See who repped you from each post


Minor feature addition: now, you can click on the rep on your posts to bring up a list of who repped it. This was suggested a long ways back, and it's been on my to-do list for awhile, but obviously bigger things have taken precedence. But someone else (@Joel) mentioned it again earlier today, so I thought, hey, why not just do it.

Couple quick notes:

1) Obviously, it only works on your posts.

2) It will mark all the rep on that post as "viewed" for notification purposes. It gets pretty involved to try to figure out whether to clear the red notification badge instantly when you do this, but I think on any new page load, it should work.

3) Just available on the desktop site, at least for now.

Also, obviously I threw this together quicker than usual, so higher-than-average chance of finding some stray bugs. Just let me know if you run into any issues.

Yeah, I want to know who raped me, THE BASTARDS!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Everyone rep this post as a test.
I'm not repping that post, and if you dont reply I'm going to go all millennial.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Whatchoomean, Yoda? I could always see who repped my posts...unless I'm confusing what you're talking about with another feature?
I rep that. I could always see it as well. I no understandy

Whatchoomean, Yoda? I could always see who repped my posts...unless I'm confusing what you're talking about with another feature?
There. I repped you.

Now click the red rep flag in the corner of your post and watch the magic happen!

Didn't this feature exist before but you could see who repped EVERY post?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Didn't this feature exist before but you could see who repped EVERY post?
I actually really liked that. Got to go back, see some detailed info on the reps and whatnot. Got to see my most repped post and stuff too.

Back when we had the light-sabers of green.

Didn't this feature exist before but you could see who repped EVERY post?
I don't think so. There was a page that showed the most-repped posts over various time periods, but I don't think it showed everybody who repped it. But I might be misremembering.

I think it was the other way around, actually, where initially rep was private even from the person who received it. And we decided to let them start to, but to continue to hide those made before, to be fair to people who made them while they were still anonymous.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I don't think so. There was a page that showed the most-repped posts over various time periods, but I don't think it showed everybody who repped it. But I might be misremembering.

I think it was the other way around, actually, where initially rep was private even from the person who received it. And we decided to let them start to, but to continue to hide those made before, to be fair to people who made them while they were still anonymous.
I feel old remembering the anonymous reps.

Minor feature addition: now, you can click on the rep on your posts to bring up a list of who repped it. This was suggested a long ways back, and it's been on my to-do list for awhile, but obviously bigger things have taken precedence. But someone else (@Joel) mentioned it again earlier today, so I thought, hey, why not just do it.

Couple quick notes:

1) Obviously, it only works on your posts.

2) It will mark all the rep on that post as "viewed" for notification purposes. It gets pretty involved to try to figure out whether to clear the red notification badge instantly when you do this, but I think on any new page load, it should work.

3) Just available on the desktop site, at least for now.
Awesome, dude! Your site now officially destroys FB..except for cat pictures and angry passive aggressive meme's..but at least I can choose now by category!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Awesome, dude! Your site now officially destroys FB..except for cat pictures and angry passive aggressive meme's..but at least I can choose now by category!

And food instagramy thingies.

I'd rather be able to see who repped other people so when i'm arguing with someone and they get a rep i can check who it is and know that they are now my mortal enemy.

I'd rather be able to see who repped other people so when i'm arguing with someone and they get a rep i can check who it is and know that they are now my mortal enemy.
This. This has always been in my idea box.

Whatchoomean, Yoda? I could always see who repped my posts...unless I'm confusing what you're talking about with another feature?
There. I repped you.

Now click the red rep flag in the corner of your post and watch the magic happen!
On mobile, nothing. Just the +1. I kow 2 weeks ago on the PC, if I hovered the mouse over the +, it would show me who gave rep.

Yeah, it's not available on mobile (yet):

3) Just available on the desktop site, at least for now.
But this...
I kow 2 weeks ago on the PC, if I hovered the mouse over the +, it would show me who gave rep.
...must be a misunderstanding, because this wasn't possible a couple of weeks ago, on desktop or mobile.