This company has been killed by Netflix...

And I bet it seemed such a simple, innocuous question at the time ....

Ask a mod or Yoda to change the title for you ..... and maybe you might want to consider using the term 'big budget' in that title rather than 'blockbuster'

At first, I thought this was about the old BlockbusterVideo stores and you were an employee trying do drum up business

Our former Blockbusters is now a massive Shoe Shop😃

Our former Blockbusters is now a massive Shoe Shop😃
Is there really that much call for massive shoes in the Pool?

@Yoda, can you rename this thread to "Why do you love big-budget movies?".

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I like a film because it's good, sometimes those films also happen to be blockbusters.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
I just love good movies. If it's a giant blockbuster and it's well made, I will probably love it, regardless of hype. Same thing with smaller movies.

Actors: you can't get really good actors without money.
Because I can't let anything pass without some small argument -
There are fantastic actors who don't make big Hollywood coin. Blockbusters tend to employ the most famous actors, not necessarily the good ones because the famous ones are more $ure to draw a crowd. Have to pay those production costs somehow.

But yeah, brain candy and big explosions are hard to beat sometimes.