Hey! It's Me!


Hi, I'm DrSoup007.

I've been writing reviews using the Letterboxd service for about a year now and I'd like to branch out into movie discussion. What better a way to do that then using the first thing that pops up when I type "movie forum" into Google. Hopefully you guys will be kind and accepting of me, cause I love rambling on about movies. I can be slightly opinionated but always open to hear what other people have to think. I'm single and sexy, and now if you're done reading my dating profile, I'd like to get to some forum browsing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hey Dr. Soup, Welcome to MoFo!

You'll find this is a great place to be! and unlike IMDB which has a bunch of blubbering idiots yelling at each other, we're like a big happy family. OK, maybe a little dysfunctional at times, but a family non the less

for 12 Angry Men and Stand By Me.

So obviously, the question we all have for you, DrSoup007, is how long it took you to get your doctorate from the Espionage Culinary Academy.

So obviously, the question we all have for you, DrSoup007, is how long it took you to get your doctorate from the Espionage Culinary Academy.
Far too long if I should say. Though I'm unsure if disclosing any information will put me on the watch list, I'll just quote something from my baking teacher who was eaten by a shark a few weeks after I enrolled.
Originally Posted by Professor Wessel
You better learn how to make a damn good flambeau

I can't say I've ever seen a sexy 15 year old, but if you say so.

Welcome to the forum. Oh and for your #1 movie.
You didn't fancy anyone of that age when you were younger?

You didn't fancy anyone of that age when you were younger?
Of course I did. But "sexy" is not the word I would've used for my teenage crushes even back then. I described them as "cute." Sexy is a word I've always reserved for men, not boys.